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Downloading Event Contracts, Invoices & PDFs

Table of Contents

Editing Event Contracts
Downloading a Contract
Downloading an Invoice
Adding Stripe Payment Links to Invoices
Downloading Event PDFs
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  • If your role has permission to create or edit contracts and/or download invoices (as defined in Settings > Roles), you will see buttons for these permissions whenever you view an individual event.

  • To create or edit a contract or download an invoice, navigate to Events > Events > (Click Event) and then look for the applicable option under “Actions” on the right-hand side of your screen.

Editing Event Contracts


When you edit a contract, the initial input will be pre-populated with the default contract associated with the event type. This allows users to make ad-hoc changes to a contract that are specific to a single event:

How to Do It

  1. Click “Edit Contract”. 

  2. Input your changes.

  3. Click “Save”.

Downloading a Contract


  • You will have the option to edit a contract before downloading it.

  • Unlike the steps outlined under “Editing Event Contracts” above, edits made when downloading will not save – these edits are primarily for users to "fill in the blanks" before downloading a contract. In other words, if you need to specify a date, name, address, or other details, you can do so right before downloading the contract.

  • All contracts come with the invoice appended at the end, and the custom logo that your Administrator uploaded into the application (Admin panel > “Logo & Styling”) will be displayed in the top left of the generated PDF.

How to Do It

  1. Click “Download contract”.

  2. Add in any details you need for the downloaded version (understanding these changes will not save). 

  3. Click “Download Contract”. 

Downloading an Invoice

If you wish to download an invoice directly – without the contract – you can do that as well. Simply: 

  1. Select “Download Invoice” under “Actions”.

  2. Select the meeting date(s) you wish to download the invoice for (you can choose individual meetings or all meetings).

  3. Select “Download Invoice”.

Adding Stripe Payment Links to Invoices

Overview | Event Invoice PDFs with Stripe | Example Invoice


  • Coursedog offers an integration with Stripe that allows users to customize invoice prices, share Events data from Coursedog to Stripe, automatically add Stripe invoice links to Coursedog Event Invoice PDFs, and accept payment for events through Stripe. 

  • If this integration is enabled, Stripe payment links can be embedded directly on PDF Invoices from Coursedog. To set up this integration, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Stripe account to Coursedog.

  2. Configure your Stripe integration within Coursedog.

  • Once that integration is configured, you will be able to use the “Invoice Details” field (covered in the second article above) to customize final invoice prices, add a “Payment Instructions” field to invoices, and add a Stripe payment link to invoices.

Event Invoice PDFs with Stripe


  • With the Stripe integration enabled, invoice PDFs are accessible from the same “Download Invoice” button in the “Actions” tab on an event record.

  • These invoices show pricing details associated with the event.

How to Do It

Step 1

  • Edit the event and check the “Create Stripe Invoice” checkbox. 

  • This must be checked for any of the remaining steps to apply. 

Step 2

  • Click “Download Invoice” and choose “All meetings” from the dropdown menu. 

  • Stripe invoice links only appear on “All meetings” Invoices.

Step 3: Click “Download invoice”. The invoice will include a “Stripe Invoice Download Link”.

Example Invoice

  • When a user clicks that link, they will be taken to a Stripe payment page like this one, where they can pay using any method you choose to enable.

  • See the How to Use Your Stripe Integration article for more information.

Downloading Event PDFs


You can download a PDF of an event from within the Event record. 

How to Do It

  1. Navigate to Events > Events.

  2. Locate the event by adjusting the start date and end date of the search window. 

  3. Click to open the event record.

  4. Click “Download PDF” under the “Actions” column. 

  1. Select the type of record you’d like to download. Options include: 

    1. Event Summary – A basic record that includes the Event name, Event ID, Type of Event, Related Contacts, and the dates, times and locations of associated meetings. 

    2. Event Facility and Resource Use – Includes the same information as the summary, along with any related resources as well as setup and teardown times. 

  1. Resources Checklist – Includes everything from the Event Facility and Resource Use PDF, but the resources are broken down into a checklist – perfect for planning for the event and making sure everything is ready. 

  1. Event Summary (Expanded) – 

    1. Includes everything in the Event Summary as well as: Organization, Expected Head Count, Actual Head Count, Requester Name and Contact Information, Event Status, Event Last Modified, Setup and Teardown times for all associated meetings, Room Name/Building/Layout, Event Notes, Resources (including Quantity and Resource Notes). 

    2. This PDF can be shared with facilities teams, security, event owners, and event requesters as a single source of truth for relevant information about the event. 

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