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REQUESTS: Handling Change Requests and Exceptions

Table of Contents

User Relationship to Requests
Request Columns
Using Filters
Saved Views
Request Details
Request Reset Options
Exporting Results
Related Articles 


PATH: Academic Scheduling > Requests


Coursedog has a Requests Dashboard that allows schedule approvers to approve, reject, or ask for more information on certain kinds of requests. For details on how end users may submit a request, refer to this article.


User Relationship to Requests

Overview | Vote Required | Assigned to Me | Created by Me | All Requests | Archived Requests



The Requests Dashboard consists of five main tabs that indicate the user’s relationship to the request(s): Vote Required, Assigned to Me, Created By Me, All Requests, and Archived Requests.


Vote Required

“Vote Required” includes all requests where the user must cast a vote to move the request along the workflow. For all intents and purposes, this is where users should navigate to for their action items.


Assigned to Me

“Assigned to Me” shows requests that the user did not create where they have already voted, have yet to vote, or where they were intended to vote before someone else force approved (therefore skipping all other workflow steps and no longer requiring their vote). This tab is helpful, amongst other things, for record-keeping purposes, as it shows requests the user has already voted on.


Created by Me

“Created by Me” only shows those requests created by the user themselves.


All Requests

“All Requests” shows all requests in the system, regardless of whether or not the user is associated with it.


Archived Requests

  • Shows the requests that were archived (by users with the “Archive Requests” permission set to ALLOW). Anyone with that permission can archive a request by opening it and selecting “Archive Request” in the upper right-hand corner of the Proposal Toolbox (shown below).

  • Archiving a request removes it from all tab views, except for the “Archived Requests” tab, to help clean up all other dashboard views. 

  • Archived requests will be further noted with a visual label (shown below).

Archiving a Request

Viewing an Archived Request


Request Columns


Every “requests” list can include up to 10 columns, though it will default to the first four listed below. Options include: 


  1. Name – Name of this specific request.

  2. Proposal Type – Details what kind of change or exception request was made.  

  3. Current Step – Provides a visual representation of where the request is in the workflow. Hover over each step for more information.

  4. Status – Details whether the status has already been approved, rejected, or if it is pending.

  5. Author – Name of the user who initiated the request.

  6. Current Step Age (Days) – Number of days the workflow has been at its current step. 

  7. Department(s) – The departments associated with the course.

  8. Form Title – This column is for Curriculum Management and will be blank if selected as a column in Academic Scheduling.

  9. Proposal Aging (Days) – The number of days that have passed since the request was initiated.

  10. Submission Date – The date the request was submitted.


Configuring Columns

Adding Columns

  1. Click on the “Columns” dropdown to see all available options.

  2. Check the ones you’d like to have in your view and uncheck those you don’t. 



Changing Column Order

Once you’ve added all of the columns you wish to have in your view, click on the six dots to the left of each option and then drag and drop to reflect your preferred order.


Using Filters

At the top of the screen, users can filter by document type or use advanced filters for additional options.


Document Type

Use the dropdown menu to filter for multiple document types.


Advanced Filters

  • Click the “Filter” icon to add additional filtering, including: Status, Departments, and Term.

  • “Status” and “Departments” are both multi select fields (which means you can filter for more than one status and/or more than one department).



Saved Views

Overview | How To Save a View | How To Access a Saved View


Once you have established the columns you would like to have appear on your Requests Dashboard and/or added filters, you can save your combination of columns and filters so you don’t have to recreate the view every time you log in.


How To Save a View

  1. Click the “Saved Views” icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Click “Save Current View” in the “Saved Views” modal.

  3. Input a descriptive name in the “Save view” modal.

  4. Click “Save”. 


How To Access a Saved View

  1. Click the “Saved Views” icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Select the view you wish to load.



Request Details

Overview | Decision | Workflow | Activity


  • When you click inside of a request, the left-hand side of the screen will show the full request.

  • The right-hand side of the screen will show the Request Toolbox, which is the interface for taking actions on a request. It consists of three tabs: Decision, Workflow, and Activity.


  • This is where you go to vote on a request. 

  • If the request has already been approved or rejected, this tab will reflect the final decision.


  • The “Workflow” tab shows the approval path of the request, as well as whether or not it was approved, rejected, or pending at each step. 

  • This is where you go to track a request and determine its current status.


  • This tab contains an overview of the actions taken on the request. 

  • You can also use this tab to add comments by inputting a note under “Enter value” and then hitting “Enter” on your keyboard.

  • It will also reflect the impact of logic jumps and custom decisions on proposal/request trajectory.


Request Reset Options

What happens when a user edits a request depends on permission settings for their role. Learn more here.


Exporting Results

  • Users can export the request data into a CSV file, which will apply the filters and columns the user has selected.

  • To export results, simply click the “Export Results” icon in the upper right-hand corner.


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