Table of Contents
Instructional Method Select
Instructional Method Fields
Having Values Default from a Parent Course
Meeting Pattern Additional Details
Instructor Additional Details Modal
Additional Note
Related Articles
“Instructional Methods” is a pre-built card available in Academic Scheduling specifically for Colleague Ethos customers.
The card gives users the ability to add and edit multiple instructional methods attached to a section.
This article speaks to how to use the field in the section editing modal; go here if you are an admin who needs to configure the card.
Instructional Method Select
Each card has an instructional method select (which is required for each row in the card).
The options for the instructional method select are populated from integration attribute mappings, which you can learn more about here.
Instructional Method Fields
The Instructional Methods card also can be extended to include custom fields.
Having Values Default from a Parent Course
The instructional method card in the section template can be configured to have its values default from the parent course when a new section is created. Learn how to do that here.
Meeting Pattern Additional Details
PATH: Scheduling > Section Dashboard > (Open Relevant Section) > (Find “Meeting Patterns & Rooms” Card) > Set Details
The “Meeting Pattern Additional Information” modal supports an “Instructional Method” select that allows users to associate an instructional method with a specific meeting.
The dropdown options are automatically filtered to the Instructor Methods associated with the section.
Instructor Additional Details Modal
PATH: Scheduling > Section Dashboard > (Open Relevant Section) > (Find “Instructors” Card) > Set Instructor Roles & Details
The “Set Instructor Roles & Details” modal supports an “Instructional Method” select that allows users to associate an instructional method with a specific instructor assignment.
The dropdown options are automatically filtered to the Instructor Methods associated with the section.
Additional Note
The legacy Instructional Method functionality will contain a “Name” and “Code” input instead of a single instructional method input. This legacy view will be deprecated within the first half of 2023.