Table of Contents
Supported Fields & Objects
Scribe Generator
Course Demand Projections (CDP)
Ellucian Cloud-Hosted Partners
Related Articles
Coursedog has a multi-faceted integration with Degree Works across different products.
Course Demand Projections makes use of Degree Works audit data (GET only) for its demand projections.
In Curriculum Management, our “Scribe Generator” makes it easy to export requirements into the Degree Works application.
We follow best practices around architecture and security and do not store any Tier 1 personal identifiable information.
Coursedog is an Ellucian partner and won the 2021 Ellucian Rising Star Partner of the Year Award.
Supported Fields & Objects
See DegreeWorks Integration Specifications for a list of fields and objects that are currently supported for DegreeWorks.
Our integration with Degree Works requires the following:
You must be using Degree Works release 5.0.4 or newer.
Your Degree Works Degree Audit solution must be fully implemented.
Degree Works student data has been "force extracted" (e.g. export RAD11FORCE=ALL) at least once per term and/or prior to running Students merges in Coursedog.
Degree Audits must have been generated at least once per term.
Degree Works services APIs are configured and access is provided to Coursedog (details below under “Access”).
You have deployed the Degree Works Responsive Dashboard.
If your Degree Works environment is behind a firewall or other security measure, you will need to open communication to Coursedog IP ranges.
You must send Coursedog the following:
DegreeWorks URL (e.g.
DegreeWorks Stateless Token URL, used for authentication (
Coursedog API User Credentials (see below)
Your institution will need to create a dedicated user in Degree Works that allows Coursedog to connect to your Degree Works platform.
Course Demand Projections / Academic Operations
If your institution is implementing Course Demand Projections / Academic Operations Analytics, that user would need to have the following roles:
*Formally ANYSTUID
Scribe Generator
If your institution is implementing the Scribe Generator, that user would need to have the following roles in addition to being assigned the “SCRIBEREG” User Group
Scribe Generator
Coursedog’s Scribe Generator converts existing requirements and their rules into Degree Works scribe with a single click.
You can learn more about our Scribe Generator here.
You can learn more about creating requirements in Coursedog’s Curriculum Management platform here.
Course Demand Projections (CDP)
Coursedog has built a one-way integration with Degree Works APIs to run batch student auits used for our Course Demand Projections module.
CDP leverages historical enrollment, audit data, and pathways to ensure you are offering the sections and seats students need to graduate on time.
In short, it helps you answer questions like, “Does our academic schedule align with student demand?"
Learn more about Course Demand Projections here.
Ellucian Cloud-Hosted Partners
If you are an Ellucian cloud-hosted partner, you have restricted access to DegreeWorks APIs wherein access is only provided while on your campus network.
Additional configuration will be required, including an SSH jump server to tunnel into your campus network, which allows Coursedog to access your DegreeWorks APIs.