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Managing Your Integration

Table of Contents

Merge Error Types
Best Practices
When to Submit a Ticket
Ways to Review Merge Errors
Troubleshooting Errors
Related Articles


This article captures an overview of merge error types; merge error best practices; determining when to submit a support ticket; as well as ways to view integration errors. 

Merge Error Types

Unique to SIS | Shared Across Multiple SISs | General Integration Failure 

There are a few different categories of merge errors. They can be specific to your SIS; issues shared across multiple SISs; and general integration failures.


Unique to SIS

Shared Across Multiple SISs

Some of the more common issues are noted here

General Integration Failure 

  • These are different from merge errors caused by the specific data or contents of a merge.

  • Network, infrastructure, system, load, and several other external factors can cause instability and integration failures.

  • Persistent integration difficulties should be discussed with your Coursedog Customer Success Manager, Coursedog Support, your integration provider, and your internal IT infrastructure team.   

Best Practices


  • As you work through merge error resolution, identify any trends or common issues/mistakes being made.

  • Fortify your instance to prevent the merge errors in the future. You can do this by: 

    • Creating Section Rules that will prevent section submission with error-causing issues. Learn more about Section Rules.

    • Updating your Section Template to provide better guidance and enforce SIS requirements with end users. 

      • Use Extended descriptions (guidance, examples, lists, links).

      • Use “required,” “editable,” etc. settings to enforce.

      • Define “minimum”, “maximum”, and “not allowed” characters.

      • Use defaults (default from Course or Term).

      • Learn more about configuring templates here

  • Monitor your Integration Hub regularly (after nightly syncs or once a week during active scheduling) to catch and resolve these issues. 

  • Admins and Super Admins should also have the "View Section Integration Status" permission enabled (under Roles) in order to take advantage of viewing the Integration Errors report in the Reporting console. 

  • If your institution is operating with real-time or nightly merges:

    • Admins should manage and resolve merge errors as regularly as possible during active scheduling phases.

    • Check the Integrations Hub daily or weekly and resolve all merge errors as they come in.

    • When the scheduling phase is complete, ensure you have allowed at least 1-3 weeks between the scheduling phase end and the necessary/target date for final posting to the SIS to allow for resolution of any final merge errors.

  • If your institution is operating with manual merges:

    • Execute manual merges regularly and resolve errors throughout the active cycle and allow 2-3 weeks between final schedule submission and final posting to SIS for merge error resolution.

    • You will need to merge the schedule, check the Integrations Hub for errors, resolve all, and then merge again. 


The below steps provide a high-level overview of reviewing and resolving merge errors.

Step 1: 

  • Navigate to the Integrations Hub home screen (Integration Health page). 

  • Here you will see a complete list of all objects (sections, courses, etc.) that are currently in an error state. 

Step 2: 

  • In some cases, our AI Merge Error resolutions will outline steps to resolve the error.

  • Simply follow these instructions and you’ll be able to clear the error.

  • You can click to “Open section” right from this modal to make the necessary edits to your section.

Step 3: 

  • In other cases, where we do not yet have an AI recommendation for the given error, we will simply present the raw error message from the SIS to the user.

  • Review the errors section of the report to find a reason for the failure.

  • You can then decide if the scheduler was doing something incorrectly in Coursedog such as deleting meetings and leaving the assigned instructor still configured or if there are errors that require the Coursedog Customer Success team to assist.

Step 4 (Optional): 

  • If you are unable to determine the cause of the integration error, click “File a ticket” and you’ll be guided to open a Freshdesk ticket. 

  • This will allow your Coursedog representative to see the exact merge error you’re running into.

When to Submit a Ticket

Integration Hub 

Submit a ticket if there are errors in the Integration Hub that meet any of the below criteria: 

  • You do not understand how to resolve the issue.

  • The resolutions are not trivial but are difficult or time consuming to resolve.

  • The mistakes could be prevented with rules and either:

    • You need assistance creating the rule or

    • There are gaps in the rule engine that prevent the rule from being created.

Nightly Synchronization Merge Report

Submit a ticket if your nightly merge report: 

  • Contains an error that you are unable to resolve.

  • The number of sections posted nightly doesn’t align with expectations.

  • The nightly merge is taking more than 4 hours to complete or is running too close to any SIS/DB nightly maintenance/outage windows.

  • The nightly merge report contains information that you don’t understand.

Merge Report Contains an Error

Ways to Review Merge Errors

Overview | Integration Errors Dashboard (Scheduling Only) | Merge Reports
Out of Sync Fields Dashboard | Section SIS Sync Tool | Merge Notifications (Daily Email)
Conflicts Reports | Exportable Reports | Section Dashboard Merge Notifications


  • The best and easiest way to review Merge Errors is through the Integrations Hub > Integration Health page, following the steps outlined above. We recommend using this dashboard as the main tool to identify synchronization issues between Coursedog and the SIS.

  • In addition, Coursedog provides many tools to monitor and manage the synchronization with the SIS:

  • Integration Errors Dashboard – Used to identify sections with merge errors in scheduling. 

  • Out of Sync Fields Dashboard – Used to identify the complete set of field differences between Coursedog and the SIS

  • Merge Reports – View any/all integrations that have been run including nightly, manual and real-time as well as drill down into any issues.

  • Section SIS Sync Tool – Used to identify for a particular section what the differences are between Coursedog and the SIS. Allows you rectify differences on the fly.

  • Merge Notifications (Daily Email) – Used to identify if the overall merges are healthy and whether the system is in sync.

  • Conflicts Report – Used to hone in on specific rule violations that lead to and result in merge errors.

  • Reports – Allows you to export the list of fields that are out of sync with the SIS for all sections.

  • Section Dashboard Merge Notifications – Enables you to identify that a section has a merge error as well as view the error message and access the merge report.

Integration Errors Dashboard (Scheduling Only)


  • This allows users to view integration errors and allows clicking on any row to access the section directly to rectify the issue.

  • You can access the Integration Errors Dashboard at Academic Scheduling > Reports > Integration. 

Comparing with the Nightly Merge Report

The number of “failed to sync” sections in the nightly merge report will match what you see in the integration errors dashboard.

Nightly Merge Report

Integration Errors Dashboard

Merge Reports

PATH: Integrations Hub  > Merge Reports


This tool allows you to view any merges that have been done as well as identify any issues.

How It Works


  • Two of the key things you’re looking for in your Merge Reports are “Errors” and “Finished with Issues”.

  • If you encounter errors, file a ticket with Coursedog unless you know that your infrastructure was down during that period.

Additional Merge Report Data

In each merge report, you can see: 

  • The number of Coursedog Entities that were updated.

  • The number of SIS changes that were made.

  • The duration and time of the merge. 

  • “Notices”, which is a list of each of the errors that came up during the merge.

  • “Stages”, where you can view each step of the merge process that ran, and if necessary, download the logs from this step.

  • “Updates”, where you can review the changes that took place.

  • The configuration that was used when the merge was executed.

  • Backup files of data before, during, and after merges when needed.

Out of Sync Fields Dashboard

PATH: Scheduling > Reports > Integration > Out of Sync Fields

This report shows a comparison of which section fields in Coursedog are out of alignment with fields in the SIS. 

Section SIS Sync Tool

PATH: Scheduling > Reports > Integration > Out of Sync Fields

  • This feature allows you to see which fields in the section are out of alignment with the SIS. 

  • You can live-edit the section in Coursedog or in the SIS and then hit “Refresh Comparison Data” to identify when the section in Coursedog is fully in sync with the section definition in the SIS.

  • Learn more here.

Merge Notifications (Daily Email)

Overview | Signing Up | Sample Emails


  • Users subscribed to merge notifications will receive a digest showing a summary of the real-time and nightly merges.

  • This push notification can be useful as a way to identify nightly integration issues.

  • When a user is added they will receive daily emails with an email body plus a pdf attachment.

  • The PDF will contain a link to “View on Coursedog” that takes you to the merge report for that item. Every real-time and all nightly synchronizations will exist as a row in the report.  We recommend searching the report for the words “Finished With Issues” or “Error” to focus quickly on the merges that need attention.

Signing Up

  1. Navigate to Integrations Hub > Administration > Merge Notifications. 

  2. Click “+ User”. 

  3. Type in the email address of the user who should receive merge notifications.

  4. In the “notification setting” dropdown, select how frequently you would like to receive notifications: “send daily” (i.e. An email will be sent nightly after the automated synchronization executes) or “send if issue” (i.e. An email will only be sent when synchronization issues are encountered).

Sample Emails

Email Indicating a Successful Nightly Merge | Emails Indicating Merge Errors
Email Attachment

Once you are set to receive merge notifications, you will receive emails from Coursedog with details regarding the synchronization.

Email Indicating a Successful Nightly Merge

Emails Indicating Merge Errors

The two emails below capture four sets of merge errors: 

  1. 2 out of 21 nightly merges did not succeed.

  2. 8 out of 35 real-time merges did not succeed. 

  3. 1 of the 14 nightly merge errors was due to a fatal error persisting SIS and Coursedog data. Learn more here

  4. 13 of the 14 nightly merge errors were due to being unable to fetch data from the SIS. Learn more here.

Email Attachment

Although the body of the email will summarize your report, it will also include a multi-page PDF attachment with additional information and direct links to Coursedog for more details concerning each merge. 

Conflicts Reports


  • For any rule that is not OFF, you can run a conflict report to identify any section that is violating that rule.

  • Many rule violations, such as room double bookings, will result in merge errors. 

How to Do It

  1. Navigate to Scheduling > Reports.

  2. Click on the “Conflicts” option on the left-hand navigation.

  3. Use the multi-select dropdown to view conflicts for the rule(s) you wish to check against. 

Exportable Reports


For the “Sections Out of Sync with SIS CSV” report to be useful for Banner schools, it is necessary to filter out the timeIndex related items since Coursedog does not sync that field with Banner, and it will raise false positives.

Section Dashboard Merge Notifications

  • You can view merge notifications from within the Section Dashboard. 

  • If sections experienced issues, you will see a red icon next to it and/or its parent course (image 1 below).

  • The integration status for a section will appear under the status column (image 2 below).

  • You can click into the integration status to see the error and merge report (image 3 below).

Troubleshooting Errors

Go here for merge error FAQs and troubleshooting as well as links to all SIS-specific merge error guides.

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