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REPORTS: Reports Dashboard Breakdown

Table of Contents

Filtering Reports
Overview Tab
Sections Tab
Conflicts Tab
Instructors Tab
Times Tab
Departments Tab
Rooms Tab
Bottlenecks Tab
Enrollment Tab
Export Tab
Integration Tab
Related Links


  • Coursedog provides a wide variety of out-of-the-box reports to help analyze sections, conflicts, instructors, times, departments, rooms, bottlenecks, enrollment, and integrations. 

  • Users can navigate between different reports on the left-hand side of the screen.

  • You can filter by term and department on any "Reports" tab (circled in the below screenshot), but note that historic terms will not be available for you to filter on.

  • This article breaks down what each report means; to learn more about how you can use them to optimize your schedule planning, go here.

Filtering Reports

Overview | How to Do It | Filtered View | Accessing a Saved View


  • You can filter by “term” and “department” at the top of the Reports page.

  • You can also create – and save – advanced filters for course, section, room, and instructor data.

  • When you apply term, department, and/or advanced filters, you can save all of those as a “Saved View” to easily access these views later. 

How to Do It

Step 1: 

  • If desired, select whichever term(s) or department(s) you’d like to filter for from the “Term” and “Department” dropdown menus.

  • Department Schedulers will only see their assigned department(s) in the "Department" dropdown menu; they will not see other departments, nor will they see the "All Departments" filter option.

Step 2: If you wish to filter on course, section, room, or instructor data, select “Filter”.

Step 3: Choose the element you want the filter for.

Step 4: Select “Add Filter” to start building your filter.

Step 5: 

  • Build your filter using logic statements.

  • Once you’ve finished one filter, you can click “add filter” to add more.

  • If you are done adding filters, click “Save As”.

  • Note if you click “apply filter” instead of “Save As”, that will save these filters but will not save your view – it will return you to the “Choose Filter” modal to add more filters based on the other available data objects (see “Additional Notes” below for direction on how to proceed if you choose this path).

Step 6: Name your filter and click “Save”.

Additional Notes

  • At any point in the process you can click “Save As”, and that will save every filter you’ve applied for each data object. 

  • After filters have been applied, you can also save the view by clicking “Saved Views” and then “Save Current View”. 

Filtered View

Once filters have been applied and saved, you will know you’re viewing a “filtered view” by the green box here on the right. 

Accessing a Saved View

Follow the below steps to access views you’ve previously saved.

Step 1: Click “Saved Views”.

Step 2: Select the view you wish to revisit.

Overview Tab

Courses (Term) | Instructors/Preferences | Schedule Daily Distribution | Current Trends

The “Overview” tab captures several insights: Courses, Instructors/Preferences, Schedule Daily Distribution, and Current Trends. 

Courses (Term)

The “Courses” card reflects the total number of available courses and sections for the selected term. 


This card indicates the total number of instructors for the selected term, as well as the number of instructors who have indicated preferences in their profile (if your school isn’t using preference forms, this number will always be “0”). 

Schedule Daily Distribution

  • This chart shows your seat utilization percentage for any given hour. 

  • Seat utilization indicates the ratio of enrolled students to seats in academic rooms at any given time.

  • This summarizes key trends for rooms, times, and preferences. 

  • Use this for an at-a-glance snapshot of areas you might want to investigate further for future schedule planning.

Sections Tab

Overview | Courses/Sections | Section Times | Section Rooms | Section Type
Preference Satisfaction | Max Enrollment Range | Sections Per Course | Preferences


  • The sections tab contains multiple reports that provide a birds-eye view of offered sections, their enrollments, and how well they satisfy preferences. 

  • The section type, max enrollment range, and sections per course graphs show a distribution of the sections offered at your institution where the height of the bars indicates the number of sections in the corresponding category.


The total number of available courses and sections for the selected term. 

Section Times

  • Indicates the number of sections that have been assigned a time as well as the number of sections that have designated a preferred time. 

  • If you notice you have considerably more sections than “section with times”, you might want to investigate (those sections likely need to have a time assigned).

Section Rooms

  • Indicates the number of sections that have been assigned a room (including online rooms) as well as the number of sections that have designated a preferred room. 

  • If you notice you have considerably more sections than “section with rooms”, you might want to investigate (those sections likely need to have a room assigned).

Section Type

Indicates the number of sections for any given section type (e.g. Lecture, lab, internship, etc.). 

Preference Satisfaction

  • The preference satisfaction graph shows you what percentage of your courses satisfy the various preferences that can be imposed upon them, including room preferences outlined on the Section Template as well as preferences submitted by faculty. 

  • If no preferences have been recorded, the graph will show 100% for preference satisfaction. 

Max Enrollment Range

  • Shows the number of sections that have designated a maximum enrollment, what the range is for that max.

  • In the below chart, for example, 0 sections haven’t designated a max enrollment; 742 have designated a max enrollment somewhere between 1-20; and 760 sections have designated a max enrollment of between 21-50. 

Sections Per Course

  • This chart gives you an idea of how many courses don’t have any sections; how many courses have 1 section; and so on. 

  • In the below example, over 2,700 courses exist without any sections; 467 have 1 section; 128 have 2 sections; etc. 


  • The list of preferences at the bottom of the page shows all possible preferences, the number of sections that those preferences are imposed upon, and the number that satisfy them.

  • For more information on gathering faculty preferences see this article

Conflicts Tab

Overview | Conflicts Card | Preferences Card | Filter by Conflict Type Dropdown | Conflicts List


  • The conflicts report dashboard takes a look at sections that are violating section rules as well as room/building preferences.

  • Conflicts between co-reqs, pre-reqs, and gen ed courses that are scheduled at the same time force students to choose between courses they need to take. Identifying these helps to reduce scheduling conflicts for students.

  • These insights are additionally helpful for identifying scheduling errors, like double booked rooms, and institution specific rule violations that you have defined within ‘Section Rules.’

  • Click here for more general information about conflicts and here for more information on section rules (which can be created to protect against conflicts).

  • Learn more about how these reports can help you optimize schedule planning here.

Conflicts Card

Shows the total number of sections with conflicts, as well as what percentage of sections that total represents. 

Preferences Card

Captures the total number of preferences that have been specified, along with the number preferences that have been satisfied. 

Filter by Conflict Type Dropdown

  • You can use the multi-select dropdown in the middle of the page to filter by conflict type.

  • By selecting one conflict type, your dashboard will only show the sections that currently have that specific conflict. Select more than one to show all sections that currently have at least one of the selected conflict types.

Conflicts List

  • The list you see here is determined by the filters applied via the “Filter by Conflict Type” dropdown. 

  • If no conflict types are selected from the dropdown, the list will include ALL conflicts. 

  • The table captures the course code and section number where the conflict is occurring as well as the conflict type. 

  • You can resolve any listed conflict from this page – just click into a conflict to open the section editing modal. 

Instructors Tab

Overview | Instructors | Assignments | Instructor Type | Average Credits | Preference Satisfaction
Instructor Hourly Availability | Instructor Daily Availability | Instructors with Back-to-Back Sections


  • The instructors tab provides you with an overview of instructors affiliated with the selected department; their assignments; and even breaks down how many are full-time and adjunct.

  • Additional tables and charts reveal their average credits, how many of their provided preferences have been satisfied, their combined availability (hourly and daily), and which ones are teaching back-to-back sections.



Captures the total number of instructors at your institution for the selected term (and department, if you have selected a department from the dropdown).

w/ Preferences

The number of instructors who have preferences associated with their faculty profiles. These faculty have completed preference forms, or have had their preferences added to their profile directly. 

w/ Conflicts

This is generally checking against double-bookings as well as an instructor’s listed preferences. 



Assigned the Sections

The number of instructors who have been assigned to at least one section.

Waiting Assignment

This number shows you at-a-glance the number of instructors in your system who aren’t assigned to teach a class that term. 

Instructor Type

Full Time

The number of instructors that are designated as full-time instructors.

Part Time

The number of instructors that are designated as part-time instructors.

Average Credits

The average number of credits assigned across instructors.

Preference Satisfaction

  • This graph shows what percentage of faculty preferences have been satisfied.

  • Unsure what those are? Return to the “Sections” tab and scroll down to the “Preferences” list at the bottom of the page. 

Instructor Hourly Availability

  • This graph captures the total number of instructors available at any given hour. 

  • Availability is calculated as follows: It takes ALL Instructors, searches for their preferences, and then subtracts the given Instructor from the sum for the given hour if they either:

    • Do not have the given hour among their preferredTimes OR

    • Have the given hour among their conflicts.

Instructor Daily Availability

This graph captures the total number of instructors available on any given day.

Instructors with Back-to-Back Sections

Indicates which instructors are currently scheduled to teach back-to-back sections, so you can determine if adjustments need to be made.

Times Tab

Overview | Meeting Patterns (Card) | Assignments | Schedule Hourly Distribution | Seat Utilization by Hour
Time Preference Satisfaction | Schedule Daily Distribution | Most Popular Meeting Patterns | Meeting Patterns (List)


  • This page captures how you’re using your available meeting patterns and available seats at any given time.

  • Learn more about how you can use these reports to optimize schedule planning here.

Meeting Patterns (Card)

Meeting Patterns | Prime Time Meeting Patterns | Percent Prime Time Meeting Patterns

Meeting Patterns

  • This number reflects the total number of standard meeting patterns available for schedulers. 

  • When standard meeting patterns are employed, class start and end times are pre-determined and consistent across courses.

    • This eliminates overlapping start and end times that force students to choose between courses.

    • Creating a standard meeting pattern policy is important to ensure that students are able to enroll in the classes they need to complete their program of study and to maximize space utilization on campus.

Prime Time Meeting Patterns

  • Prime time meeting patterns are meeting patterns scheduled during prime times; i.e., the most popular days/times for scheduling academic sections, where room utilization is often disproportionately high.

  • Aim for no more than 60% of sections to be scheduled in primetime and look for potential modifications (best in class recommendation is to have closer to 45% sections scheduled during primetime). 

  • Learn more about primetime hour scheduling here

Percent Prime Time Meeting Patterns

The percentage of available meeting patterns that occur during the most popular days/times.


Assigned to Sections 

  • The number of meeting patterns that are actually assigned to any sections. 

  • No meeting pattern is counted more than once. I.e. If Meeting Pattern A is used for 5 sections, that will count as “1” in this tally. 

Not in Use

The number of meeting patterns not currently assigned to any sections.

Schedule Hourly Distribution

  • This graph helps you visualize the most popular meeting patterns. 

  • A 6pm-7:30pm section will count in both the 6:00pm and 7:00pm columns.

Seat Utilization by Hour

This indicates the ratio of actual enrollment to maximum enrollment. This gives us an enrollment ratio representing available seats in academic rooms that are “filled” by a student at any given hour.

Time Preference Satisfaction

This graph shows the percentage of time preferences that have been satisfied, including preferred times, conflict times, back-to-back courses, and time interval between courses. 

Schedule Daily Distribution

  • Helps you visualize which days are the busiest. 
  • If you see a big imbalance between days, you can use this graph to determine which days are too busy, and which days to shift to, in order to create a distributed schedule for students.

Shows which meeting patterns are most commonly assigned to sections.

Meeting Patterns (List)

For each established meeting pattern, the meeting patterns list gives an overview of the days, times, and attributes (prime time or non-prime time) of the meeting pattern. It also provides statistical insights about each meeting pattern:

  • Usage – Total number of sections assigned to that meeting pattern.

  • Average Seat Utilization – Ratio of seats in use to total available seats during that meeting pattern.

  • Available Rooms – Total number of active rooms not currently assigned to a section during that meeting pattern.

Departments Tab

The Departments Report shows you:

  • A list of all departments within your institution.

  • The chair for each department. 

  • The number of courses and sections associated with each department.

  • Whether each department has submitted, started, or not started their schedule for the selected term. 

Rooms Tab

Overview | Room Assignments | Conflicts | Double Booked Rooms | Usage | Seat Utilization by Hour
Seat Utilization by Day | Seat Utilization by Room Size | Most Used Buildings | Average Usage by Building
Average Usage by Room Type | Room Preference Satisfaction | Rooms (List)


  • This page shows you how you’re dispersing the schedule across rooms by size; shows which buildings are most commonly used for classes; and more. 

  • If you apply a department filter in this tab, it will filter rooms by their department association. 

    • It will not filter rooms based on which departments have sections assigned to that room. 

    • Some institutions might not have direct department associations with rooms, in which case the filter will have no impact. 

  • Learn more about how you can use these reports to optimize academic space utilization here.

Room Assignments

Assigned to Sections

  • The number of rooms that have been assigned to at least one section.

  • No room will be counted more than once; i.e. If a room is assigned to more than one section, that will still be considered a “1” for this tally. 

Not Assigned

The number of available rooms that haven’t been assigned to a section. 


Double Booked Rooms

  • Rooms that have been assigned to more than one section at the same time. 

  • This stat helps you look out for potential room issues. 

Preference Conflicts

The number of rooms whose assignment doesn’t align with a preference for the section and/or assigned instructor. 


Average Usage

For each room that is Active and not Online, we calculate the room usage through the following method:

  • For each day the institution is open, we calculate how many minutes the institution is open for that day. For example, 9AM to 10PM (M-F) and 9AM - 4PM (Saturday), which is equivalent to 780 and 420 minutes, respectively. 

    • By default Coursedog sets an institution’s open hours to Monday-Friday from 8AM to 10PM.

    • If you would like to have your open hours set differently, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM); they can work with your data engineer to update.

  • Then we check how many minutes that room has a section assigned to it for each day. For example, if a section is assigned from 9AM to 10AM, that is equivalent to 60 minutes. 

  • After looping through all the days, we arrive with two numbers: total minutes available and minutes where the room is used. 

  • We get the room usage percentage by dividing the minutes used by the total minutes available. 

  • For the average usage of all rooms, we add up the usage of each room, and then divide by the total number of rooms (excluding all online and Inactive rooms).

Average Seat Utilization

Ratio of seats in use to total available seats.

Seat Utilization by Hour

Ratio of seats in use to total available seats by hour.

Seat Utilization by Day

Ratio of seats in use to total available seats by day.

Seat Utilization by Room Size

  • Ratio of seats in use to total available seats by room size. 

  • In the below graph, for example, smaller rooms (seating 0-20) have a higher seat utilization percentage than larger rooms.

Most Used Buildings

This graph shows you which buildings have the most sections meeting in their rooms. 

Average Usage by Building

Using the formula for room usage described above, we also show the average room usage for all the rooms separated by the building they are in.  

Average Usage by Room Type

This graph shows you which types of rooms are most commonly assigned to sections, whether they’re general classrooms, labs, seminars, etc. 

Room Preference Satisfaction

  • Depending on how your section template is configured, sections might be able to indicate various room preferences, including preferred room, room type, room capacity, room features and building.
  • This graph shows you how many rooms were assigned to sections that meet the designated preference(s). 

Rooms (List)

This is a complete list of all available rooms along with key descriptions: Room Name, Room Type, Capacity, Number of Sections, Average Seat Utilization, and Average Usage.

Bottlenecks Tab

Overview | Room Bottleneck Summary | Room Bottlenecks (List)


  • Bottlenecks arise when it is impossible to assign a room to a section, either because all rooms are occupied or there are no rooms with the attributes (such as number of seats) that the section requires.

  • The bottlenecks report shows all of your sections with bottlenecks that would cause the optimizer to leave some sections unassigned. If you plan on using the Section Optimizer, resolving bottlenecks first will increase the odds that your optimization will work on the first try.

  • You can learn more about resolving bottlenecks here.

Room Bottleneck Summary

Number of Bottle Necks

The total number of bottlenecks. 

Number of Sections

The total number of sections with bottlenecks. 

Room Bottlenecks (List)

  • This is a complete list of all bottlenecks, including Course Code, Section Number, and a description of the bottleneck. 

  • An example bottleneck might read: “This section is meeting at a time when 18 sections (including this one) require a room of capacity 74 or greater. However, there are only 13 rooms with the required capacity available at this time.”

Enrollment Tab

Introduction | Overview (Page) | All Sections | Sections by Utilization | Heat Map


  • The "Enrollment" tab features a comprehensive reports system for analyzing the enrollment of sections and determining over and under enrollment of specific sections.

  • This tab offers four unique views – Overview, All Sections, Sections by Utilization, and Heatmap – which you can access via the buttons at the top of the page (just beneath the term and department dropdowns). 

  • All sections can be classified as underfilled, balanced, or overfilled.

  • To determine if a section is underfilled, balanced, or overfilled, we calculate its enrollment ratio by dividing actual enrollment by maximum enrollment. 

    • A section must have both an enrollment and maximum enrollment greater than zero to be considered in this metric.

    • The industry average is 70%, but the recommended “best in class” is 85%. 

    • You can learn more about enrollment ratio here

Overview (Page)

Overview (Card) | Underfilled | Overfilled | Zero Enrollment | Zero Max Enrollment | Above Room Capacity
Enrollment by Day | Enrollment by Hour

  • The summaries at the top of this page each include an option to “view details”. Click this icon to see a list of sections that are included in that summary. 

  • When viewing the list, you can click into any section to open it in the section editing modal.

Overview (Card)

Total Enrollment

The total number of filled seats across sections

Percent of Balanced Sections

  • The percent of sections whose enrollment ratio is between 70-95%. 

  • The industry average for the percent of balanced sections is 35%, but we recommend aiming for 60%. 


  • Sections whose enrollment ratio is under 70%.

  • Industry average is to have 40% of sections underfilled, but we recommend aiming for 25%. 

  • If you see a large percentage of your sections are underfilled, that means you might have an opportunity to combine sections.

  • Learn more about underfilled sections here


  • Best practices dictate monitoring for overloaded course enrollment rates that are at or above 95%.

  • Industry average is to have 20% of sections overfilled, but we recommend aiming for under 10%. 

  • If you see sections are overfilled, that’s an opportunity for you to investigate further to determine how you can shift things to create a more balanced schedule and enhance resource optimization.

Zero Enrollment

Indicates the number of sections that don’t have any students enrolled.

Zero Max Enrollment

Indicates the number of sections that haven’t designated a maximum enrollment.

Above Room Capacity

  • Indicates how many sections have more students enrolled than the room size allows.

  • Use this to determine if you need to change rooms for certain classes.

Enrollment by Day

Shows the total number of students enrolled in classes for any given day.

Enrollment by Hour

Shows the total number of students enrolled in classes for any given hour.

All Sections

  • Shows a complete list of all available sections, including their course code, section number, CRN (if applicable), schedule type, actual enrollment, and max enrollment. 

  • Click into any section to  edit it.

  • You can sort the list by Course Code or Actual Enrollment.

Sections by Utilization

Overview | Balanced | Underfilled | Overfilled | Zero Enrollment | Zero Max Enrollment | Above Capacity


This section can be divided into six additional subsections: balanced, underfilled (shown below), overfilled, zero enrollment, zero max enrollment and above capacity.


  • Sections whose enrollment ratio is between 70-95%. 

  • Learn more about balanced schedules here


Sections whose enrollment ratio is between 0-69%


  • Sections whose enrollment ratio is 96%+. 

  • Learn more about overfilled sections here

Zero Enrollment

Sections that have no enrollment.

Zero Max Enrollment

Displays information about sections that have no max enrollment or a max enrollment equal to zero.

Above Capacity

Sections whose enrollment exceeds the capacity for the assigned room. 

Heat Map


  • This report breaks the schedule up into one-hour blocks and indicates how many total  meetings are occurring at any given hour, along with the total enrollment for all meetings combined as well as the enrollment ratio.

  • You can view the heatmap “By Term” and “By Weeks”.

  • The darker the color, the more balanced/filled sections are. 

Understanding the Heat Map

  • The “heat-level” color corresponds to the enrollment ratio: 

    • Light Grey - 0%

    • Yellow - 1-19%

    • Light Orange - 20-39%

    • Dark Orange - 40-59%

    • Red - 60-70%

    • Dark Red - Over 80%

  • The “Learn More” option on this page explains the heatmap a bit further and includes some FAQs.   

Export Tab

  • There are several CSV reports available for easy export under the "Export" tab.

  • You can learn more about those reports here.

Integration Tab

  • The card at the top of the screen summarizes the number of errors and the percent of sections that have integration errors. 

  • You can see a detailed view of each by toggling between the “Integration Errors” and “Out of Sync Fields” buttons. 

  • You can learn more about this report here.

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