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INTEGRATIONS: Curriculum Merge Status

Table of Contents

Successful Integration
Not Yet Synced
Integration Error
Permission to View Integration Status


Every course/program record includes a banner that displays its integration status. There are three potential statuses: successful, not yet synced, or error while syncing. 

Successful Integration

If the integration is successful, a banner similar to the below will appear indicating that the integration was successful, and the time of the successful sync.

Not Yet Synced

If the course has not yet been synced with the SIS, the following banner will appear:

Integration Error


In the case of an integration error, a red banner will offer a link to more details. For cross listing, the banner reflects the status of the course object and its offerings.

Error Details

  • The “Click here to view details” hyperlink will open a new modal. The modal contains a link to the full merge report; viewing the report will require access to the Integrations Hub.

  • If there is an integration error for a cross listed course, the error details will only show up on the first cross-listed course. This error shows the issue for the broader cross listed courses group of multiple course offerings.

Permission to View Integration Status 

PATH: Curriculum > Settings > Roles 

Visibility of the integration status banner can be controlled via role based access control (RBAC) for both courses and programs. To set a role’s permission, follow the above path and set “View Course Integration Status” and “View Program Integration Status” to “Allow” or “Deny”.

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