Table of Contents
Finding the Integrations Hub
Integration Health
Merge History
Global Settings
Field Settings
Package Management (Banner Direct In-House Integrations Only)
Execute Merge
Activity Log
Related Links
Access to the Integrations Hub is limited by default to the internal Coursedog team as well as Super Admin users.
The Integrations Hub will primarily be used for:
Integration error management
Executing merges (Ad hoc)
Adjusting merge / integration settings
Reviewing Merge History for integration issues
You can also check out the Integrations Hub webinar.
Finding the Integrations Hub
Simply log into Coursedog and click on the "Integrations Hub”.
Integration Health
Here you will see a complete list of all objects (sections, courses, etc.) that are currently in an error state.
By clicking “View Report Details”, you can view more detailed information.
In some cases, our AI Merge Error resolutions will outline steps to resolve the error.
Simply follow these instructions and you’ll be able to clear the error.
You can click to “Open section” right from this modal to make the necessary edits to your section.
In other cases, where we do not yet have an AI recommendation for the given error, we will simply present the raw error message from the SIS to the user.
If you are unable to determine the cause of the integration error, click “File a ticket” and you’ll be guided to open a Freshdesk ticket.
This will allow your Coursedog representative to see the exact merge error you’re running into.
Once you resolve an error and the successful sync has completed, the error will drop from your Integration Health screen.
Merge History
Overview | Adding Filters | To Resolve Merge Errors
Merge History lists all merge actions that have occurred between Coursedog and the SIS. This functionality is used by Admins and the Coursedog team to troubleshoot and validate merges.
Adding Filters
You can filter Merge History according to Merge Report ID, Merge Type, Execution Type, and Merge Status.
If the selected Merge Type is Sections or Relationships, two additional fields will appear: Term Code field followed by Entity ID (Screenshot 1 below).
If the selected Merge Type is Courses (CM) or Programs, one additional field will appear: Entity ID (Screenshot 2 below).
To Resolve Merge Errors
Global Settings
Global settings are applicable across all integrations for your school, such as which merge settings are active, whether nightly or real-time integrations should be run, connection information, and more.
Only Coursedog team members should modify these settings.
If you need any merge settings to be adjusted, please open a support ticket.
Field Settings
Overview | Overview Tab | Integration Attribute Mappings | Integration Filters | New Revision Behavior
All integration-related settings for each entity type are defined here.
When you arrive on the Field Settings tab, you will be able to see all of the merge types that are a part of your integration.
If you see a green “Enabled” on an entity, that means that integration is ON for that entity.
Do NOT adjust whether an integration type is enabled or disabled without speaking to your Coursedog team or opening a ticket.
When you click into an individual entity, you will see tabs for each integration configuration that may apply to this entity, for your integration. These possibilities are outlined below, starting with “Overview Tab”.
Overview Tab
This page controls many aspects of the specific settings related to this entity. These include:
How we resolve data conflicts with the SIS / Modify Source of Truth between Coursedog vs. SIS (it is recommended that you engage Coursedog Services/Support when making updates).
Term management (which terms are being integrated).
The following data have term-specific merge settings: Courses, Sections, Relationships, and Course Attributes.
By managing your phases in Academic Scheduling, you can add new terms to be integrated at the start of the new term, or remove older terms from integrating that are no longer relevant. Learn more about Preparing for a New Term.
Custom field management.
Go here for a breakdown of common merge types, and the products they’re used for.
Integration Attribute Mappings
These are all the mappings for any data source where the SIS stores it as a code (i.e. LEC), but it is presented in Coursedog as a description (i.e. Lecture).
The mappings for all users and roles are contained here, along with mappings for data elements that are not pragmatically retrieved via the integration.
Go here to see what will happen if you're missing an attribute mapping.
If the mappings ever update globally, they can be updated in the Central instance and be pushed to each campus.
If campuses need customizations to their mappings, this data can be edited in each Campus-specific Integration Hub.
Integration Filters
These are used to exclude data from the SIS that we don't want in Coursedog.
Both the Integration Attribute Mappings module and Integration Filters module are typically configured during onboarding.
Learn more in Integration Data Filters.
New Revision Behavior
Use this to select which Coursedog-owned fields to persist when a new course or program revision is created in your SIS.
Package Management (Banner Direct In-House Integrations Only)
Overview | Email Notifications | Checking Package Versions
This tab will only appear for Banner Direct In-House Integrations.
This tool makes it easy for Banner Direct (In-House) customers to update their Banner Direct packages.
Email notifications are sent automatically and packages can be securely accessed anytime directly through the Hub.
Email Notifications
All Banner Direct (In-House) users currently configured to receive Merge Notifications will also receive package update notifications.
Checking Package Versions
This Package Management tool shows the currently installed package version.
It also displays the latest package version with a download link, detailed release notes, and installation instructions.
Execute Merge
Overview | Key Points to Be Aware Of | How to Do It
This page is used regularly by Admins and the Coursedog team to bring data into Coursedog (GETs) and to push data back to the SIS (POSTs) ad hoc, as needed.
Key Points to Be Aware Of
If you don't see a merge report in the Merge History screen, then it's still running in the background and you must wait for it to complete prior to running another merge for the same data.
Do not run another merge for the same entity in the same term while an existing one is running. Overlapping merges may cause data anomalies.
Running a manual merge when users are actively scheduling could trigger a real-time update, resulting in either a duplicate operation or potentially even data loss (there’s a risk that whatever you created would disappear from Coursedog). To avoid this happening with any SIS, we advise against running manual merges when users are scheduling.
If a duplicate operation occurs, rest assured the data will be re-synced by the next nightly merge, so you would see the data in Coursedog and could adjust accordingly.
If what you created disappears from Coursedog, it will get pulled in on the next run but will be missing any Coursedog-only data.
How to Do It
Follow the below steps to execute a manual merge.
Step 1:
Navigate to Integrations Hub > Execute Merge.
Step 2:
Select the entity (e.g. Sections) from the “Select Type” dropdown menu and Term (e.g. Spring 2022) from the “Select Term” dropdown.
Click “EXECUTE”.
Step 3 (Optional): Navigate to the Merge History screen and verify that your merge completed.
Activity Log
Everything integration-related is captured here, including merge settings, attribute mappings, filters, and even templates.
You will be able to add a comment to any listed activity.
Similar to what you see in other products, you can determine what your users are able to see and do within the Integrations Hub.
A user’s role is determined by User profiles set within products. If a user is assigned more than one role, the higher level of access will be considered here.
Merge Notifications
Admins should subscribe to notifications and manage their merge errors proactively.
During the onboarding phase, the Coursedog team will usually be subscribed as well.
Legacy Admin Panel
Clicking this will take you to the “Admin Panel”.
The Admin Panel is where integrations used to be housed but is now where you go to control things such as Product Settings.