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EFFECTIVE DATING: What to Do When Your SIS's Definition Doesn't Match Coursedog's

Table of Contents

Who This Article Applies To
What Happens When an SIS’s Definition Doesn’t Match Ours
Options for Handling Changes in the Catalog
Frequently Asked Questions
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  • For most SISs, and for Coursedog, “Effective Dating” means that revisions of courses and programs can be created to capture snapshots of the course/program over time under a single record. 

  • Coursedog can best support Effective Dating if your SIS defines Effective Dating the same way we do. 

  • A handful of SISs don’t define Effective Dating the same way Coursedog does, or they don’t support Effective Dating in any fashion.

  • If your SIS does not support multiple revisions of the same course or program under the same record, there are strategies Coursedog can use to enable you to track versions over time, and pair revisions back to your SIS’s matching record. This article will describe several such strategies for both Curriculum Management and our public-facing Catalogs.

Who This Article Applies To

Overview | Colleague | Jenzabar | Anthology
Powercampus | CSV-Only Clients


  • This article applies to any school whose SIS’s definition of Effective Dating doesn’t align with ours (outlined above), including Colleague (Direct and Ethos), Jenzabar (CX, EX, and One), Anthology, PowerCampus, and CSV-only clients. 

  • See below to better understand how definitions vary. 


  • Colleague (Direct and Ethos) has the concept of Effective Dating insofar as they have fields at the course/program level that say “Start Date” and “End Date”. However, they don’t support multiple revisions of the same record. 

  • In other words, if you edit Math101, in Colleague Ethos there would now be two distinct records for Math101. In Coursedog, an edit to Math101 would result in the same record showing a history of changes. 


Jenzabar  (CX, EX, and One) doesn’t really support Effective Dating in any capacity. 


For the purposes of our integration we are not aware of any effective dating support in Anthology.


For the purposes of our integration we are not aware of any effective dating support in PowerCampus.

CSV-Only Clients

  • CSV-only clients can come from any SIS. I.e. They could be a Banner customer where Banner supports Effective Dating or an Anthology customer where Effective Dating isn't supported.

  • That said, the idea with CSV is that customers would normally do a one-time import into Coursedog at which point we are able to utilize our own concept of Effective Dating which would mean keeping “Enable Effective End Date Filters” off and allowing revisions to span “until the next revision”.

  • If a CSV-only customer will be manually entering in data back to the SIS, they should try to match how it's done in the SIS. If every revision is a new course in the SIS, then they should likely not use revisions in Coursedog.

What Happens When an SIS’s Definition Doesn’t Match Ours

Curriculum Management | Catalogs & Handbooks

Curriculum Management 

Most SISs

  • The Effective Start Date field in Curriculum will be read-only on the course template and all course forms, as well as on the program template and program forms. 

  • Any changes POSTed from Coursedog to the SIS (either through direct edits or proposals) will be immediately made to the course/program record in Coursedog and the SIS. 

Colleague Ethos

To use this approach with Colleague Ethos customers, Coursedog will add the Colleague-housed EffStartDate in as a custom field. From there, you can follow regular Coursedog Effective Dating practices (i.e. manual update of the effective date field).

Catalogs & Handbooks


  • By default, the catalog site will always display the most recent version of each course/program record. Consequently, archives of the catalog must be created by generating a PDF.

  • By default, any changes made to a course/program via a merge from the SIS, a direct edit in Coursedog, or a proposal in Coursedog will be immediately reflected in the catalog site.

  • If changes should not be made to the catalog throughout the year, any Curriculum proposals should be “held” in a final step of the workflow and only approved when changes should be made in the catalog.

Strategy to Version within the Catalog

To have several versions of catalog live with different versions of a course/program, you can follow the below steps. 

Step 1

  • Ensure that “Effective Start Date” and a Custom Field (where question type = “Date”) both appear on your curriculum program and curriculum course record.

  • Effective Start Date should have the “editable” box checked.

  • Custom Field should become “Date of the First Catalog the First Version of this Record Should Appear In”. This should also be editable. 

Step 2: Open the course or program at Curriculum > Courses (or Curriculum > Programs if editing a program). 

Step 3

  • Set the custom field to reflect the desired date of this record’s first appearance in a catalog. 

  • After this date is set, do not change it on the record. This field will be set one time per record.

Step 4

  • Set the effective start date to align with the above custom field (i.e. Date of the First Catalog the First Version of this Record Should Appear In).

  • From now on, you will edit the effective start date to create new iterations of the course/program. 

Step 5

  • Navigate to Catalog > Settings > Catalogs.

  • Click to open the catalog this applies to. 

Step 6: Set the effective start date of the catalog as you typically would.

Step 7

  • Set a filter to align with the earliest custom date field (Date of the First Catalog the First Version of this Record Should Appear In). You should create two conditions, where one is the defined date, and the other “is before” the date. 

  • The catalog will then filter records to those which have effective start dates in-line with the catalog.

  • See here for more information on effective start dates. 

Options for Handling Changes in the Catalog

If you don’t want to follow the above steps, the below table captures your options regarding Effective Dating.





Workflow “hold

Update workflow to include a queue step, and hold requests until the catalog is ready for updates. 

Full leverage of the catalog site’s functionality.

Cannot change courses in Coursedog during the year; 

if changes need to be made, they must be made in your SIS, and the integration must be shut off. 

Do nothing

Accept that courses will change in the catalog throughout the year and make sure to reference a PDF for the catalog specific to a matriculation year. 

Full leverage of the catalog site’s functionality; 

Changes can be made in Curriculum and your SIS at 

any time.

Potential issues with the consideration of the catalog being a “contract”; 

Inconsistencies between the live catalog and PDF may cause confusion for users. 

Catalog PDF instead of live search

Generate a PDF of the catalog’s course listings each year and use this in place of the course and program search pages of the catalog site. 

Changes can be made in Curriculum and your SIS at any time.

Unable to offer full course search in the catalog site. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can users still create programs or courses in their SIS? 

Yes. When the program/course first appears in Coursedog, populate the two date fields as described above. 

How can I make changes to a course or program without immediately having the catalog reflect it?

By setting an effective start date beyond the start date of the catalog, records will be filtered out. 

How can I maintain one course or program revision in my SIS, but several in Coursedog? 

By using a static custom field start date and then additional effective start date, following the step-by-step approach outlined above.

How can I change an older revision of a course/program?

  • This needs to be done in Coursedog. 

  • Go to the course/program, select the desired older record in the top right, make your changes without changing the effective start date, and save as a new version.

  • This will create a new version on that effective dated entity without impacting other effective-dated records for the program

Are there other strategies I can use? 

  • Though the recommended pathway is outlined above, if your SIS does offer some versioning mechanism, you might be able to use an alternative match strategy. This would allow you to integrate the different versions of your courses/programs between Coursedog and your SIS.

  • Your implementation Data Engineer will let you know if these strategies are an option for your institution.

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