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COURSES & PROGRAMS: FAQs & Troubleshooting

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Course or Program Isn’t Appearing in Catalog
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Where do the display name, short description, and full description come from for programs?


The answer to this depends on whether you have a Contemporary or Standard Catalog. 


Program has 3 fields on the program record that are used for the catalog display. These are: 

  • catalogDisplayName (displayed at the top of the page; if no name is found here, it resolves to programLongName)

  • catalogShoreDescription (displayed if it exists)

  • catalogFullDescription (displayed if it exists)

All three of these are managed on the program record in Curriculum (added via Curriculum > Settings > Program Templates). Anything further needs to be added with the catalog page template. 


For program titles on catalog pages, it will be one of the following in the order listed below (i.e. if the prior one doesn’t exist, it proceeds to the next). 

  • transcriptDescription

  • longName

  • Name

If none of the three options are found, it displays “Untitled Program”. 

If a customer changes a course or program in Curriculum, will those changes automatically appear in the Catalog? 

  • This question/answer only applies to those Catalog customers who are also leveraging our Curriculum Management app. 

  • That being said, the answer still depends on a few different variables. Namely: What filters/criteria were used to pull data into Catalog (e.g. “All” or “Courses Effective [Term]”), and is effective dating applicable? 

  • Depending on those variables, the answer could be:

    • If all Curriculum data is pulled into Catalog and there are no effective revisions, any change to a course or program that is approved will automatically reflect in the catalog.

    • If specific Curriculum entities are pulled into the catalog based on their effective date and a proposed change carries with it an effective date within the range of the catalog, it will be shown once approved.

    • If specific Curriculum entities are pulled into the catalog based on their effective date and a proposed change carries with it an effective date that is outside the range/dates of the catalog, then no – those changes will NOT appear in the Catalog.

How can I get images onto the program page?

Use Case

You want to add photos to your Catalog that represent different programs. 


How to Do It (Overview)

To Add Photos One-by-One for Programs

The ability to add program images to catalog pages resides in Curriculum Management. 


Step 1: Follow this path: Curriculum Management > Settings > Program Template


Step 2: Make sure “Catalog Image” is already part of your program template. If it is, skip to step five. If it isn’t, process to step three.


Step 3: Select “Program Template Fields”. 


Step 4: Drag and drop “Catalog Image” onto your template.


Step 5: Follow this path, select “Add Image”, and follow the on-screen prompts: Curriculum Management > Programs > [Select Program ] > Edit Program

To Add Photos En Masse

Work with your Coursedog team to have photos added in bulk for multiple programs. 


Course or Program Isn’t Appearing in Catalog

Problem Overview | Explanation | Solution

Problem Overview

Some course or program titles aren’t appearing in your catalog. 


Whenever this happens, the culprit is usually one of three things: Effective Dating, the “Enable Effective End Date Filters” setting, and/or Catalog Filters.


Check Effective Dating | Check “Enable Effective End Date Filters” Setting | Check Catalog Filters

Check Effective Dating


  • The Course or Program’s Effective Start Date needs to be on or before the Effective Start Date for the Catalog.

  • For example, if the Effective Start Date of your Program is August 15, 2023 but the Effective Start Date of your Catalog is August 1, 2023, then the Program will not populate in the Catalog.

How to Check Effective Start Dates

  1. Check the Catalog’s Effective Start Date at Catalog > Settings > Catalogs > (Click to Open Relevant Catalog).

  1. Check the Course or Program’s Effective Start Date at Curriculum > Courses/Programs > Click to Open Relevant Course/Program.

Additional Note

  • If your school has “Enable Effective End Date Filters” set to “Yes” (not common), you will also want to check the Effective End Dates for your Catalog and Course or Program. 

  • The Course/Program’s effective start date will need to be on or before the effective start date of the Catalog’s, AND the Course/Program’s effective end date will need to be on or before the effective end date of the catalog in order for it to appear. 

  • For example, if the Effective End Date of your Course/Program is January 1, 2024, but the Effective End Date of your Catalog is December 15, 2023 – and your school has enabled Effective End Date Filters – then the Course/Program will not populate in the Catalog

Check “Enable Effective End Date Filters” Setting

  1. Navigate to Admin Panel > Product Settings > Cross-Product Settings

  2. Make sure “Enable Effective End Date Filters” is set to “No”, unless it is needed for your business process.

    1. We recommend only enabling effective end dates if your business process dictates there should not be revisions of any Curriculum entities, or if revisions must be created as new entities.

    2. This means if, for example, a course ends AFTER a program, the course will not be available to that program. This is by design in order to prevent a program from having a course requirement that goes beyond the program’s end date. Learn more about Effective End Date Filters

Check Catalog Filters

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Settings > Catalogs > Edit Filters

  2. Check the Course and Program Filters applied to make sure the relevant data point is included.

    1. Check to make sure that the filters are properly applied to relevant data points.

    2. Check to make sure that the text matches exactly (including Capitalization and Spaces)

    3. Check to make sure that AND/OR logic is applied correctly.

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