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Coursedog Glossary & International Naming Conventions

Table of Contents

Using this Glossary for Global Audiences
Approval Workflow
Credit(s)/Credit Hours
Curriculum Management
Logic Jump
Meeting Pattern
Preference Forms
Role-Based Access Control

Section Editor


  • This glossary is designed to provide a high-level definition of key terms throughout our platform as well as to serve as a terminology reference for institutions outside of the US. 

  • Terms listed here are further defined in related articles, some of which we link to below.

Using this Glossary for Global Audiences

  • Coursedog supports institutions across the globe. Given the regionally-specific nature of educational terms, this glossary can help global audiences find the articles you’re looking for. 

  • If you’re looking for something you can’t find here or elsewhere in our Knowledge Base, please reach out to your Customer Success representative (Project Manager or CSM) for guidance; in addition to helping you find what you’re looking for, they’ll work with our User Education team to add relevant terms to this glossary.

  • This glossary is a standardized guide, but these adjustments are made in concert with your project manager during implementation. If your institution uses alternative terms, Coursedog might be able to make bespoke adjustments.

  • Updated terms do not apply to the Admin Dashboard in Coursedog, in order to more rapidly facilitate integration support. 


Coursedog Term

Australian Term




Classes which cannot be taken together, either in parallel or sequentially. E.g., if you take LAT100: Explorations of Rome, you cannot also earn credit by taking HIST105: Exploring Ancient Rome. 

Approval Workflow

  • A list of steps, each with its own rules and participants, used to approve requests within Coursedog.

  • You can use this to define where you want the information to flow, who should approve or see that information, and how folks are informed of decisions regarding that information. 


Coursedog Term

Australian Term



A visualization of the class or event schedule that allows one to see its distribution across the day/week/month/other units of time. 



  • A class or unit of teaching that typically lasts one academic term, is led by one or more instructors, and has a fixed roster of students. 

  • A course is usually an individual subject, e.g., Chemistry 101, Ceramics 500, BIO 100 - Introduction to Biology.

  • This is different from a section, defined later in this document.

Credit(s)/Credit Hours

Credit Points

Used to track the “amount” of learning in a course/unit. E.g., If you complete Chemistry 101, you will earn 3 credits. 

Curriculum Management

The process of updating courses, degree programs, and other curricular content (and the name of the Coursedog product with which you can accomplish these objectives). 


Coursedog Term

Australian Term



Refers to everybody who teaches at a university, with jobs that are on contract, full time, TA or part-time/adjunct. 


Coursedog Term

Australian Term


Logic Jump

Conditions that can be used to dynamically change the path of a request.


Coursedog Term

Australian Term


Meeting Pattern

A specific combination of meeting times and days that may be assigned to an academic course section offering.


Coursedog Term

Australian Term


Preference Forms

Preference forms are used to gather time, room, or other preferences from faculty or staff during scheduling. 



A route of study, e.g., B.S. in Chemistry, minor in Art, major in Latin. 


Coursedog Term

Australian Term



  • A request is an action that has been taken in the system that another user needs to review for approval.

  • Also called “proposals” in Curriculum.

Role-Based Access Control

The concept that a user's access and experience within the application is defined by their role. Coursedog provides predefined roles such as Instructor, Staff, and Department Scheduler. Institutions can tailor these roles to their practices or create new ones.


Coursedog Term

Australian Term



  • A particular instance of a course offered within an academic term. 

  • A course may have one or more sections offered. 

  • Each section offering is unique as it combines a course, instructor assignment, resources like rooms, and schedule details. 

  • For example, BIO 100 - Introduction to Biology Section 001 that meets MWF 8AM in Room A. 

  • This is different from a course, defined earlier in this document.

Section Dashboard

  • The area in the UI where you can view your sections. 

  • If you click on a section in the Section Dashboard, that will open the “section editing modal”. 

  • Users with applicable permissions can edit section details, add sections, etc. within the Dashboard.  


  • The individual blocks within a workflow, where participants can take actions on requests. 

  • Each card in the below screenshot is a step.

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