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Managing Curriculum Proposals

Table of Contents

Proposal Dashboard Overview
Changing the Proposal Dashboard View
Saving Views
Exporting Results
Viewing Proposal Details
Voting on a Proposal
Proposal Route Back

Editing Proposals
Deleting Proposals
Download & Print Proposals
Related Articles


  • Coursedog’s Proposal Dashboard makes it easy to manage any proposals you’ve created or need to vote on.

  • To see your proposals, go to Curriculum Management > Proposals (left-hand navigation).

Proposal Dashboard Overview

Proposal Categories

Vote Required | Assigned to Me | Created by Me | All Requests | Archived Requests

  • The Proposals Dashboard can be broken down into five sections:  Vote Required, Assigned to Me, Created by Me, All Requests, and Archived Requests.

  • Depending on your role and permissions, you might not see all five categories.

  • While all proposals will be displayed in the dashboard, any Add/Edit proposals for Courses or Programs that have since been deleted will not be accessible (clicking into any such proposal will result in a 404 error).

Vote Required

“Vote Required” includes all requests where the user must cast a vote to move the request along the workflow. For all intents and purposes, this is where users should navigate to for their action items.

Assigned to Me

“Assigned to Me” shows requests that the user did not create where they have already voted, have yet to vote, or where they were intended to vote before someone else force approved (therefore skipping all other workflow steps and no longer requiring their vote).  This tab is helpful, amongst other things, for record-keeping purposes, as it shows requests the user has already voted on.

Created by Me

“Created by Me” only shows those requests created by the user themselves.

All Requests

“All Requests” shows all requests in the system, regardless of whether or not the user is associated with it.

Archived Requests

  • Shows the proposals that were archived (by users with the “Archive Requests” permission set to ALLOW). Anyone with that permission can archive a proposal by opening it and selecting “Archive Proposal” in the upper right-hand corner of the Proposal Toolbox.

  • Archiving a proposal removes it from all tab views, except for the “Archived Requests” tab, to help clean up all other dashboard views. 

  • Archived proposals will be further noted with a visual label (shown below).

Changing the Proposal Dashboard View

Overview | Adding Columns | Adding Filters


You can add columns and filters to change what you see.

Adding Columns


  • You can change the columns that appear in the proposal breakdown.

  • To add a column, simply click “Columns” and then check the box next to the column(s) you wish to add.

  • You can change the order in which those columns appear in the table by opening the columns editor and dragging/dropping column titles in the order you want them to appear.

  • Default columns are Name, Proposal Type, Current Step, and Request Status but you can add six additional columns.

Current Step Age (Days)

One column you can add, “Current Step Age (Days)”, indicates how long the request has been at its current workflow step.

Adding Filters

Overview | Document Type | Advanced Filters | Program Changes


  • At the top of the screen, you can filter by document type. 

  • You can also click the “filters” icon to access additional filters.

Document Type

  • Use the dropdown menu to filter for different document types.

  • You can select multiple document types.

Advanced Filters

Status | Departments | College/School | Workflow | Submitted After / Submitted Before
Approved After / Approved Before | Form | Proposal Author | Current Step Started By
 | Career

  • Click the “Filter” icon to add additional filtering, including: Status, Departments, College/School, Workflow, Submitted After, Submitted Before, Approved After, Approved Before, Form, Proposal Author, Current Step Started By, and Career. 

  • “Status” and “Departments” are both multi-select fields (which means you can filter for more than one status and/or more than one department).


Use this option to search for proposals that are Approved, Pending, Rejected, and/or Suspended. 


  • Departments must be configured properly before using this filter. Learn more here

  • This filter allows you to select one or more departments to filter on. 


Allows you to filter for individual schools or colleges that fall under your institution.


  • Use this to filter for a specific workflow.

  • The values for this dropdown are pulled from the previously configured workflows from the “Workflows” section of the application. 

Submitted After / Submitted Before

  • Use these filters to search for proposals that were submitted before or after a defined date.

  • You can enter free form text into the field or use the calendar to set the desired date. 

Approved After / Approved Before

  • Use these filters to search for proposals that were approved before or after a defined date.

  • You can enter free form text into the field or use the calendar to set the desired date. 


Use this to filter for a specific form type. The values for the “Form title” dropdown are pulled from the previously configured forms in the “Forms” section of the application. 

Proposal Author

  • Use this option to search for proposals submitted by a particular person. 

  • A user account will need to be created for a user to create/submit a request. 

Current Step Started By

  • This filter allows users to filter for all proposals that reached its current step before a user-specified date.

  • Step allows users to select a date (single date that applies to all workflows / workflow steps).

  • All proposals with currentStepStartedAt dates that are after the date specified by the user in the currentStepStartedBy field will be filtered out.


  • This is a PeopleSoft field. 

  • Use this filter to search for proposals for courses and programs with a particular PeopleSoft career (e.g. Graduate, Undergraduate, Medical School, Law, etc.). 

Program Changes

  • If you only want to view proposals that pertain to Program changes, set this to “Yes”. 

  • If this is set to “Yes”, open the “Settings” icon to further define the Program Changes Filter.

Saving Views

Overview | Saved Views | Default View | Schoolwide Saved Views


You don’t have to re-add filters every time you visit the Proposals Dashboard. Rather, there are a few different ways to ensure you only see what you need to see every time you visit the Dashboard. 

Saved Views

Click the “Saved Views” icon to save your current view – including all filters – or to access a pre-existing one. This works the same in all products. Learn more here.

Default View

  • You can turn a Saved View into a default view. In other words: You can see that view (with all filters already applied) automatically every time you view the Proposals Dashboard.

  • Once you have a Saved View, navigate to your Profile Settings > Default Views and select the desired Saved View from the “Proposals View” dropdown.

Schoolwide Saved Views

  • This feature allows administrators to define reporting views necessary for different stakeholders without needing each user to define multiple saved views.

  • This is useful in cases where schools want all users in a campus to be able to access certain reporting views. You can learn more about it here.

Exporting Results

Overview | “Export Results” Options | Curriculum Reports List 

  • Each view can be exported to either PDF or CSV.

  • To do so, simply click “Export Results” and then select from the three on-screen options.

“Export Results” Options


Option will download directly as a CSV – no need to input any additional information.

To Table PDF

  • This PDF will contain all selected rows in the dashboard. 

  • Once selected, you will have the option to input a title for the table and define dates and table setup before clicking “Generate PDF”.

To Detailed PDF

  • This option is essentially a collated proposal PDF report. It will combine all filtered-for proposal PDFs into a single PDF with a table of contents.

  • PDF settings defined within the form impact what fields are displayed within the report. 

  • Once selected, you will have the option to input a title and define dates before clicking “Generate PDF”.

  • The first two pages of a report are shown below.

Curriculum Reports List 

  • This list is automatically generated as reports are exported (see above).

  • It includes reports from the last 30 days. 

  • From this list, PDF reports can be redownloaded, but CSV reports cannot. 

  • While a PDF is being generated, you will see “File not available yet” in the “download” column. Once the file is ready, you will see a blue “Download” button. 

Viewing Proposal Details

Overview | Proposal Details | Proposal Toolbox


  • Click on any proposal to view its details. 

  • When viewing the details for an individual proposal, you can view the proposal, dependencies, and changes on the left-hand side of the screen. 

  • The right-hand side of the screen is the “Proposal Toolbox”.

Proposal Details

Overview | Proposal | Dependencies | Changes


Proposal details are on the left-hand side of the screen and consist of three pills/tabs: proposals, dependences, and changes.


This view shows the proposal in its entirety.


This view shows any dependencies related to the proposal.


The “Changes” tab, when relevant, will highlight what’s changing (including requisites).

Show Diff

Changes can be accessed by clicking "show diff" in the changes tab. This results in a modal displaying, which shows the original requisites and the changes.

Error Message in Changes

The “changes” tab is dependent on loading the existing data and doing a real-time comparison with the content of the proposal. If for whatever reason the existing entity (i.e. the course/program) gets deleted, this will impact what gets shown in the “changes” tab. There is an error message that will appear if this is the case.

Proposal Toolbox

Decision | Workflow | Activity

The “Proposal Toolbox” on the right-hand side of the screen contains three tabs: Decision, Workflow, and Activity.


The “Decision” tab contains the final decision on whether the proposal has been approved or rejected. 


The “Workflow” tab shows the approval path the proposal has or will go through in the process and whether the proposal was approved or rejected in that step. This is where you go to track a proposal and determine its current status.


  • This tab contains an overview of the actions taken on the proposal, from user submitted information to the activity of the committee approving or disapproving the proposal.

  • You can also use this tab to add comments by inputting a note under “Enter value” and then hitting “Enter” on your keyboard.

  • The tab will also reflect the impact of logic jumps and custom decisions on proposal/request trajectory.

Voting on a Proposal


If you have a proposal listed in the Vote Required section of the Proposals Dashboard, you will want to take a look and decide whether or not to approve the proposal.

How to Do It

Step 1: Click on the proposal to open it. 

Step 2: Review details on the left-hand side of the screen (as outlined above under “Viewing Proposal Details”). 

Step 3: 

  • Enter your vote into the “Decision” tab of the Proposal Toolbox.

  • Click whichever option under “What would you like to do with this request?” applies.

  • Available options will vary depending on how your admin has set up the related workflow but could include: Approve, Reject, Suspend, and Route Back (details below).

Step 4: Input comments, if applicable and your settings allow.

Step 5: Click “Submit Decision”.

Proposal Route Back

Overview | How It Works | After a Request is Sent Back | Example | Route Back Emails


  • Some users have the ability to "send request back to" a prior step. This is commonly referred to as “route back”. 

  • Whether or not users have this ability will depend on which privileges were assigned to them within the workflow (See Step 7 here). The default for this permission is “Deny”.

How It Works

  1. User opens/views request.

  2. In the request toolbox, they click the “route back” button. This will open two additional options: “Send request back to” and “On return this request should”.

  3. Under “Send request back to,” the user selects the step the request should return to.

  4. Under “On return this request should”, the user selects how the proposal is routed back to the step that originated the route back. 

    • There are two options: “Go back through the entire workflow” and “Return to the current step”. 

    • If “Go back through the entire workflow” is selected, the request could potentially go through many steps before returning to the point where a user selected the “route back” option.

    • If “Return to current step” is selected, then the request will return to wherever it’s being sent back to, and then once that step participant has acted upon it, the request will return directly to the same step where the “route back” option was first selected.

  5. Under “please comment on your decision below”, the user should add a comment indicating their reason for sending back the proposal. 

After a Request is Sent Back

Once a request is sent back, this will be reflected in the request's decisions list, and in the status of the steps. In the example below, the request was sent back from Step 1 to the Author step, and as a result, there is an additional Author step in the list of total steps, indicating that the author must now approve again for the workflow to move forward.


If you have a workflow with 5 steps, and the participant at step 4 selects the “route back” option – and uses the “Send Request Back To” option to send it back to Step 1 – here’s what would happen if they select “Go back through the entire workflow” versus “return to current step”.

Go Back through the Entire Workflow

After the Step 1 participant (the request author) acts on the request, it will then proceed to steps 2-3 before returning to Step 4. 

Return to Current Step

After the Step 1 participant (the request author) acts on the request, the request will then return to Step 4.

Route Back Emails

CURRICULUM PATH: Academic Scheduling > Settings > Workflows > (Select Workflow) > (Click Step ) > Edit Email Templates

SCHEDULING PATH: Academic Scheduling > Workflows > (Select Workflow) > (Click Step ) > Edit Email Templates


Users can specify a custom email template for approvers and viewers if the request is routed back to that step. Learn more here.

Editing Proposals

  • If you are the author of an open Proposal and/or have the appropriate permissions, you can edit the proposal by going to Curriculum > Proposals > (Select Proposal) and selecting “Edit Proposal” just above the Proposal Toolbox. Learn more here.

  • Depending on permissions, upon making edits and hitting “Save”, the workflow might or might not reset. This process is the same for all Coursedog products. You can learn more about reset workflow options here.

Deleting Proposals


You can delete a proposal by:

  1. Navigating to Curriculum > Proposals.

  2. Click “Created by Me” to view all of the proposals you submitted.

  3. Open the proposal you wish to delete.

  4. Click “Delete Proposal” in the upper right-hand corner (shown below).

If you don’t see the “Delete Proposal” option in this screen, that means your role doesn’t have permission to delete proposals. If that is the case, please reach out to your institution’s Coursedog administrator for guidance on next steps.

Download & Print Proposals


You can download proposals as a PDF with a cover page and table of contents. This can be accessed by clicking "Download PDF" at the top of the proposal toolbox.

PDF Options

  • Clicking “Download PDF” opens the modal below.

  • In this modal, you can determine:

    • If the cover page should be included.

    • If the table of contents should be included.

    • If the cover page should include content, and which card the content should be pulled from.

    • The header date of the PDF.

  • Once all the relevant information has been selected, click “Download PDF” to generate your PDF. 

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