Table of Contents
Supported Fields & Objects
Requirements & Assumptions
Related Articles
Coursedog supports real-time integration for both scheduling and curriculum data from PeopleSoft.
The solution is built to follow Oracle Validated Integration (OVI) designation best practice standards around architecture and security.
All data exchanges are handled through REST APIs that are exposed through Integration Broker (IB). Coursedog provides a PeopleCode Application Package that can be loaded through Application Designer. The code is compliant with the Oracle App Engine and does not require modifications to delivered PeopleSoft objects. Due to this, the solution is compatible with Campus Solutions 9.2 and backwards compatible for 9.0.
Supported Fields & Objects
See the PeopleSoft Integration Specifications for a list of fields and objects that are currently supported.
If it’s in the spreadsheet linked above, that means the integration can support it. If you wish to do less, you can. However, if you want to do something beyond what is documented, then that would be considered a custom integration and will require scoping.
To see supported areas and objects for the read-only integration between Course Demand Projections (CDP), go here.
Requirements & Assumptions
Coursedog assumes you meet the following minimum requirements:
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions v9.0
PeopleTools 8.52+
Database Oracle 11.+ OR Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Oracle Integration Broker
The Oracle Integration Broker Gateway is pre-configured to allow third-party inbound web service communication.
Target locations are set up and available externally through https.
Nodes are configured for a valid PS user with access.
Process Scheduler is configured and running.
Institution is using corresponding baseline PeopleSoft processes (e.g. Course Scheduling, Course and Program inventory). The Institution is responsible for meeting the needs of their specific environment.
Ability to whitelist IPs as needed for Test and Production. Coursedog supports an industry standard transfer protocol for both approaches. C. All transmissions will be handled over SSL so no need for you to open any additional ports (443).