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Cloning from Production to Staging

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Requesting a Clone 
Frequently Asked Questions
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  • Coursedog can clone your Production environment to your Staging environment once per quarter, free of charge.

  • Production to Staging clones allow Coursedog customers to keep their Staging environments up-to-date in order to test new configurations or troubleshoot a problem in a non-live environment.

Requesting a Clone 

  • Submit a Support ticket in Freshdesk for the product in which your cloning will take place. For the case type, select “Production to Staging Clone”.

  • Production to Staging clone requests have a two-week turnaround.

  • Once the Coursedog Support team informs you that the clone is complete, you will need to validate and QA the clone before closing the ticket.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often can I submit a production to staging clone request?

You can submit one request per product per quarter

What if I need to request more than one production to staging clone request in a given quarter?

Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss further.

Can I request cloning from Staging to Production?

Unfortunately, no. Coursedog does not support cloning from Staging to Production environments beyond your initial product implementation.

What are some reasons I would want to request cloning from Production to Staging?

Example use cases include: 

  1. Your workflows or any other relevant configuration have changed since launch and you want an up-to-date environment to test.

  2. You want a non-live environment to test or troubleshoot configurations.

If I am an integrated customer, can Coursedog clone courses, sections, or other data from Production to Staging?

Unfortunately, no. Given the integrated nature of our products, we encourage customers to ensure their integrations always remain the source of truth for all data, regardless of the environment.

If I am an integrated customer, can Coursedog clone Coursedog-only data?

Unfortunately, no. Coursedog does not support cloning Coursedog-only data.

If I am a CSV-only customer, can Coursedog clone courses, sections, or other data from production to staging?

Yes. Please add in the ticket that you would like to clone data as well.

How do I know when the cloning task is complete?

  • Within two weeks of submission, you should receive an update via the corresponding Help Center ticket notifying you of your completed cloning request. 

  • Please ensure you validate the cloning request before closing the ticket.

What happens if there are issues with my Production to Staging clone?

Please respond to the Freshdesk Ticket with the problem that you are experiencing.

Can I request to clone users?

  • It depends on your Institution’s set up. 

  • Please add a note in the Freshdesk ticket and our Support team will determine whether or not it is possible.

  • They will let you know either way in the ticket. 

Can I clone specific entities?

Unfortunately, no. Coursedog can only clone an entire environment from Production to Staging.

Can I clone a specific Product from Production to Staging?

  • Yes, when you submit a request you will select the specific Product that you want to clone.

  • For example, if you have both Academic Scheduling and Event Scheduling, you can request to clone just Academic Scheduling.

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