When a user creates a syllabus, they will select the Effective Start Date for the course and section this syllabus impacts. Learn more about that process here.
The Effective Start Date applied to that syllabus determines the data that syllabus uses for integrated course and section data.
Individual syllabi use Effective Dating – templates and forms do not. This means that a faculty member creating a syllabus selects effective dating for a course and section, but the template and form do not have effective dating applied to them.
The bulk of effective dating maintenance for Syllabus Management occurs in Curriculum Management and Academic Scheduling. To ensure that correct data appears in a syllabus, admins need to ensure that their Curriculum and Scheduling data is up-to-date and accurate (which will always be the case when Curriculum and Scheduling are integrated with the SIS).
Step 1: When a user creates a syllabus, they will select the Effective Start Date for the course and section this syllabus impacts.
Step 2: After selecting the Effective Start Term, the user selects the course and section for which they are creating this Syllabus.
Step 3: The Effective Start Term determines which version of the Course (built in Curriculum) and which version of the Section (built in Scheduling) are used to populate integrated fields in the Syllabus.