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In-App Help

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Self Help Widget
Help Center
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  • Our products include tooltips in those places where users have historically asked the most questions.

  • Each tooltip is denoted by an “i” icon. The below screenshot, for example, shows five “i” icons on the Requests Dashboard in Academic Scheduling. 

Using Tooltips

  • To see the content of a tooltip, simply hover over it – no clicking required.

  • Each tooltip includes guidance on the feature it’s anchored to.

  • Most but not all tooltips also link out to relevant documentation. In the below screenshot, for example, clicking “here” in “Learn more here” will open a help center article in a pop-up window.

  • Pop-up windows can be moved and/or re-sized – whatever works best for you.



Self Help Widget

Overview | Opening the Widget | When No AI Summary is Available
Improving AI Responses | Moving the Widget | No Results Found


  • This widget contains all articles, videos, and flows relevant to whichever product you’re in, following a similar folder structure to what you see in our Knowledge Base. 

  • It also contains an AI feature that’s integrated with our Knowledge Base to help you find the right article, faster. 

Opening the Widget

Simply click to open. 

Finding the Right Article

  • You can click through to find the article you need, but the fastest way to an answer is to input a question (e.g. What’s the difference between static and dynamic course sets?)  into the search bar. 

  • An AI “QuickRead” feature will quickly scan our Knowledge Base and, whenever possible, summarize an answer for you. The source(s) for that summary will be listed under “Sources”. 

  • Additional related articles will appear under “Other Results”. 

When No AI Summary is Available

  • QuickRead isn’t always able to provide a summary.

    • In those instances, it will still point you toward the article(s) that are the closest match, provided one exists.

    • Those results will be housed under “Other results” (see screenshot below). 

  • Generally speaking, the best way to get an answer is to ensure the input was formulated as a question (e.g. “What are logic jumps?”). However, if AI is unable to generate a summary based on your question, you can sometimes play around with the format and phrasing to net a more helpful response (e.g. “logic jumps”). 

Improving AI Responses

  • We can help AI-generated summaries improve with time by letting AI know when a response was or was not helpful. 

  • Offer a thumbs up or thumbs down vote whenever possible under “Was this helpful?”. 

  • If giving a thumbs down, please also provide additional feedback. 

Moving the Widget

  • If the widget is blocking any page content, you can move it around. 

  • Click the widget and start to drag it to see all possible locations. 

No Results Found

In the rare event that there are zero article matches, you’ll have the option to contact support. 


Overview | Activating Flows | Available Flows


  • Flows, also known as “walk-throughs”, walk you step-by-step through various processes. Each step contains a tooltip that explains what you need to do to complete that step.

  • Optional steps will be labeled as such, along with directions on how to skip. 

  • When your flow is on a longer page with a scrollbar, you will need to scroll down to continue to see subsequent steps.

  • Which flow step you start on will depend on where you are when you activate it. 


Activating Flows 

Flows can be activated in two different ways: 


The first three times you complete an action related to the flow – selecting “+ Approval Workflow” in this example – that will trigger a pop-up that asks if you’d like assistance with the process. If you don’t want help now but might in the future, click the “X” or “Skip”. If you’re an advanced user and don’t want to see the pop-up again, check the “Don’t show me again” box. 



OPTION B (In-App Guides Widget)

  • Flows will always be accessible via our “Self Help” widget – even if you clicked “Don’t show me again” on the pop-up. 

  • Keep in mind the relevant flow will only appear in the Self Help widget when you’re on a page for which a flow exists and you’ve clicked the triggering action. If there isn’t a flow for the page you’re on or you haven’t clicked the triggering action, the flow won’t appear in the widget. 

  • Once you click that action –  e.g. “+ Add Approval Workflow”, “+ Create Request”, “+ New Rule”, “+ Add Event Type”, and “+ Add Form” – the flow will appear in the widget. 

Available Flows

You can find a full list of flows available in-app here



  • Beacons are used to temporarily call out major platform enhancements.

  • They can take the appearance of a glowing dot or a word such as “NEW!”

How They Work

  • Whenever a beacon has been added to a page, it will appear the first three times a user visits that page.

  • Hover over it to view its content (generally, a brief explanation highlighting the change and linking to an article with more information). 

  • Click the beacon to make it disappear.

  • It should disappear for good after 3 interactions (including hover).

Help Center

On the top right of the User Interface, there is also a "HELP CENTER" link. When you select this, a new browser tab will open, and you will be directed to our support page, where you can search articles and open a support ticket.  


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