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Approval Workflows - All Catalogs

Table of Contents

Building a Standard Workflow
Workflow Notifications
Dynamic Steps
Logic Jumps in Catalog Workflows
Assigning a Workflow to Change Requests
Example Workflows
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  • When a user submits a change to your catalog, it goes through the designated workflow.

  • Workflows function the same way in all products, with a couple exceptions. In Catalog, those exceptions include the ability to add department approvals as a dynamic step as well as the ability to base logic jumps off of catalog-specific content. 

Building a Standard Workflow

  • Learn about workflow basics here.

  • To learn how to build a standard workflow, see this article.

Workflow Notifications

  • All workflows give you the ability to define default email templates as well as the ability to further customize emails at both the workflow as well as the step level. 

  • Learn more about workflow notifications here.

Dynamic Steps

Overview | Department Approvals | Page Owners


  • Dynamic steps function like normal workflow steps, but they’re generated automatically based on the workflow settings you’ve configured for them.

  • In Catalog, you can add a dynamic step based on department approvals or page owners. 

Department Approvals

  • These are configured the same way in Catalog and Curriculum Management.

  • You can learn more about it here.

Page Owners

Overview | Default Permissions Substeps


  • As with other dynamic steps, routing to multiple owners can be configured to occur in parallel or sequentially. 

  • In instances of sequential review, if one owner rejects or edits the request, others will have to re-approve the updated request.

  • We don’t have the ability to define a number of votes for sequential steps because if one substep doesn’t get approved, then it shouldn’t go on to the next person, even if they’re all page owners.

  • If you wish to define a percentage of votes required for approval/rejection of a request with multiple page owners, you will want to select “parallel” as the step type. 

  • Learn more about Sequential vs. Parallel steps.  

Default Permissions

  • Most workflows give you the ability to define “workflow privileges” that indicate what a user can do  (e.g. Can vote, can comment, can suspend, etc.) when a workflow reaches them.

  • Things work a bit differently for Page Owners:

    • If the Page Owner is an individual, you cannot define workflow permissions. By default, Page Owners will have the following permission setup: 

      • Can Vote (Approve/Reject)

      • Can Comment

      • Can Suspend

      • Can Route Back

      • “Can/Cannot Edit Request” permission is determined by RBAC set up at Catalog > Settings > Roles.

      • Can/Cannot Edit Workflow permission is determined by RBAC set up at Catalog > Settings > Roles.

      • Cannot Force Approve

      • Is Not Required to Comment Unless Routing Back

    • If the Page Owner is a committee, an Admin can define workflow permissions for individual committee members at Catalog > Settings > Committees > (Select Committee). 


  • If you see a reference to “substep” configuration when viewing a request, note that this terminology is being removed from the UI for steps tied to Catalog page owners, as there aren’t any substep configurations for Catalog page owners. 

  • If a single page has multiple owners, then the review by each owner is a “substep”. What this means for your workflow is determined by whether it’s set to “parallel” or “sequential” review, as outlined above.

Logic Jumps in Catalog Workflows


  • Every workflow step can have a series of associated logic jumps – these are conditions that can be used to dynamically change the path of a request. For example, if your institution has both a graduate and an undergraduate catalog, you can use the same workflow for both but use a logic jump to determine where the pages go for review. 

  • You can learn more about logic jumps in general here.

Catalog-Specific Fields

Overview | Content | Page Name | Catalog Page URL


You can build your logic jump off of Catalog-specific fields, including Content, Page Name, and Catalog Page URL. 


e.g. If a catalog page contains X details, then go to Y.

Page Name

e.g. If a catalog page name equals X, then go to Y.

Catalog Page URL

  • e.g. If a page URL is X, then go to Y. 

  • This looks for the unique coursedog page URL, not the slug you have set up in the navigation. 

  • For this to work, you would set the URL to reflect what appears in the address bar in the pages builder.

Assigning a Workflow to Change Requests

  • If you create multiple workflows, you will want to determine which one is assigned to catalog change requests.

  • A default workflow must be assigned (at Catalog > Settings > Requests) even if there is only one workflow configured. 

  • Learn more here.

Example Workflows

  • You can configure your workflow(s) to meet your institution’s needs; even a workflow with the same objective can look very different depending on the school.

  • Below are two different approaches to a “Catalog Change Request” workflow, for example.

  • To zoom in for a better view, you can download the PDF(s) attached at the bottom of this article. 




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