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REPORTS: Exporting Reports

Table of Contents

Course List
Course Sections List
Course Section List (Expanded)
Section Credit Comparisons
New Course Sections List
Course and Sections Mismatch List
Deleted Course Sections List
Sections History Report
Instructors List
Instructor Assignments List
Rooms List
Room Utilization List
Users List
Users Activity
Active Rooms List
Room Assignments List
Room Availability Report
Prime Time Meeting Patterns
Departments List
Room Daily Chart
Conflicts List
Room Bottleneck List
Relationships List
Deleted Requests List
Filtering Exports by Term/Department
Sections Out of Sync with SIS CSV
Related Articles


 PATH: Academic Scheduling > Reports > Export

  • Our reports dashboard includes 24 easy-to-download reports that simplify sharing with key stakeholders across campus. Many come in handy with future planning and cross-checking, too. 

  • Before downloading a report, ensure the Term and Department dropdowns at the top of the page reflect your needs. 

Course List


This report is a CSV file containing all courses active in Scheduling for the selected term.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Especially useful for schools that require permanent course numbers for experimental offerings (special topics) courses after X numbers of semesters offered.

  • Makes it easy for Deans and other campus leadership to review courses without needing to log into Coursedog.


Included Fields

Course Id | Code | Subject Code | Course Number | Name | Long Name

Description | Departments | Status | Notes | Attributes


Course Sections List


This report is a CSV file containing all course sections in the Coursedog system for the given term.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • This can be helpful in terms of change management, as many end users use a spreadsheet similar to this before switching to making changes via the Section Dashboard. 

  • Makes it easy for Deans and other campus leadership to review courses without needing to log into Coursedog.

  • Note: The column labels for the Reserve Capacity and Note list fields have "Reserve Capacity" and "Notes List" appended to the front of the label, respectively. The exam meeting column labels are additionally hardcoded to ensure these labels don't conflict with the labels for regular meeting times.

  • If a custom field is added to the Section Template, this custom field should display as a column in this report. However, reference value fields added to the Section Template will not display in this report.


Included Fields

Section ID  | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours

Minimum Credit Hours | Maximum Credit Hours  | Contract Hours

Billing Hours | Lecture Hours | Lab Hours | Other Hours | Instructors

Professor Roles | Day/Time | Room Name  - Room Capacity | Preferred Room Capacity | Location | Minimum Enrollment | Drop Consent | Blind Grading | Instructor Edit | Course Count | Requirement Designation | Class Association Requisites | Notes: Sequence Number | Notes: Print Location | Notes: Even if Class Not in Schedule | Notes: Note Number | Notes: Free Format Text | Reserve Capacity: Sequence Number | Reserve Capacity: Start Date | Reserve Capacity: Enrollment Capacity | Reserve Capacity: Requirement Group | Course Materials | Exam Meetings Type | Exam Meetings Combined Exam | Exam Meetings Seat Spacing | Exam Meetings Date | Exam Meetings Start Time | Exam Meetings End Time | Exam Meetings Room


Course Section List (Expanded)


This report is analogous to the Course Section List report, with a few key differences:

  • Once generated, this report will be sent to your email rather than being downloaded right away, due to its size. 

  • It breaks out sections with more than one meeting into multiple lines.

  • It splits up each instructor into a unique column, with additional columns for the following details: Instructor Name, Instructor Role, Instructor % Responsibility, Instructor Email (should be the Coursedog email associated with that instructor), and Instructor Ignore Double Bookings.

  • It has columns for “Meeting Start Date” and “Meeting End Date” to display the specific dates for the meeting line.

  • When a “Day” and/or “Room” is TBA, “TBA” is displayed in the applicable cell.

  • When a “Day” and/or “Time” is blank, “No Days” and/or “No Times” is displayed in the applicable cell.

  • “Day/Time” is separated into 3 distinct columns: Days, Start Time, and End Time.

  • “Relationship Name” and “Combined Max Enrollment” are displayed for any sections in a relationship.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • This can be helpful in terms of change management, as many end users use a spreadsheet similar to this before switching to making changes via the Section Dashboard. 

  • Makes it easy for Deans and other campus leadership to review courses and meeting times without needing to log into Coursedog.

  • The column labels for the Reserve Capacity and Note list fields have "Reserve Capacity" and "Notes List" appended to the front of the label, respectively. The exam meeting column labels are additionally hardcoded to ensure these labels don't conflict with the labels for regular meeting times.

  • If a custom field is added to the Section Template, this custom field should display as a column in this report. However, reference value fields added to the Section Template will not display in this report.

Included Fields

Section ID | Course Code | Course Name | Section Number| CRN

Section Type | Department | Credit Hours | Minimum Credit Hours

Maximum Credit Hours | Contact Hours | Billing Hours | Lecture Hours

Lab Hours | Other Hours | Room Name | Room Capacity | Enrollment Capacity

Actual Enrollment | Waitlist | Capacity | Actual Waitlist | Schedule Print

Part Of Term | Start Date | End Date | Campus | Preferred Room Type
Instruction Mode | Grade Mode | Section Status | Special Approval

Preferred Building | Preferred Room Features | Section Notes | Section Attributes

Section Requirements/Restrictions are viewable in Banner SCARRES (Catalog Level) or SSARRES (Section Level) | Days | Meeting Start Time | Meeting End Time

Meeting Start Date | Meeting End Date | Instructor Ignore Double Bookings

Session Indicator | Combined Max Enrollment | Relationship Name | Instructor Name 1

Instructor Name 2  | Instructor Name 3 | Instructor Email 1 | Instructor Email 2

Instructor Email 3 | Instructor Role 1 | Instructor Role 2 | Instructor Role 3

Instructor % Responsibility 1 | Instructor % Responsibility 2 | Instructor % Responsibility 3  | Preferred Room Capacity | Location | Minimum Enrollment | Drop Consent | Blind Grading | Instructor Edit | Course Count | Requirement Designation | Class Association Requisites | Notes: Sequence Number | Notes: Print Location | Notes: Even if Class Not in Schedule | Notes: Note Number | Notes: Free Format Text | Reserve Capacity: Sequence Number | Reserve Capacity: Start Date | Reserve Capacity: Enrollment Capacity | Reserve Capacity: Requirement Group | Course Materials | Exam Meetings Type | Exam Meetings Combined Exam | Exam Meetings Seat Spacing | Exam Meetings Date | Exam Meetings Start Time | Exam Meetings End Time | Exam Meetings Room


Section Credit Comparisons


This report is a CSV file that lists the credits of each section, as well as any min/max range specified on the section's course.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • If specifically interested in credit comparisons, this report simplifies sharing that information with campus leadership without Coursedog log-in.

  • Can also help catch disparities between what's approved and what's reflected in the User Interface.


Included Fields

Course ID | Section ID | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours

Minimum Credit Hours | Maximum Credit Hours | Contact Hours

Minimum Contact Hours | Maximum Contact Hours | Billing Hours

Minimum Billing Hours | Maximum Billing Hours | Lecture Hours

Minimum Lecture Hours | Maximum Lecture Hours | Lab Hours

Minimum Lab Hours | Maximum Lab Hours | Other Hours | Minimum Other Hours

Maximum Other Hours


New Course Sections List


This report is a CSV file containing all sections created within the Coursedog system.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Useful if you want to review all sections added in Coursedog versus your SIS.

  • You can use it to spot check/confirm all data is syncing properly in your SIS.


Included Fields

Section ID | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Minimum Credit Hours

Maximum Credit Hours | Contact Hours | Billing Hours | Lecture Hours | Lab Hours

Other Hours | Instructor/s | Professor Roles | Day/Time | Room Name

Room Capacity


Course and Sections Mismatch List


This report is a CSV file containing mismatches between section data and course data.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Useful if you want to compare what's offered in each section against what's approved.

  • This report compares section data to the data of its parent course and determines if there are any mismatches in the following fields: Section Type / Component, Topic, Grade Mode / Grading Basis, Attributes, Credit Hours, Contact Hours, Blind Grading, and Effective Start Date. NOTE: effectiveStartDate is stored in the course object when courses are merged through an integration as well as when schedulers "add from Curriculum Inventory". This course effective date value can be added as a read-only or reference field to the section template for comparison in API queries and reports.

  • If your school does not use one or any of the fields listed above, the report might not work for your use case.


Included Fields

Course Code | Course Name | Section Number | CRN | Section Type

Course Section Type | Section Type Mismatch | Grade Mode | Course Grade Mode 

Grade Mode Mismatch | Topic | Course | Mismatch | Section Attributes

Course Attributes | Section Attributes Mismatch | Credit Hours

Course Min Credit Hours | Course Max Credit Hours | Credit Hours Mismatch

Contact Hours | Course Contact Hours | Contact Hours Mismatch | Blind Grading

Course | Mismatch


Deleted Course Sections List


This report is a CSV file containing all sections deleted within the Coursedog system.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Ensure no sections have been deleted that shouldn't have been deleted.

  • Ensure sections that should have been deleted have been deleted.

  • Aids in troubleshooting when a course has been deleted.

  • If a section is created in Coursedog and synced to the SIS, it will show up in this report, with the author as "$integration". This is because we must deprecate the Coursedog section and replace it with the SIS section, which is the same operation as a "delete and replace", so such a section shows up in the deleted sections report. 


Included Fields

Course ID | Course Code | Deleted By | Deleted At | Course Name

Credit Hours | Minimum Credit Hours | Maximum Credit Hours | Instructor/s

Professor Roles | Day/Time | Room Name | Room Capacity


Sections History Report


  • This report is a CSV file containing all changes that have been made to sections.

  • This report returns a maximum of 10,000 rows; if you need more, reach out to Coursedog, and we can generate a one-time report for you. 

  • Two of the possible values in the “Change” column include (but are not limited to) “Delete” and “Change”.

    • “Delete” indicates the entire entity was removed. 

    • “Change” indicates a portion of the entity was removed.

    • Here are a couple examples: 

      • If a room is removed from the Meeting Patterns & Rooms card, that will appear as “Change” in the report because the room value is only a portion of the Meeting Pattern & Location. 

      • If you remove an entire Meeting Pattern & Location, “Delete” will appear in the report. 


Use Case / Additional Details

Helps you determine who made changes to sections (and when).


Included Fields

Course Code | Section Number | Call Number | Author | Version Number

Time | Change | Field | Old | New


Instructors List


This report is a CSV file containing all instructors, regardless of Status or Department.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Make sure your instructor roster is reflected in Coursedog (and inactive instructors are labeled as such).

  • Useful for inventory purposes.

  • Helpful as a starting point if you want to do a CSV upload of any instructor preferences.

  • Helpful to review instructor-approved course assignments.


Included Fields

Instructor ID | First Name | Last Name | Email | Departments

Status | Effective Start Date | Effective End Date | Type | Approved Courses

Instructor Assignments List


This report is a CSV file containing each instructor meeting assignment along with data from the associated meetings and sections. 


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Helps you see who is assigned to which classes and which meeting patterns.

  • If an instructor is assigned to multiple meetings in a section, each meeting assignment will be a separate row in the report

  • This is especially helpful for a Dean or Department Chair.

  • The report will only list meeting patterns inline with an instructor if they are associated with the relevant section and assigned to that instructor.

  • If you select a Department on the top filters in Reports > Exports to view a department-specific iteration of the report, the report will query the departments set for each instructor on their Instructor Profile rather than the sections/courses they are assigned to teach. 


Included Fields

Instructor ID | Instructor Name | Course Code | Course Name | Course Departments | Section Number | Class Number | Day/Time | Room | Meeting Pattern Start Date | Meeting Pattern End Date | Freeform Topic | Workload | Assign Type | Credit Hours


Rooms List


This report is a CSV file containing all rooms.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Great if you need a snapshot of your room inventory.

  • A helpful starting point for a CSV upload for rooms.


Included Fields

Room ID | Name | Building | Type | Departments | Capacity

Features | Campus | Effective Start Date | Effective End Date

Status | Blocked Out Times | Online Room | Exclude From Optimizer

Hide in Scheduling | Hide in Events | Attributes | Notes


Room Utilization List


This report is a CSV file containing utilization data of all rooms.


Use Case / Additional Details

Especially useful for facilities management and scheduling offices when they want to see how rooms are being used.


Included Fields

Room Name | Room Type | Capacity | Number of Sections

Average Seat Utilization | Average Usage


Users List


This report is a CSV file containing all users.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Great if you need a snapshot of your users.

  • Helps with assigning roles/departments to users.


Included Fields

First Name | Last Name | Email | Roles | Departments

Secondary Departments | Phone | Institution ID | Last Access


Users Activity


  • This report is a CSV file containing a list of all user activity.

  • This report is not term specific.

  • This report returns a maximum of 30,000 items. If more are needed, please contact Coursedog.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • This report helps you see how folks at your institution are interacting with Coursedog.

  • The "Edit Course (Scheduling)" Activity can be triggered by directly editing a course in Scheduling, or adding a course from the inventory into Scheduling.


Included Fields

User ID | User Name | Action | Item Name | Timestamp


Active Rooms List


This report is a CSV file containing all rooms that are active for the current term.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Helps you see how rooms are being used.

  • A fast way to see which rooms are listed as active (and easily share the list with anyone on campus). 

  • Especially useful for facilities management and scheduling offices.


Included Fields

Name | Building | Type | Departments | Capacity

Features | Blocked Out Times | Effective Start Date | Effective End Date

Status | Notes


Room Assignments List


This report is a CSV file containing the sections to which each room is assigned.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • See a schedule for each room and share it with key stakeholders.

  • Keep in mind that if you select a Department on the top filters in Reports > Exports to view a department-specific iteration of the report, the report will query the departments associated with the room, not the departments associated with the sections assigned to the room. As such, your Rooms would need to contain the Departments field in the Room Template (pictured below; you may find out more about Template Configuration here). Otherwise, the report would generate an empty CSV.


Included Fields

Room | Building | Course Code | Course Name | Section Number

Day/Time | Instructor/s | Effective Start Date | Effective End Date

Status | Notes 


Room Availability Report


This report is a CSV file listing each room and the times that it is available.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • An easy way to see at-a-glance which rooms are available and when.

  • Could be useful for assigning rooms. 

  • This report checks the “Room Blocked Out Time” but does not check “Building Blocked Out Times”.


Included Fields

Room | Building | Weekday | Availability | Effective Start Date

Effective End Date | Status | Notes


Prime Time Meeting Patterns


This report is a CSV file containing the percent of prime time meeting patterns assigned within each department.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Good for determining how frequently prime time meeting patterns are used. 

  • Can help you determine scheduling policy.


Included Fields

Department | Meetings in Prime Time (%)


Departments List


This report is a CSV file containing all departments.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Great if you need a snapshot of your institution’s departments.

  • Could be used as a starting point to add Coursedog field values.


Included Fields

Department ID | Name | Effective Start Date | Effective End Date


Room Daily Chart


This report is an XLSX file that lists every room and all sections assigned to each room for every day of the week, broken down into 15-minute increments.

Use Case / Additional Details

  • Helpful for seeing how rooms are being used weekly, broken down by day and time.

  • Some institutions reference this report to help them create a chart to post outside of a room. 

Included Fields



Conflicts List


  • This report is a CSV file that lists all conflicts detected in the current schedule.

  • The conflict list report does not contain any preference violations in the schedule.


Use Case / Additional Details

Seeing all of your conflicts (and conflict types) at-a-glance can help you look for patterns and identify ways to solve them. 


Included Fields

Course ID | Course Code | Course Name | Section ID | Section Number

Conflict | Conflict Type | Non Standard Meeting Pattern


Room Bottleneck List


This report is a CSV file that lists all room bottlenecks detected in the current schedule.


Use Case / Additional Details

Helps in future schedule planning (identify problem areas to resolve in future schedules).


Included Fields

Course Code | Section Number | Bottleneck


Relationships List


This report is a CSV file that lists all relationships among sections.


Use Case / Additional Details

  • Helpful for auditing/confirming relationships have been set up properly. 

  • Relationships are often managed by multiple departments, so this is a good way to audit everything to ensure it’s set up properly.


Included Fields

Type | Relationship | Relationship Name | Sections | Notes | Last Edited By


Deleted Requests List


This report is a CSV file that lists all requests that have been deleted.


Use Case / Additional Details

This could prove helpful if a user were to delete a request by mistake. It would give the basic information (who, what, when) so other users could more easily recover/recreate the mistakenly deleted request.


Included Fields

Title | Author | Submitted At | Deleted At | Type | Status


Filtering Exports by Term/Department

  • When you select a department from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen, some exported reports will indeed focus on that department. However, not all available reports are impacted by that filter. In which case, some reports will include information for other departments as well.

  • Custom/advanced filters do not apply to CSV reports.

  • If a term is set as “historic”, then it will not be included as an available term to filter.

Filtered by Term and/or Department
Filtered by Term Only
Filtered by Department Only
Not Filtered by Term and/or Department
Course ListInstructors ListRooms List (Filtered by Department specified on the Room record)Room Utilization List
Course Sections ListInstructor Assignments List
Users List
Section Credit ComparisonsActive Rooms List
Users Activity
New Course Sections ListRoom Assignments List
Room Availability Report
Course and Sections Mismatch ListRoom Daily Chart
Prime Time Meeting Patterns
Deleted Course Sections List

Sections History Report

Deleted Requests List
Conflicts List

Relationships List

Sections Out of Sync with SIS CSV


  • This report identifies differences between the Coursedog sections data and the SIS sections data from the last nightly merge.

  • Updates sent to the SIS during the nightly merge will take 24 hours to reflect in this report.

  • This report returns a maximum of 10,000 items.

Use Case / Additional Details

Use this to see all of your sections where Coursedog data and SIS data aren’t matching up.

Included Fields

Coursedog ID | SIS ID | Bottleneck | Course Code | Course Name | Section Number | Call Number | Number of Out of Sync Fields | Field | Coursedog Value | SIS Value | Last Synced At

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