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COURSES & PROGRAMS: Customizing Page Views

Table of Contents

Adding Columns
Applying Filters
Saving Views
Exporting to CSV
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  • You can determine what appears on the Course and Program pages by adding columns and/or applying filters.

  • You can save those page views and even define default views.

  • Access the Courses page at Curriculum > Courses.

  • Access the Programs page at Curriculum > Programs.

Adding Columns

Overview | Credits-Related Columns | Additional Note


  • Click the "Columns" dropdown and then check the desired boxes to determine what information is displayed on the Courses or Programs page.

  • Different columns will appear depending on whether you’re accessing the Courses or Programs page.

  • Once a field has been checked, six dots will appear to the left of it; these dots indicate that you can drag and drop the field to determine where it appears in the table. 

  • Users are able to select from the majority of pre-built and custom fields, but a handful won’t display data in the column. 

    • “Requirements”, “Degree Maps”, and “Specializations” for Programs – as well as Course Select and Program Select – will all appear as “This field cannot be displayed”. 

    • “Requirement Levels” will be blank regardless of whether or not there are Requirement Levels.

    • “Components” shows a list of component names; “learning outcomes” shows as a list of the objectives separated by a comma; “Requirements” (for Courses) shows as a Y/N indicator; and “Topics” shows a list of topic names.

  • Fields will not display as an optional column if they are set to be “hidden” on the template. 

    • If you need a hidden field to display as a column option, an Admin user will need to make them visible by default  and instead configure an Action to hide the field.

  • The fields contained within the credits card in the Course Template are available to select from as column options in the Course List Page.

  • There is a separate “Credits” input in the Course dashboard column selections that will be visible if the Credits card is visible in your Course Template. Because “Credits” contains nested fields, the column value in the Courses dashboard will read "this field cannot be displayed" if selected as a column. Given this, you should select the nested fields themselves as the column input, not the overarching “Credit” card input.

The label of the column corresponds directly to the label assigned in the course template, so make sure the label is a unique descriptor (i.e. not just min or max):

Additional Note

In the course/program template in Curriculum, we allow for custom “course/program” fields, where the value that gets displayed is dependent on the effective date of the parent entity (similar to requisites). Due to the dynamic nature of this value, it can’t be displayed in the columns view.

Applying Filters

Overview | How to Do It | Additional Notes


  • You can apply filters to further cater your page view. 

  • You can add multiple filters.

  • When a filter is used, a green box appears that displays the number of filters in use. In the below view, the user has both configured columns and a filter.

How to Do It

Step 1: Click "Filter".

Step 2: Click "+ Add Filter".


Step 3: 

  • Use the dropdown menus to define your filter.

  • Course or program fields can be selected in the first dropdown. 

  • For the second dropdown, you can select from: contains, does not contain, is, is not, is empty, and is not empty. 

  • Input a value in the third box. 


Step 4 (Optional): Click "Add Filter" to add another filter.


Step 5 (Optional): Click the "And/or" dropdown to determine if these two filters are linked via and/or logic. If "and" is selected, both filters must be met in order for a course/program to display. If "or" is selected, only one of the filters must be met in order for a course/program to display.


Step 6: Click "Apply Filter".


Additional Notes

  • The Search Bar handles these inputs for Courses: course code, title, description, subject code, and course number. And these inputs for Programs: program title, description, and code. For handling of other fields in the template, you should rely on filters.

  • You should be able to filter by almost any field in the Course Template. There are a couple of notable exceptions:

    • Fields on a pre-built card cannot be used as a filter (e.g. You cannot use fields from the pre-built Credits card).

    • “Requirement Group”, “Equivalent course group”, and “Cross-Listed Courses” cannot be used as filters.


Saving Views


You don’t have to re-add columns and filters every time you visit the Courses or Programs pages. Rather, there are a few different ways to ensure you only see what you need to see every time you visit them.

Saved Views

  • After you’ve added columns and/or filters, you can click “Saved Views” to save your current view or to access a previous one. 

  • This works the same in all products. Learn more here.

Default Views

  • You can turn a Saved View into a default view for the Courses and Programs pages. In other words: You can see that view automatically every time you view the Proposals Dashboard or the Courses or Programs lists.

  • Once you have a Saved View, navigate to your Profile Settings > Default Views and select the desired Saved View from the “Courses View” and “Programs View” dropdowns.

Exporting to CSV

  • Every Courses and Programs page view can be exported to CSV by clicking “Export Results”. 

  • The CSV will include whichever columns and filters are used in that view.


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