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USERS: Setting Up Users

Table of Contents
Adding Users
Inactivating a User
Deleting a User
Managing User Settings
Modifying a User’s Profile
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This article walks you through how to edit, manage, and delete users in all Coursedog products. 

Adding Users

Manually on the User Page | Adding Users via CSV (Only Available during Implementation)
Adding Users via API

  • During implementation, Coursedog allows institutions to create users in two different ways: manually in the user interface (UI) or via CSV. 

  • The CSV method is only available during implementation. Once you have gone live, you can still create users manually in the UI. If you need to upload new users in bulk post-launch, you can do that through our API. 

  • SAML schools have the additional option to create users via SSO by following the steps outlined here.

Manually on the User Page

PATH: Any Coursedog Product > Settings > Users


Step One: Select “+ Add User” at the top of the page to open the “Add New User” card.



Step Two: 

  • Provide information about your new user, including the role they were assigned.

  • Required fields are marked with a red "required" symbol in their label next to the field name. 

  • Email address is one of the required fields; it is a user’s unique ID in Coursedog and, consequently, cannot be edited after the user is created (See “Modifying a User’s Profile” below to learn more). Additionally, if a user is also an Instructor in Scheduling, their user email must match the email in their Instructor Profile in order for them to be able to use the Instructor Dashboard. 

  • Although not required to start, you will want to assign a role to each user before they begin working in Coursedog; this is an extremely important step, as the assigned role determines the user's permissions and access to the various functionalities within Coursedog (see this article for more information on roles).

  • Optional fields are:

    • Roles – Which role(s) you should assign depends on how many products your user has access to (and whether or not their permission-level should vary for each). See the below chart for guidance.  NOTES: We advise against assigning more than one prebuilt role, as the user will have the higher permission in all associated products, which can be difficult to manage. Additionally, users will not appear as Department Schedulers unless they are assigned the prebuilt role. 


User Access/Permissions


User only has access to one product

Give them a single prebuilt role with the most aligned permissions, or create a custom role specific to their need.

User has access to more than one product and has the same level of permissions in those products.

Give them a single prebuilt role with the most aligned permissions, or create a custom role specific to their need. 

User has access to multiple products and needs different permission levels for each.

Assign multiple, product-based custom roles. In this use case, it is OK to assign more than one role, so long as they are product-specific custom roles that have been thoroughly tested and validated. You will want to ensure each product-specific custom role has permissions for all other products set to “Deny”.


  • Primary Department – You may assign only one.

  • Secondary Departments – You may assign more than one.

  • Products – If your institution has more than one Coursedog product.

  • Default Product — If a user has access to more than one product and a default is not assigned, when they first log in they will be taken to a dashboard where they can choose the product they wish to use. However, if a default product has been assigned, upon login they will always be taken to the homepage for that product.

  • Phone Number

  • Address – Including street address, city, state, and zip code.

  • Institution ID – This points to your institution’s ID for this user. Whether or not you need to include this depends on your SSO configuration. If your SSO is configured to send the ID of your users as configured in your database, make sure their institution ID is captured here so we can match them with our database.

  • Status – Choose between “Active” and “Inactive”. Inactivating a user will prevent them from being able to log into Coursedog but will allow you to retain a record for them.
  • Login Method – Choose between “Password” and “Default”. The default is defined by an Admin at Admin > Settings > Auth Settings.

Step Three: How you proceed next depends on whether or not you want the new user to receive an email notification alerting them that access has been created and a password reset is required.

  • If You Want an Email to be Sent: Select “ADD NEW USER”.

  • If You DO NOT Want an Email to be Sent: Select “ADD WITHOUT SENDING MAIL”.



Adding Users via CSV (Only Available during Implementation)

  • When you are first implementing Coursedog, you can also add users in bulk via CSV upload. 

  • Users added via CSV will not receive an email notification, regardless of whether your notification settings are set to ON or OFF.

  • To add users via CSV, talk to your Customer Success representative, as there is a template you will need to populate. 

Adding Users via API

  • If you need to add users in bulk post-launch, you can do so via our API. 

  • Learn how here

Inactivating a User

PATH: Any Coursedog Product > Settings > Users > (Select User)


  • If you wish to inactivate a user from the system but would like to retain their record, you can change their status from “active” to “inactive” within their User Profile.

  • This compares to deleting a user, which removes their record entirely. 

Best Practices

  • If you wish to retain the user’s record, do not delete the user; instead, change their status to “inactive”. 

  • Remove inactive users from all workflows and replace them with a new user. 

  • Remove all roles from the user’s account (this will ensure they show up in the “Inactive Workflow Users” report available in Curriculum).

Deleting a User

PATH: Any Coursedog Product > Settings > Users 

  • You may delete a user from Coursedog by selecting their name from the list and clicking “Delete User” on the top right.

  • When a user is deleted from the system, their name will be removed from the workflow itself as well as any existing requests. Make sure you formally remove the deleted participant; replace them with a new user in all their workflows; and select “Update workflows for in-flight proposals” to prevent any issues.

Managing User Settings

Primary Academic Department / Secondary Academic Departments

Within the settings of an individual user, there are a few important fields you can use to manage what your user can do within the Coursedog platform.



As discussed above, what you select here will determine what the user can and cannot see/do throughout the product. 


Primary Academic Department / Secondary Academic Departments

  • These fields allow you to select which departments a user has access to. This is important for a case like Department Schedulers where you only want them to have access to a specific department. 

  • You may only select one Primary Academic Department, but may select multiple Secondary Academic Departments.

  • You should avoid assigning the same department as primary AND secondary (if you assign the same department for both, the user will appear twice in the list of schedulers). 



  • This field allows you to select what products a user has access to.

  • This overrides the institution-level access but cannot grant access to a product the school does not have. For example, if an institution has both Academic Scheduling and Event Scheduling, you can use this field to limit a user to only accessing the Academic Scheduling platform.

  • If your institution has multiple products but you want a user to only have access to one, you will want to make sure you assign that product in their profile to prevent the user from accessing other products.

Modifying a User’s Profile


Most of a user’s profile can be modified at any time by going to Product > Settings > Users > (Click User’s Name).

Email Address

  • A user’s email address cannot be changed; if a user’s email needs to be changed, then the user’s existing account must be deleted and a new account must be created.

  • If the user’s original account is tied to any workflows – and that account is deleted and a new one created with a different email address – you will need to update those workflows with the “new” user account.

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