Table of Contents
Creating Cross-Listed Courses
Cross Listing a Group of Existing Courses
Updating Cross-Listed Courses
Updating a Cross-Listed Group
Proposing Changes to Cross-Listed Groups
Inactivating / Reactivating
Cross Listing Proposal Management
Related Articles
This article includes steps to walk you through creating, updating, and inactivating cross-listings.
The pre-built cross-listed courses field – and thus the functionality described in this article – is specific to PeopleSoft schools. In other words, we only support bidirectional integration of this field with PeopleSoft.
To better understand cross-listing on a high level, check out our Cross Listing Overview article.
Creating Cross-Listed Courses
Overview | Create a Group of New Courses that are Cross Listed | Adding Courses to an Existing Cross-Listed Group
In the cross-listed courses field, users are able to create a cross-listed courses group, add the course to an existing cross-listed courses group, or add additional courses. This can be done by clicking into the field.
To avoid building cross-lists off of stale course revisions instead of the latest one, the user should first populate "effective start term / effective start date" in the proposal, prior to selecting courses in the cross-listed courses field.
Create a Group of New Courses that are Cross Listed
Creating a Group of New Courses that are Cross Listed using “Add Additional Courses”
Courses added this way are a copy of only the fields that are cross listed in the New Course form.
Adding cross-listed courses via this method completely circumvents the Impacted Department step in the workflow and automatically assumes that all of the courses are in the same department.All fields except for Course Number and Subject Code will be identical and all fields that are not cross listed will be empty.
When viewing the proposal, the Cross-Listing tab doesn’t show up to show differences (since the user is unable to configure differences between the courses in the cross-listed group).
This method is not recommended if your institution’s business practices allow differing values in any field aside from the Subject Code and Course Number for courses in a cross-listed group.
How to Do It
Follow the steps outlined in Proposing a New Course.
Click “Add additional Courses” to create a group of explicitly New Courses that are cross listed.
Click “Add next course”.
Enter the subject area and course number for any number of courses to be created with one proposal.
Click “Add Next Course” to add additional courses.
Click “Save” when you’re done.
Creating a Group of New Courses that are Cross Listed using “Create New Cross-List”
Users can create a group of explicitly new courses that are cross listed by clicking the “Create New Cross-List” button.
“Create New Cross-List” can also be used to add courses to an existing cross-listed group or cross list existing courses (see below for instructions).
How to Do It
Follow the steps outlined in Proposing a New Course for Proposal 1.
Create Proposal 2.
In Proposal 2, select “Copy from Proposal”.
Select Proposal 1 in the popup and submit the proposal.
For any additional proposals, use cross-listed courses > "add to existing cross-list" field to link new proposals to group.
Additional Notes
If the impacted departments step is configured, all departments included in the cross-listed group (through cross-listed courses field) act as approvers in the dynamic impacted department step.
In PeopleSoft, the course assigned course offer number 1 acts as catalog course; courses approved after have course offering number automatically incremented in the integration layer.
Adding Courses to an Existing Cross-Listed Group
Adding one new Course to an existing cross-listed group
Users can add a new course to an existing group by clicking "add to existing cross-list". This will allow users to search for and select cross-listed groups to add the course to.
In this approach, you create a new course and use the cross-listed field to add the course to the existing cross-listed group.
The only way to add a course to a cross-listed course group is through a NEW course form; you cannot use an edit course form for an existing course.
Course codes should be unique for the new course that is created.
How to Do It
Create a new proposal following the steps outlined in Proposing a New Course.
Select “Copy from Course”.
Click into the “Cross Listed Courses” field.
Select “add to existing cross-list”.
Search for and select the cross-listed group you want to add the new course to.
Note that if the effective dates differ in the new proposal, new revisions will be created after the proposal is approved.
Additional Notes
If the impacted departments step is configured, all departments included in the cross-listed group (through cross-listed courses field) act as approvers in the dynamic impacted department step.
In PeopleSoft, the course offering number is automatically incremented in the integration.
Cross Listing a Group of Existing Courses
Two or more courses that are basically the same but were allowed to be created separately as 2 unique courses should be cross listed.
Because cross-listed courses must have the same PeopleSoft ID, you should propose a new course with the same ID as the course you wish it to be cross-listed with.
For example, let’s say you have unique Course A and unique Course B which you would like to cross list. Because cross-listed courses are the same course but different offerings, you will need to ensure this is processed correctly in order to sync correctly to the SIS.
First, propose a new course. We will call this course C. On the new course form, copy from Course B ensuring the PeopleSoft ID is the same. Add Course B as a cross-listed course. This will ensure they have the same PeopleSoft ID and will be considered cross listings.
Course A you may choose to inactivate - this is a distinct course technically not related to the cross listing, however, most of the content will be the same. This allows you to retain the historical record of this non-cross-listed course and any downstream implications tied to this course.
Updating Cross-Listed Courses
Learn more about Proposing Edits to a Course or Program.
Updating Cross Listed Fields
How to Do It
Submit an edit course form.
Change fields in edit course form.
When the proposal is approved, changes will propagate to all other courses in the cross-listed group in the Coursedog platform.
Additional Notes
In PeopleSoft Integrated Environments, when a POST occurs, the course catalog table will be updated with new data.
If the effective dates differ between proposals, new revisions will be created after the proposals are approved.
Updating Non-Cross Listed Fields
How to Do It
Submit an edit course form.
Change fields in edit course form.
When the proposal is approved, changes will NOT propagate to all other courses in the cross-listed courses group in the Coursedog platform.
Additional Notes
In PeopleSoft Integrated Environments, when a POST occurs, the course offering table will be updated with new data.
If the effective dates differ between proposals and existing courses, new revisions will be created after the proposals are approved.
Updating a Cross-Listed Group
Unlinking a Course from a Cross-Listed Group
To remove a course from a cross-listed group:
Create a new proposal.
Use the “Edit Course” form.
Click into the “Cross Listed Courses” field.
Select "unlink."
Examples of Groups
Example 1
Course A and B are in a cross-listed group.
User submits proposal C, and "adds to existing cross-list" the Course A and Course B cross-listed group.
When proposal C is approved, then it is added to the cross-listed group.
Example 2
Course A and B are in a cross-listed group.
User submits proposal C.
User creates proposal D and adds proposal C to the cross-listed group.
User decides to cross list proposal D with courses A and B. User must "unlink" proposal D and C then add to the cross-listed group that contains Courses A and B.
If user wants to add proposal C to the cross-listed group, they must add to the existing cross list for the group containing courses A and B and proposal C.
Proposing Changes to Cross-Listed Groups
Remove a Course from a Cross-Listed Courses Group
Create a new revision (by submitting an Edit Course form or – if admin – by editing course directly).
Update the “Effective Date" to reflect when you the course should be removed from the cross-listed group
Submit a "delete course" form for the new revision after the “edit course” proposal has been approved.
Once the proposal is approved:
The revision will be deleted.
The course will be removed from the cross-listed group as of the Effective Date specified in Step 2.
Inactivating / Reactivating
Inactivating / Reactivating an Entire Cross-Listed Group
Submit an edit course form for one course in the cross-listed group.
Change the status field to inactive or active as needed.
Define effective date field for the date/term in which you want to inactivate (or reactivate) the group.
When the proposal is approved, a new revision will be created for all the courses in the group and the status field will propagate to all courses in the group.
Inactivating a Single Course in a Cross-Listed Group
Submit an edit course form.
Update the effective date of one of the courses via an edit course proposal.
Allow for the revisions to POST to PeopleSoft.
Submit a delete course form for the course offering you no longer want in the cross-listed group.
This will remove it from the cross listing in Coursedog and your SIS.
Once the delete course proposal is approved, the course offering will no longer be part of the most recent revision of cross-listed courses
Please keep in mind this deletes the course offering entirely from Coursedog and PeopleSoft.
Reactivating a Single Course in a Cross-Listed Group
Create an edit course form.
Use that form to reactivate the course you wish to activate and unlink the other courses from the cross-listing.
Cross Listing Proposal Management
Learn more about Managing Curriculum Proposals.
Learn more about Dynamic steps in Curriculum Workflows.
Reporting & In-Proposal Reconciliation (Resolve Diff)
When a user submits a proposal with cross-listed fields that have different values from other proposals or courses in the cross-listed courses group, we alert users of the differences between fields through our reporting functionality.
Within a proposal, we display a green check mark next to cross-listed fields that are the same for courses and proposals in the group, and a yellow warning flag next to fields that differ.
Users who have edit request permissions can reconcile field differences by clicking "edit proposal" and then clicking on the yellow warning flag. When the user clicks on the yellow warning flag, a modal will appear titled "resolve diff."
This modal displays the different values courses and programs have for this field in the group, and allows the users to select "resolve" to choose which value they would like to use. The base value is the value in the approved courses, while current value is the value in the proposal. Alternative values are values in other proposals, if they differ from the base value.
Note that the yellow flag will continue to appear until the proposal is approved, as the flag checks to see if fields are different in a proposal from the other courses/proposals in the group. If you resolve differences in the proposal and you still notice the yellow flag warning, this may be expected given the proposal is not yet approved.
Recall that once the proposal is approved, the values of cross-listed fields propagate to all courses in the cross-listed group.