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COURSES: Course Code Management

Table of Contents
How It Works
Updating Course Codes
Archiving Course Codes
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  • Coursedog validates the course number in the course inventory to prevent duplicate course numbers. 

  • The Course Code (e.g. BIO123) is a combination of the Subject Area (Bio) and Course Number (123). 

How It Works


  • A course number input into the “Course Number” field is checked against all other courses in the inventory to ensure there are no duplicate course numbers.

  • In cases where the course number is duplicated across different courses, the user will receive an error message.

  • A subject code must be input before the course number is input, otherwise an error message will be generated.

Additional Notes

  1. There won’t be a conflict when code is the same. For example: If a user is editing MATH101, there won’t be a validation error if the user didn’t change the course code.

  2. There won’t be conflict when courseGroupId is the same. In other words, it’s OK to have two revisions of the same course with the same code.

  3. There won’t be conflict when there is an archived course with the same code. In other words, we are omitting archived courses when checking.

  4. The validation will not trigger if the original course with the course code is in workflow still/has not been approved. In other words, the validator checks only against existing, approved courses. 

Updating Course Codes

Integrated Clients

For integrated clients, the course code automatically updates based on the subject code+course number.

Non-Integrated Clients

  • For non-integrated clients, the typical recommendation is for your Coursedog team to surface the course code field on your templates and to mark that field required during edits/add a workflow step to update it. 

  • For many clients, course code changes will be few and far between. In that case, updates can often be handled via one-off API calls instead of surfacing on the template.

Archiving Course Codes

  • The pre-built “Archived” field available in “Course Template Fields” allows you to archive a course code.

  • Selecting “yes” archives the course code, allowing the code to be utilized by other courses.

  • Users will be able to check these boxes manually or send Coursedog a list of courses that should be “archived” during the implementation for a bulk update.

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