Table of Contents
Recommended Approach
Setting Up Your Environment
This article outlines how to handle majors, minors, concentrations, and specializations (MMCS) in Curriculum Management for Banner and Colleague clients.
Recommended Approach
For minors, concentrations, and specializations that are non-nested (i.e. they do not live in a major or program within your SIS), we recommend storing them as programs in Curriculum Management.
Setting Up Your Environment
To fully set up the environment, please work with your Customer Success Manager or Project Manager to configure the below:
Step 1:
Add the program type field to the program template.
Utilize actions to control which fields display for each entity based on user input for program type. This is useful in cases where you want certain data to display.
Add program type to default views to clearly identify to Curriculum Management users what type of program it is in the program and proposals inventories.
You can also use degree designation to drive this, depending on what you use to label your programs.
Step 2:
Upload majors, non-nested minors, concentrations, and specializations as individual programs.
Wherever these MMCS are associated with majors/programs, use the requirements builder to reference the MMCS.
Use the program type field to label each entity.
An example of this would be a standalone Math Minor. If a math minor is used in the biology major and the chemistry major, use the requirements builder in each major to reference the math minor.
Step 3:
Use the specializations card to store any nested MMCS.
Store each nested MMCS as a specialization.
If there are requirements associated with the MMCS, then use the requirement builder to create the MMCS, and label it as such.
Additional Note
Consider making the program type clear in the title of the MMCS for use in the catalog.