Table of Contents
Types of Linked Sections
Integrations & Section Relationships
Adding a Relationship in the Relationship Dashboard
Adding Relationships in the Section Editing Modal
Deleting Relationships
Related Articles
Relationships are used for defining time or room connections between sections.
It is very important to define Section Relationships prior to assigning meeting patterns and rooms, as relationships can impact your assignments.
Whether relationships are created in Coursedog by Department Schedulers or Admins varies from institution to institution.
What you can see and do for relationships (i.e. View, edit, and/or add) – and where – is determined by role and field permission settings configured by an Admin.
This article explains types of linked sections you can set up in Academic Scheduling; how to manage them; and integration considerations.
For Banner-specific instructions, go here.
Types of Linked Sections
Linked sections are for defining time and room relationships between sections.
For example, two sections can have a non-overlapping relationship which means they cannot be scheduled during overlapping meeting times.
The below table breaks down all of the different types of linked sections.
Integrations & Section Relationships
Overview | Best Practice | Additional Notes | PeopleSoft | Banner Direct
Banner Ethos | Colleague | Jenzabar One/EX | Jenzabar CX
Anthology Student | PowerCampus | Workday Student
For most SISs, only relationships defined as “Linked Sections” in Coursedog are supported in the integration (POST). That being said, an admin can re-name that relationship type in Coursedog to align with your preferred terminology.
See the Banner section below for an exception to this.
The following relationship types are not supported and must be input directly into your SIS: Stacked, Co-convening, CoRequisite, PreRequisite, and Spanned. If added in Coursedog, they will be wiped upon merge.
Best Practice
You could resolve merge errors by checking the override indicator in your SIS. This would allow double bookings so use your best judgment, as this may have unintended consequences.
Additional Notes
If real-time integration is turned on, relationships will sync in real time along with sections.
Relationships cannot be added before the section has been created in the SIS (otherwise the real-time relationship sync will fail). You should merge sections before relationships in real-time. An Admin can restrict relationship creation to already existing sections by configuring the Section Template. If you are an Admin, go here to see how to set that up.
Once a user creates a section, if real-time integration is enabled, that section has to be sent to the SIS to generate a Call Number (also known as a Class Number or CRN).
Generally speaking users can save the section and relationship at the same time, and then Coursedog will sync the section before the relationship in the backend. However, as a best practice we recommend saving and merging the section before adding a relationship.
Within the section editing modal, Coursedog is able to indicate to users when a newly created section is syncing to prevent them from overwriting any changes while the sync is occurring..
What Coursedog defines as a “Linked Section” is not the same thing as "linked sections" in PeopleSoft.
- “Linked Sections” in Coursedog define a generic relationship type closer to "combined sections" in PeopleSoft.
For more information on supported relationship types in PeopleSoft, go here.
For additional information on setting up a linked section relationship for a PeopleSoft school, see here.
Banner Direct
We support both Banner Crosslisting (ssrxlst) and Banner Linked Sections (ssrlink).
For more information on supported relationships in Banner Direct, go here.
For additional information on setting up a linked section relationship for a Banner school, see here.
Banner Ethos
We support GETS of Banner Crosslisting data from ssrxlst.
For more information on supported relationships in Banner Ethos, go here.
- You will need to list the section that you want to be primary as first in the relationship. How you go about this will depend on where you’re creating the relationship:
If you create the relationship in the Relationships screen/page, then the order that you add the sections to the relationship is the order that they are listed. For example, if you add ABC100-01 first, then it will be the first section in the relationship and thus will be the primary section in Colleague.
- If you create the relationship from within the section editing modal, the section that you're on when you create the relationship will always be the last section listed. Therefore, if you’re creating relationships via the Section Dashboard, you need to create the relationship on the non-primary section in order for the sections to be ordered properly and assigned correctly in Colleague.
For more information on supported relationships in Colleague Direct, go here and here.
For more information on supported relationships in Colleague Ethos, go here.
Jenzabar One/EX
For more information on supported relationships in Jenzabar One/EX, go here.
Jenzabar CX
For more information on supported relationships in Jenzabar One/EX, go here.
Anthology Student
For more information on supported relationships in Anthology Student, go here.
For more information on supported relationships in PowerCampus, go here.
Workday Student
For more information on supported relationship types in Workday Student, go here.
Adding a Relationship in the Relationship Dashboard
PATH: Academic Scheduling > Relationships
The Relationship Dashboard is visible on the left-hand navigation bar at the above path.
Not all users will be able to see the Relationship Dashboard – that will depend on their Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permission settings.
Relationship names and functionality varies somewhat by SIS.
Step 1: Click “+ Add Relationship” to open the “Add Relationship” modal.
Step 2:
Input a name for the relationship.
Best practice is to name it what it is called in your SIS (they typically have a set format).
Step 3:
Choose the overall type of relationship.
For most SISs, only "Linked Sections" are supported (see “Banner” section above for the exception).
Step 4:
If you want the “combined max enrollment” to be different from the sum of the max enrollment capacity for each section, enter that here.
If you leave this blank, the combined max enrollment will be the sum of the max enrollment for all sections in the relationship.
Depending on settings, you may be able to view the max enrollment for each section in the relationship after they’ve been added to the relationship (see Step Ten below).
Step 5:
Define the specific type of linked relationship using the “relationship” dropdown.
In the above example, we defined the linked relationship as “Same Room”.
Step 6: Add detailed notes about the relationship.
Step 7: Establish the preferred room capacity.
Step 8: Choose the courses that contain the sections you want to be in the relationship.
Step 9:
Use the “Sections to add” drop-down menu to view available sections.
If there are no available sections, you must go back to the Section Dashboard and create the sections.
Step 10:
Click the “+” sign to add a section.
If you don’t click the “+” sign, the section will NOT be added when you click “save”.
Depending on advanced relationship settings, at this step you may be able to view the max enrollment capacity for each section by hovering over the “i” icon.
Step 11: View and confirm the sections you’ve added to the relationship are correct.
Step 12: Repeat steps 8-10 as needed to add more sections to the relationship.
Step 13:
When you are done, click "Save".
When creating or editing a section relationship within the Relationship Dashboard, you will be able to see the conflicts of the underlying sections associated with the relationship before fully saving the relationship. If there are conflicts, they will automatically display in a pop-up module after you click “Save”. Required rules are not enforced in this view, as required rules are only enforced when saving sections, and not when saving relationships in the Relationship Dashboard.
Additional Note
Admins can choose to show or hide this section information, including the max enrollment tooltip, in the Section Template (Academic Scheduling > Settings > Templates > Section Template > Relationships Card > Advanced Settings Icon). You can learn more about Relationships Advanced Settings here.
Adding Relationships in the Section Editing Modal
Overview | How To Do It | Section Editing Modal View
If field-based permissions and institutional practices allow, Department Schedulers can add or edit relationships in the Section Editing Modal.
How To Do It
PATH: Academic Scheduling > Section Dashboard
Step 1: Find a section you want to add to a relationship.
Step 2: Click into the section to open it.
Step 3:
Locate the “relationships” card.
The below screenshot shows the field options are set so that “Linked Sections” is an available option.
Step 4:
Click on "+Linked Section" to open the relationship modal.
This is the same modal seen in the Relationship Dashboard.
Step 5: Follow the same steps outlined above under “Adding a Relationship in the Relationship Dashboard”.
Section Editing Modal View
Once a section relationship is created, it will appear in the Section Editing Modal as follows:
Deleting Relationships
You can delete a Relationship entirely by either:
Opening it in the Relationships Dashboard and selecting the “Delete” option at the bottom of the “Edit Relationship” modal.
Opening one of the Sections; clicking into the Relationship; and then selecting “Delete” on the Edit Relationship modal”.
You can remove a section from a relationship via the section editing modal or Relationship Dashboard by selecting the trash can next to the section name at the bottom of the “Edit Relationship” modal.
If you delete a linked section, the relationship will be deleted for the sibling automatically.
If you delete a relationship from a section, the relationship will be deleted from the other section as well. E.g. If BIO1300 - 001 and BIO2200 - 001 are linked, and you delete the relationship from the BIO1300 - 001 section editing modal, it will automatically be deleted for BIO2200 - 001.