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Cloning Catalogs - All Catalogs

Table of Contents

How It Works
How To Clone a Catalog
After You’ve Finished Cloning
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After publishing a catalog, it is common for users to make a copy of the catalog to begin editing a future version. In Coursedog this is referred to as “cloning”.

How It Works


  • If you think of a catalog as a set of custom pages, cloning a catalog simply creates an identical copy of this set of pages (including the homepage).

  • Each catalog is also assigned a top navigation and a side navigation, each of which is assigned to a “catalog scope” which determines the set of pages that the navigation is linking to.

  • For this reason it is very important to ensure that each catalog has navigations that are assigned to the catalog’s scope.

What’s Not Included

  • When you clone a specific catalog, the website settings DO NOT get cloned; rather, the cloned catalog will pick up the global website settings configured at Catalog > Settings > Website.

  • Filters applied to the catalog will not be cloned.

How To Clone a Catalog

Step 1: Ensure the website settings configured at Catalog > Settings > Website reflect the website settings you would like to see in the catalog you are about to create via the “clone” option.

Step 2: 

  • Navigate to Catalog > Settings > Catalogs.

  • Click the “CLONE” button under the “ACTIONS” section.

Step 3: Name the new Catalog and then select “Clone”.

Step 4: Navigate to Catalog > Navigation.

Step 5: Click “Clone” next to the navigations you wish to clone. 

Step 6: Give the new navigation a name/label and then select “Clone”.

Step 7: 

  • Click to open the new navigation you just created.

  • Select the applicable catalog from the “Catalog Scope” dropdown menu. 

After You’ve Finished Cloning

  • Navigations are cloned, but if you have links in your navigation that connect to the old catalog, you might want to make a new one or edit a clone of the navigation. 

    • This is often the case with any links to pre-built pages which are in a nested navigation group. 

  • Similarly, check the CTA links on your homepage to ensure you’re linking to your current catalog rather than a previous iteration (best practice is to use the relative URL as noted here, so no updating is needed, but if you’re using a full URL, you will want to make sure it’s updated after cloning). 

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