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Adding & Editing Pages - Contemporary Catalog

Table of Contents

Pre-Built Pages
Custom Pages
Using the Page Editor
Action Sidebar
Related Articles


Contemporary Catalog contains two types of pages: pre-built and custom. 

Pre-Built Pages

Overview | Adding Pre-Built Department Pages Pre-Built Page Options
Department Landing Page | Program Page | Course Page


  • Pre-built pages are pages that are pre-built by Coursedog, often to show specific sets of data, including information about courses and programs. 

  • Most pre-built pages use predefined content that allows for an integrated Catalog < > Curriculum system to be easily and nearly immediately set up. 

  • You can generate a pre-built page for any department by following the steps outlined below.


Adding Pre-Built Department Pages

How to Do It

Step 1: Navigate to Catalog > Departments.

Step 2

  • Click on the department you wish to create an overview for.

  • This will redirect you to the Pages tab and will generate a WYSIWYG editor for the department.

Step 3: Use the WYSIWYG to create a description for the department.

Step 4: Click “Publish” once ready. 

Additional Notes

  • Once you’ve selected “publish” for a given department, it will pop up on the Catalog > Pages tag, where you can further customize/edit. 

  • When a pre-built department page goes through workflow, you can use the dynamic approval step to loop in those assigned to the department dynamically. Learn more about dynamic workflow steps

  • Admins can change the Department Display Name – the name that appears at the top of the Department’s page in your catalog – at Catalog > Settings > Departments. Learn more about Department Settings

  • Even once published, in order to make Department pages easy to find, you will want to add “Departments” to a navigation. Learn more about Editing Navigations. 

Pre-Built Page Options

The Contemporary Catalog contains the following pre-built pages:

  1. Department’s List – This page shows a list of all academic departments within the institution. It allows for additional custom content to be added.

  2. Department Landing Page – 
    1. This page provides access to a single department’s courses, faculty, and programs. Each department is given its own landing page. This page includes tabs that list all Courses, Faculty, and Programs associated with that department. In addition, it allows for a customized Department Overview to be added.

    2. If your institution does not use a department structure and you wish to hide department pages, your Project Manager can disable department pages across the Catalog during your implementation (if you are already implemented, reach out to your CSM). This will stop department pages from appearing in search results. Note that this works across an entire environment; you cannot show some departments and hide others.  

  3. Course Page – This page displays all content associated with a course. This page is customizable through Settings > Page Templates. All data, however, is pulled directly from the Coursedog Curriculum Management platform. Any updates made to a Course in Curriculum Management will automatically update in the Catalog. The same is true for programs and departments.

  4. Course Search Page –  This page displays all courses that are available to be taken in a given term. The data is pulled directly from the Coursedog Curriculum Management platform. Any updates made to a Course in Curriculum Management will automatically update in the Catalog. 

  5. Programs Page – This page displays all content associated with a program. This page is customizable through Settings > Page Templates. All data, however, is pulled directly from the Coursedog Curriculum Management platform. Any updates made to a Program in Curriculum Management will automatically update in the Catalog. The same is true for courses and departments.

  6. Program Search Page –  This page displays all programs that are available to be taken in a given term. The data is pulled directly from the Coursedog Curriculum Management platform. Any updates made to a Course in Curriculum Management will automatically update in the Catalog. 

  7. Home Page –  This is the landing page of the Catalog. It allows for additional custom content to be added.


Department Landing Page



Program Page

The program page, based on the program template users construct within the Coursedog UI, can feature program information, admissions detail, and program requirements, among other items.

Course Page


  • This page displays all content associated with a course that is on the Catalog’s Course Template. 

  • This page has no customizable component. 

  • The data for this page is pulled directly from the Coursedog Curriculum platform, so if a change is made to a course in Curriculum Management, it will auto-update the Catalog so long as the effective dates match. The same is true for programs and departments.

  • Although the information displayed on a course page in a public-facing catalog is pulled from Curriculum Management, the order in which it is displayed is determined by however your institution has set up your Course Page Template in Catalog. 

Course Example

The information that is displayed under the Course Name in the public-facing catalog is automatically pulled in from the Department, Career, and College fields for the course in Curriculum. 

  • If the information isn’t populated, it will not appear. 

  • Department, Career, and College are the fields’ Question Ids; some schools choose to re-name them (in the below screenshot, they are called Department, Academic Level, and Division). 



Custom Pages

Overview | Related Permissions | Viewing Custom Pages | Adding Custom Pages | Editing Custom Pages 


Custom pages are a blank template that can be edited to display any type of the following content:

  1. Text

  2. Headers

  3. Images

  4. Tables

  5. Lists

  6. Links


  • There are some role-based permissions that impact a user’s ability to edit and/or publish pages. 

  • Permissions are configured by admins. If you need either or both of these permissions but do not have them, reach out to your institution’s Coursedog admin. 

  • Conditional permissions are also present in the Edit Pages setting. Admins can define permissions based on if the user making the edit is a page owner, dynamically updating that users permission to ALLOW or DENY based on their ownership of a given page.

“Edit Pages” Setting

“Publish Pages” Setting




User can edit and publish pages*



User cannot edit pages but can publish them (unlikely use case)*



User can edit pages but cannot publish them*



User cannot directly edit or publish pages*

*If a user doesn't have permission to edit pages or does but wants page changes to go through an approval workflow, they likely can still request changes if they have the "request changes" permission.

Viewing Custom Pages

  • Navigate to Catalog > Pages to view all catalog pages that currently exist in the system.

  • This table contains five columns:

    1. Name – The name of the catalog page.

    2. Type – Custom or Pre-built.

    3. Published – This is a flag that indicates if the page is viewable in the public catalog (either through search results or navigation).

    4. Last Edited – The date the page was last edited.

    5. Actions – Gives you the option to clone the page to another catalog.

    6. Owner – Lists the page owners assigned to the page. 

Adding Custom Pages

Follow the below steps to add a new custom page. 

Step 1: 

  • Click the “+ New Custom Page” button on the top.

  • This will open a modal with the following input: 


Step 2: 

  • For each new page, a custom and unique URL is automatically created.

  • You are able to modify this URL in the navigation view.


Step 3: 

  • Once you click “save,” you will be taken to the Page Editor view (shown below).

  • This page is the same for editing new pages and existing pages. 

  • The only difference is that a new page by default is not published. This means the page cannot be added to the public catalog navigation, nor will it show up in search results within the public catalog.

  • This gives you an opportunity to build/edit/modify this page, and when you are ready to release it, you can click the “Publish” button. 


Additional Note

  • Even once published, in order for a custom page to appear on your website, it needs to be added to a navigation, and that navigation needs to be assigned to the correct catalog. Learn more about creating navigations

  • When a custom page is added to a navigation, you will be required to create a slug for that page. You can reference that slug to link to the custom page from any of the CTA buttons on your homepage. Learn more about using the Homepage Builder

Using the Page Editor

Overview | Page Name | Page Content Input | Formatting Options | Page Details


The Page Editor is a powerful web-editor tool that allows for a wide range of advanced content editing functionality. 


Page Name

  • The top of the page contains the page name which can be edited at any time.

  • The page name shows up in two places:

    • In the Pages table (shown above), under the Page Name column.

    • In the search results of the public catalog. 

Page Content Input

You can begin editing the content by typing into the WYSIWYG editor.


Formatting Options

You can use text and additional formatting options in our WYSIWYG editor to stylize your pages. 


Text Formatting

  • To format text, simply highlight the text in question, and a formatting menu will automatically appear.

  • This menu contains the following options:

  1. Bold

  2. Italicize

  3. Strikethrough

  4. Underline

  5. Code

  6. Paragraph

  7. Header Large

  8. Header Medium

  9. Header Small

  10. Unordered List

  11. Ordered List

  12. Quote

  13. Large Code Snippet

  14. Link


Additional Formatting

The below actions are all accessible at the top of the page editor.

  1. Add an image

  2. Add a table

  3. Add a horizontal line

  4. Undo

  5. Redo

  6. Upload File

  7. Embed Link

  8. Embed Course Link

  9. Embed Program Link

  10. Embed Catalog Page Link



  • Adding an image opens up a modal that allows you to upload any image from your computer.

  • You can set the max width for the image as well as define an image description and caption. 

  • The image description conveys the purpose of the image to users using assistive technologies. Please provide a description to ensure your catalog remains compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

The image will then appear in the Page Editor once uploaded:


  • By clicking the “Create a Table” button (highlighted in red below), a table will be automatically added into the Page Editor wherever your cursor is located.

  • You can fully adjust the content of every column and row.

  • Once you have added a table, several table-specific actions will appear:

  1. Remove Table

  2. Add Column Before

  3. Add Column After

  4. Remove Column

  5. Add Row Before

  6. Add Row After

  7. Remove Row

  8. Combine Cells

  9. Toggle Header Row


This link references the underlying page ID, so the link persists through iterations of the catalog.

Page Details


You can assign Page Owners and configure Page Metadata within Page Details. 

Page Owners

  • Owners can be individual users and/or committees. 

  • Approval workflows can include a dynamic step that is based on the page owner. If the “page owner” dynamic workflow step is in use, the users defined here will have edit requests for this page routed to them automatically. 

  • If conditional permissioning is configured, only owner-users can make page edits.

Page Metadata

For information on Page Metadata, see: Catalog Metadata - All Catalogs

Action Sidebar

Overview | Publish | Request Changes | View Requests | Print Page | Delete Page | Activity Tab


To the left of the content editor is the “Action” sidebar, which provides a list of pre-built actions that can be made on the catalog page: 



  • Clicking “Publish” will publish the page to the public catalog (allowing it to show up in search results).

  • Once published, the upper right of the Page Editor will show a blue flag that says “Published”.

  • If you make changes to a page that has already been published, we will auto-save the draft of your changes and will not publish your draft until you click the “Publish” changes button.


Request Changes

  • The “Request Changes” button sends the user to the “New Request” page.

  • This page allows a user to submit a request for a change that must go through an approval workflow.

  • This button is most often used by users who are not granted direct edit access (therefore would not be able to edit the catalog page directly, and must use a workflow). 


View Requests

The “View Requests” button pops open a list of all requests for this specific catalog page.


The “Print Page” button allows you to print a PDF version of the page.

Delete Page

The “Delete Page” button deletes the catalog page. This is only recommended for custom pages; learn more here.  


Activity Tab

The “Activity” tab of the sidebar shows all activity that is associated with the page, including all changes that have been made and any comments on the page.


If you click on one of the Activity Items that include page changes, it opens a modal where you can view the changes that were made to the page: 



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