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Requesting a New Event in the Coursedog UI

Table of Contents

How to Do It
Event Form Submission Guidance
What To Do If Your Meeting is Longer Than Eight Days
Tracking an Event Request in the Coursedog UI
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  • Coursedog users can request an event from within the Coursedog User Interface (UI).

  • Your Role permissions will impact which Event Types you are able to submit requests for; your Role permissions are set by your institution admins.

How to Do It

STEP 1: Select “Request an Event” from the Events Homepage. 

STEP 2: 

  • Select the Event Type.

  • Review all available options to make sure the one you select is correct.

  • Listed Event Types were configured by your institution’s admin. 

  • Click “Continue” once you’re ready.


  • Complete the Event Form.

  • Although the exact fields you will need to fill out will vary, general guidance is offered in the “Event Form Submission Guidance” section below.

STEP 4: 

  • Click “Submit Event Request”.

  • Once submitted, your dashboard will display successful submission.

Event Form Submission Guidance

Overview | Required Fields | Meetings & Location Card | Contacts Card


The fields you are asked to fill out on the form will vary depending on the Event Type you selected and the way your institution’s admin configured the form, but this section outlines general guidelines.

Required Fields

Anything marked with a red “required” flag must be completed in order to be able to submit the form successfully.

Meetings & Location Card


  • Select “+ Add New Meeting” to complete this card.

  • Click into any field to edit it.

  • You must add at least one meeting in order to submit your request. 

  • One meeting cannot exceed 8 days in length. See this section to learn more about that. 

  • An event cannot include a meeting that begins more than 30 days in the past.

  • Your event can have multiple meetings if you require multiple rooms; if the event is spread across time (i.e. a recurring meeting); or if you need to request one room for more than 8 consecutive days.

Meetings & Locations Fields

  • Check the “All day” box if your event spans the entire day. 

  • Input the Start Date and End Date of your Event.

  • Input the Start Time and End Time of your Event.

  • If your event will repeat: 

    • Ensure the “start date” and “end date” match. You will define when the event stops recurring in the “Repeat” field.

    • Click into the “Repeat” field to open the “Recurrence” modal. 

    • Define the recurrence pattern. 

    • You can define the last date of the event in the “Ends” field. 

    • There is no limit to how far in advance you would like your recurring meeting to go. 

    • However, in order to ensure your multi-day event is accurately displayed on the calendar we recommend users create a new meeting for each day of the event. This is because events will only display on the calendar if their meeting start date is within the date range of the month, week, or day calendar view.

  • Click into the “location” field to select a room. You can filter by room Availability, Room Type, Room Features, or you can search for specific Rooms.

    • Keep “Show only available rooms” toggled to the right to avoid seeing any rooms that aren’t free during the requested time frame; toggle to the left to see all rooms regardless of availability.

    • With “Show only available rooms” toggled off (to the left):

      • Rooms that would result in a double-booking conflict will show up with a red border. 

      • Similarly, if a blackout date exists for a room on any of the selected dates, that room will still return in the search but will be highlighted with a red border and a note explaining the potential conflict. 

        • You will be able to select the room regardless of permissions, but you will not be able to submit the request or add the event unless you have the “Can Submit Requests with Conflicts” (if creating an Event Request) or “Can Add Events with Conflicts” (if adding an Event directly) permission(s).

          • If you have the relevant permission, you will see two options: 

            • Submit the request with conflicts

            • Submit the request but the meeting(s) falling on Blackout Dates will be skipped.

          • The use case here is to allow rooms to be booked for recurring events, even if one of the days includes a blackout. 

  • If you don’t have the relevant permission, you will have the option to proceed and skip blackout dates or to go back and edit the request.

  • Learn more about Blackout Dates.

  • Selecting “Select No Room” or “Select TBA” (in the bottom left) could result in your Request being delayed or rejected (unless your event is not happening in-person).

  • While selecting a room or resource, you can click to see the event calendar for that room, which will show when the room is available. Clicking this button will open a modal that allows you to view the calendar, filter academic events, and switch between Month, Week, and Day views.

  • By default, Coursedog will filter out Rooms with "Capacity" less than "Expected Head Count" if "Expected Head Count" is a field on the Event Form and if the requester enters a value in that field. A Requester can still choose a Room with "Capacity" less than "Expected Head Count" by adjusting the search toggles.

  • You can also tell if there is a request pending for any given room or resource. Learn more about room and resource holds.

  • Click into the “Resources” field to request equipment or services for your event.

    • When adding Resources you must indicate Quantity unless the available amount is “unlimited”.

    • You can add a note for each requested resource to explain how it should be used.

    • If you do not need any Resources, select “No Resources Needed” in the bottom left corner.

    • While selecting a resource, users can click to see the event calendar for that resource, which will show when it is available

  • If you’ll be adding multiple meetings and wish to use the details from one to inform the other, select “Copy Existing Meeting” in the bottom right. Clicking this button creates a copy of the last meeting created, but the copy will automatically remove the Location so as to avoid creating a double booked room conflict.

Contacts Card

  • The “Contacts” card indicates who will need to be notified about the progress of the Event request.

  • The person submitting the form will automatically be added as a contact, but you can change that and/or add an additional contact by selecting “+Add New Contact”.

  • You can toggle “Send Email Notifications” to yes if you would like for the contact to receive email notifications pertaining to this request.

What To Do If Your Meeting is Longer Than Eight Days


  • One meeting in an event request cannot be longer than eight days.

  • If you try to book a meeting that is longer than eight days, you will see a warning that looks like this:

  • This does not mean that you can’t create one event request spanning more than eight days – you can use recurrence patterns and multiple meetings to create events that are longer than seven days.

  • Read about recurrence patterns.

  • To create multiple meetings within one event request, use the “Add New Meeting” button.

Example Use Case

You are looking to book a meeting for a conference. The Student Center will be booked for 14 days.

  • If it is hosting an “Attendee Breakfast” one one day and a “Closing Keynote” on another day, those should be separate meetings. You do not need to reserve the space for the full span of those fourteen days. Instead, use the “Add New Meeting” button to create multiple meetings within one event request.

  • Perhaps the Student Center is indeed hosting one continuous event like “Welcome Space” for the full 14 day span of the conference.

    • You should create a recurring meeting for each of the fourteen days.

    • If the Student Center is open for the Welcome Space from 8 AM - 7 PM each day, create a recurring meeting pattern that happens daily from 8 AM - 7 PM for the next fourteen days.

Tracking an Event Request in the Coursedog UI


To view the status of event requests created by you, navigate to Events > Requests > Created by Me. 

Click on the request name to view that request’s details and status.

Request Details Breakdown

Overview | Decision | Workflow | Activity


  • When you click inside of a request, the left-hand side of the screen will show the full request.

  • The right-hand side of the screen will show the Request Toolbox, which is the interface for taking actions on a request. It consists of three tabs: Decision, Workflow, and Activity.


  • This is where you go to vote on a request. 

  • If the request has already been approved or rejected, this tab will reflect the final decision.


  • The “Workflow” tab shows the approval path of the request, as well as whether or not it was approved, rejected, or pending at each step. 

  • This is where you go to track a request and determine its current status.


  • This tab contains an overview of the actions taken on the request. 

  • You can also use this tab to add comments by inputting a note under “Enter value” and then hitting “Enter” on your keyboard.

  • It will also reflect the impact of logic jumps and custom decisions on proposal/request trajectory.

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