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REQUESTS: Late Change Requests

Table of Contents

Creating a Request
Tracking a Request
Editing a Request

During Review / Post Approval
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After the time for building your schedule is over, you may want to make changes. Coursedog has a robust request feature that allows you to submit late change requests. These requests will then enter a workflow for approval and, if approved, the change will be made in the system.

Creating a Request

PATH: Academic Scheduling > Requests

How To Do It

  • You can get step-by-step guidance in-app to help you create and track a request. To activate a guided walk-through, navigate to Scheduling > Requests > + Create Request. If the flow doesn’t automatically begin when you click “+ Create Request”, look for it in the “In-App Guides” widget on the right-hand side of your screen.

  • Otherwise, follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Click “Create Request”.

Step 2: Select the type of request you wish to make.

  • Rule Exception – Allows you to request permission to bypass a rule (e.g. a standard meeting pattern rule).

  • Section Change – Allows you to make a proposal to add (including add from Course Inventory), edit, or remove a section.

Step 3: Taking “Section Change” as an example, specify the term and the type of change you wish to make. Not all users will be able to see all options, but they could include: 

  • Add Section - Use this option to add a section to a course that already exists in your schedule. 

  • Add Section from Course Inventory - Use this option to add a section from a course that isn't currently in your schedule but IS in your course inventory.

  • Delete Section - Use this option to remove an existing section.

  • Edit Section - Use this option if you'd like to make changes to an existing section.

Step 4: Specify which course you are making a request for.

Step 5: Input a reason for making the request. 

Step 6:

  • Fill out the Section Form. 

  • Changes will appear at the top of the dashboard.

  • Certain nested fields (fields within pre-built cards like “Meeting Patterns & Rooms” or “Instructors”, for example) may be recorded in the change log at the top of the dashboard even if they were not edited. In these circumstances, you will notice the “before” and “after” values match exactly. This is expected and can be ignored.

Step 7: Press “Submit Request”, and the request will be sent to the associated approval workflow. 

Tracking a Request

PATH: Academic Scheduling > Requests


  • To keep track of a request you submitted or want to follow, navigate to the request in the requests table and click the one you want more information about.

  • You will be taken to the specific request dashboard where you can see the specifics of the request on the left as well as the approval progress of the request on the right.

  • To view the existing (i.e. not the requested) section information, you can expand the “View Existing Section Information” toggle on the left. This will be visible for "Edit Section" and "Delete Section" requests only. 

  • To view the requested section information, you can expand the “View Requested Section Information” toggle on the left. All content within the "Requested Section Information" view is a point in time snapshot and will not dynamically update after the request is approved and the section is modified in the section editor or in future requests. 

Viewing More Information


You can see more information about the approval workflow of a request.

How To Do It

Step 1: Select “Workflow” in the request toolbox on the right to see each step of the approval process.

Step 2: To get more information about a specific step, you can click the title of the step (for example, “Registrar Review”).

Step 3: 

  • Click “Activity” to see an overview of the actions taken on the request. 

  • You can also use this tab to add comments by inputting a note under “Enter value” and then hitting “Enter” on your keyboard.

  • It will also reflect the impact of logic jumps and custom decisions on proposal/request trajectory.

Editing a Request


Section Change requests can be edited after they are submitted by users with the correct permissions. Learn more here.

Reset Workflow Options

Depending on the permissions set by your institution, upon editing the event and hitting “Save”, the workflow might reset or not. Learn more here.

During Review / Post Approval

Section Change Request

  • When you submit a Section Change request, it takes a snapshot of the section at that time. If the request is approved, this snapshot, including the requested changes, will overwrite the section data in the Section Dashboard. 

  • Ensure edits to the section are not happening outside of the request process during this window. If an edit needs to be made, ensure the change is reflected in the request as well. 

  • The following notifications exist in the UI to guide end users:

    • If a section has an open “Edit Section” or “Delete Section” request, users will be notified in the UI on the section itself.

    • If a section has been edited while that section has an open “Edit Section” or “Delete Section” request, users will be notified in the UI on request itself.

Rule Exception

  • When a rule exception request is submitted and approved, the desired section change will not be automatically updated. The purpose of the rule exception request is to say, “this section is allowed to violate this rule”.

  • Once approved, the Scheduler can then navigate back to the section within the Section Dashboard to make the change. 

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