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Table of Contents

Question Settings
Custom Fields
Prebuilt Fields
Prebuilt Cards
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This article captures details that are unique to the Section Template. You can learn more about details that apply to all templates here

Question Settings

Overview | Visible Editable in Requests | Set Reference Value
Set Default Value | Dynamic Actions | Question Settings for “Select” Question Types


  • Many potential question settings are outlined in our All Templates article. See below for additional settings that you might see for certain fields in the Section Template. 

  • Fields in the Section Template are unique (in comparison to other Scheduling templates) insofar as they have a “save changes” button.

  • The “Save Changes” button will stop the edit and exit out of the field; however, you will still need to click the “Save” button in the upper right-hand corner of the page in order for all template changes to be preserved before navigating away from the page. 


Determines whether or not the field is visible to users. If “visible” is checked, you will have the option to further define which roles are allowed to view this field (default setting is “all roles”). 

Editable in Requests

Determines whether or not fields in the Section Template are editable in requests. Learn more here.

Set Reference Value

Overview | How to Do It | Referencing Course Code | Referencing Custom Fields | Additional Note


  • This feature allows display of a value referenced from a course from within the section editing modal.

  • This differs from the behavior of the "default" configuration, as using "default" will actually persist the value to the section object on creation, while the "Reference Value" solely displays a value but does not impact the contents of the section, and is not persisted in the section.

  • This use case is to cover instances where a user wants to display something from a course for informational purposes, but not actually allow it to be edited on the section object. 

  • Common examples of course fields that are used as reference fields are: Course Code, Course Departments, and Course Credits. 

  • Because Reference Values do not exist in the section, they cannot be used for filtering purposes (e.g. to filter sections in the Section Dashboard, Actions, etc.). These fields are locked and uneditable. Additionally, they will not show up in any CSV exports of the data.

  • The reference fields only pull from the course data that is available in Scheduling, so they must be integrated fields. If there is course data or course fields that exist only in Curriculum, but not in Scheduling, these fields will not work as reference fields.

  • Reference fields can be included in rule filters to create custom rules. Learn more here.

  • They can also be used to create Meeting Pattern filters.

How to Do It

  1. Add a Custom Field to your template. 

  2. Click into it to edit its Question Settings. 

  3. Click into the “Set reference value” dropdown.

  4. Select the applicable source of this reference (options are Course, Term, and Part of Term).

  5. Under “Set reference value key”, enter the ID of the field you wish to reference from the Course Template in Curriculum Management (this can be found by locating the field on the Course Template in Curriculum; clicking into it; and locating the “Question Id” at the top of Question Settings). 

Referencing Course Code

  • “Course Code” exists on the back-end but not on the Course Template (it’s a combination of Subject Area + Course Number). 

  • If you wish to use Course Code as a reference value, the input will be “code”, as shown below.

Referencing Custom Fields

  • If the Course Template field you are referencing is a Custom Field, you will need to add “customFields.” before the custom question id when inputting a value for “Set reference value key”.

  • If a Question Id for the Custom Field is “kkcP6”, for example, the value you input for “Set reference value key” would be “customFields.kkcP6”. 

Additional Note

If the field you wish to reference is added to the Course Template after the course was already imported into Scheduling, the field can’t be referenced unless you import the course again. 

Set Default Value

  • The majority of fields allow a custom default. Some fields allow defaulting from the parent course.

  • You can learn more about this feature here.

Dynamic Actions

  • Actions generally work the same in both Curriculum Management, Academic Scheduling, and Catalogs.

  • You can find a general overview of how Actions work – and how to set them up – here.

  • When using the “Instructor” field for an Action on the Section Template, note that it references the Instructor ID rather than the instructor’s name. 

Question Settings for “Select” Question Types

  • If you add a “Select” Question Type to your Section Template (Scheduling), Question Settings will include an option to “Set Dynamic Options from Attribute Mappings”. 

  • You can learn more about setting dynamic options here.

Custom Fields

File Input

A custom "File" input can be added to the Section Template, allowing users to attach files to sections.


There is a custom URL input that can be used to create a hyperlink for the section editing modal.

This hyperlink also supports dynamic injection of specific fields, whose values will be dependent on each section.You can learn more about that here.

Prebuilt Fields

Part Of Term | Section Number | Preferred Rooms & Preferred Buildings
Cross Listed Courses | Allow Integration | Rule Exceptions

Part Of Term

The “Part of Term” question can default for each new section from a "Default Part Of Term" field which is specific on the term object. Currently the "Default Part Of Term" value must be specific for each term and will only happen automatically for PeopleSoft clients.

Section Number

Users can modify the default number of leading zeros for a newly generated section number. 

  • If it is set to "0", then a new section will have a section number of (1, 2, 3....).

  • If it is set to "1", then a new section will have a section number of (01, 

Preferred Rooms & Preferred Buildings

  • There are also multi-select prebuilt fields available for “Preferred Rooms” and “Preferred Buildings”. 

  • These fields allow users to specify their specific room(s) and building(s) preferences within the Section modal. 

  • See how these work in the section editing modal here.

  • Preferred Rooms and Preferred Buildings are also supported by our Section Optimizer algorithm (for details on the Section Optimizer, refer to this article).

Cross Listed Courses

This is a read-only (display only) field found under “Question Bank > Prebuilt Fields”. If added to a template, it will display any existing Course Cross Listings. You can learn more about common use cases for this field in this article.

Allow Integration

"Allow Integration" is found under “Question Bank > Prebuilt Fields”. This prebuilt field and functionality allows specific entities to opt in/out of sending updates to the SIS (POSTs). Please refer to this article for an overview on behavior and supported entities.

Rule Exceptions

  • If you add this to your template, then whenever a rule exception is approved, it will show up in this field in the section editing modal.

  • Most institutions have this field hidden, but if a school would like to ensure these values aren’t rolled over, they can surface it in the editor.. 

  • It should definitely be locked/read-only though (i.e. de-select “editable” in the field’s question settings), given its intended functionality.

Prebuilt Cards

Overview | Instructional Methods Card (Colleague Ethos) | Meeting Patterns & Rooms Card
Instructors | Relationships | Credits Card | Reserve Capacity Card (for PeopleSoft users)
Notes List (for PeopleSoft users) | Course Materials Card (PeopleSoft Only)


  • Prebuilt cards are generated automatically.

  • Prebuilt cards include Instructional Methods, Meeting Patterns & Rooms, Instructors, Relationships, Credits, Notes List, Reserve Capacity, Course Materials, and Exam Meetings. 

  • With the exception of the Credits card, prebuilt cards include nested fields. 

  • Click the pencil icon or directly into the card to open the card’s Question Settings. 

  • To edit the Question Settings for a nested field, open the “Nested Field Settings” toggle and then click directly into the field (or the corresponding pencil icon).

  • Additional details for some prebuilt cards are outlined below. 

Instructional Methods Card (Colleague Ethos)

Overview | Advanced Settings | Question Settings
Associating Instructional Method Records with Individual Meeting(s) and Instructor(s)


PATH: Settings > Templates > Section Template > Instructional Methods

  • The “Instructional Methods” pre-built card in the Section Template allows users to create various Instructional Method records (i.e. Lab, Lecture, etc.) for a given section.

  • It includes two nested fields by default; you can configure question settings for each nested field. 

  • Learn more about using Instructional Methods for Colleague Ethos here.

Advanced Settings

Overview | Hide This Card | Default from Course


When you click into “Advanced Settings”, you’ll have the options to “Hide this card” and “Default from Course”.

Hide This Card

  • The card will be Hidden by default and therefore will not be visible in the section editing modal.

  • If the card is visible, then users will be able to see it in the section editing modal.

Default from Course

  • If Default From Course is enabled, Instructional Method records (and associated nested field data) will be defaulted in sections from the course record upon section creation.

  • From here, users may be able to edit these records and their nested field information depending on the card and nested field editability configuration outlined above.

Question Settings

Overview | Not Editable | Nested Fields


  • This will allow you to further define visibility for the card as a whole as well as each of its individual nested fields. Note that if the card is hidden in advanced settings, it will be hidden for all and will override the “visible” setting in Question Settings. 

  • You can determine if the card is editable (and for which roles) and if it's editable in requests. 

  • You can add actions for the card as whole as well as for each nested field; note that Instr. Meeting and Instr. Instructional Method aren’t supported here.

Not Editable

If the card is not editable, then users will be unable to add, remove, or edit records in any capacity (as indicated in the below screenshot).

Nested Fields

  • Nested fields (like “Name” and “Code”) can be individually configured to be editable, visible, and/or required via each field’s Question Settings. 

  • If “Code” appears for you here, set it to “not required” and “hidden”.

  • Additional custom nested fields (for example, “Contact Measure” or “Instructor Load” for Colleague institutions) can be added to the Instructional Methods card through the back-end. Reach out to your Customer Success implementation team or Support for assistance doing so.

Associating Instructional Method Records with Individual Meeting(s) and Instructor(s)

Overview | Associating with Meetings | Associating with Instructors


Instructional Method records can also be associated with individual meeting(s) and instructor(s).

Associating with Meetings

  • Within the “Meeting Patterns & Rooms” pre-built card (Settings > Templates > Section Template > Meeting Patterns & Rooms), there is a single-select nested field for “Meeting Pattern Instructional Method”.
    This field is hidden by default.

  • If made visible, users will be able to see the nested fields in the section editing modal (navigate to Meeting Patterns & Rooms > Set Details) and associate meetings with an Instructional Method.

  • The Options in the drop-down correspond to the Instructional Method “Code” values defined in the “Instructional Methods” card for the given section.

Associating with Instructors

  • Within the “Instructors” pre-built card (Settings > Templates > Section Template > Instructors), there is a single-select nested field for “Instructor Instructional Method”. This field is hidden by default. 

  • If made visible, users will be able to see the nested fields in the section editing modal (navigate to Instructors > Set Instructor Roles & Details) and associate meetings with an Instructional Method.

  • The options in the drop-down correspond to the Instructional Method “Code” values defined in the “Instructional Methods” card for the given section.

  • If a given Instructional Method is selected in the “Meeting Pattern Instructional Method” and/or the “Instructor Instructional Method” nested fields (i.e. “LEC”’), and that Instructional Method record is subsequently removed from the “Instructional Methods” card (i.e. “LEC” is deleted as a record), then the above-mentioned nested field values will be “wiped” since the original value is no longer one of the options defined in the Section’s Instructional Methods card. In the case of the “Instructor Instructional Method” nested field, if this field had been set to “Required”, users will be forced to input a new value before being able to save edits to the section.    

Meeting Patterns & Rooms Card

Overview | Question Settings | Select TBA | PeopleSoft Only | Banner Only


PATH: Settings > Templates > Section Template > Meeting Patterns & Rooms

  • This card is used for setting the meeting patterns and rooms for a section.

  • The Meeting Patterns & Rooms card includes several nested fields. Default values will be automatically applied to nested fields so that users do not need to click into the modals in order for the defaults to be applied. 

  • You can learn more about the use cases for the "Ignore Relationships" field here

Question Settings

  • Click the pencil icon or directly into the card to open its Question Settings. 

  • This will allow you to further define visibility for the card as a whole as well as each of its individual nested fields.

  • You can determine if the card is editable (and for which roles) and/or editable in requests. 

  • Some nested fields also include the ability to determine whether or not the field is required. 

  • The Room, Free Format Topic, Print Topic on Transcript, Ignore Double Bookings, Ignore Relationships, Meeting Pattern Code, and Meeting Type nested fields include the ability to add actions.

Select TBA

  • You can hide “Select TBA” by clicking into the “Room Select TBA” and “Times Select TBA” fields and unchecking “visible”. 

  • “Room Select TBA” and “Times Select TBA” are hidden by default for integrated schools. When “Room Select TBA” and “Times Select TBA” are hidden, the applicable button does NOT show up in the Meeting Patterns & Rooms modal within a section. 

    • Learn more about setting up TBA meetings for integration schools here.

    • Learn more about setting up TBA meetings for non-integrated schools here.

  •  If “Room Select TBA” and “Times Select TBA” are hidden, the applicable button does NOT show up in the Meeting Patterns & Rooms modal within a section. 

  • When Times Start Date and Times End Date are not hidden, they will show up within the Meeting Patterns & Rooms card and within “Set Details”.

  • Best Practice: During POST Testing, we recommend validating with your Coursedog onboarding team whether selecting TBA for the room and/or meeting pattern assignment causes merge issues. If it does, hide the applicable button entirely in order to prevent such errors.

  • Learn more about how integrated schools should set up TBA Meetings here.

PeopleSoft Only

Topic | Free Format Topic | Print Topic on Transcript | Meeting Pattern Code

You may set the “Topic”, “Free Format Topic”, “Print Topic on Transcripts”, and “Meeting Pattern Code” labels to “Editable” so that PeopleSoft users may edit this information in the section editing modal. Additional guidance on these PeopleSoft-only labels is as follows:


  • Enter a course topic ID to link course topics to class sections. 

  • Topic ID values are defined on PeopleSoft's Catalog Data page and map to CLASS_MTG_PAT.CRS_TOPIC_ID.

  • You can attach topics to specific class meeting patterns.

Free Format Topic

Enter a free format topic if a predefined topic ID is not suitable. 

  • If a professor wants to teach Eng Lit 299 as "19th Century Novelists," but the topic had not been set up as a topic ID, you could enter it as a free format topic. 

  • You can only link free format topics to class meeting patterns. 

  • You cannot assign class meeting pattern topic IDs to combined sections (this would cause data integrity problems). For this reason, the system makes the Topic ID field unavailable on the Meetings page after sections are combined. Instead, only assign free format topics to combined sections. 

  • If you combine sections that already have class meeting pattern topic IDs assigned to them, the system deletes the topic IDs.

Make this editable to allow course topics to appear on the advisement report.

Meeting Pattern Code

PeopleSoft users can assign a meeting pattern code that aligns with each meeting pattern in Coursedog. Learn how to do that here

The following fields are available to be surfaced within the Meeting Pattern & Rooms card, and will be displayed in the Meeting Patterns “Additional Details” modal when editing sections via the Section Dashboard. Please contact your Coursedog onboarding team for assistance surface the following fields, if needed:

  • Session Credit Hours

  • Weekly hours

  • Session Indicator (Learn more here)

  • Instructor Ignore Double Bookings (Override Indicator)



  • What you configure here will impact what appears in the section editing modal under Instructors > Set Instructor Roles & Details. 

  • This card includes several nested fields, and you can edit visibility and editability settings for the card itself and each nested field by clicking into the corresponding pencil icon to open its Question Settings. 

  • All nested fields also include the ability to determine whether or not it “Is required”. 

  • Some nested fields include additional settings, such as the ability to set a placeholder, add Actions, etc.

  • Default values will be automatically applied to nested fields so that users do not need to click into the modals in order for the defaults to be applied.

  • As noted above under “Associating with Instructors”, the “Instructor Instructional Method” field can be used to associate meetings with an Instructional Method.

Instr. Meeting

  • If “Instr. Meeting” is set to “not required” and a department scheduler doesn’t assign a meeting pattern to an instructor, they will be assigned to all meeting patterns for that section by default.

  • If your institution doesn’t typically assign the same instructor to all meeting patterns for a section, you will want to set this to “visible” and “Is required” to ensure the correct meetings are appropriately assigned.

  • You can see how the “Instr. Meeting” field works when editing sections here


This card is used for linking sections.

Renaming Relationships

The types of various "Relationships" can also be re-named. In The Section Template, users can navigate to Relationships > Advanced Settings and specify a custom display name for each relationship option.

These options will show up in the relationship modal when users are adding/editing relationships

Credits Card

This card is used for setting all credit-related fields.

Reserve Capacity Card (for PeopleSoft users)

This card is meant to replicate the "Reserve Capacity" functionality in PeopleSoft and is by default "hidden" so as to not impact non-PeopleSoft customers.

Notes List (for PeopleSoft users)

This card is meant to replicate the "Notes" functionality in Peoplesoft and is by default "hidden" so as to not impact non-PeopleSoft customers. The Notes List card has the following inputs:

When users try to select “note”, a modal displaying all notes will open.

Course Materials Card (PeopleSoft Only)

The Course materials card can be added to the Section Template to support storing textbook and related information on a section. This card matches with what is contained in the SSR_CLASS_TEXTBOOK page in PeopleSoft. This card is hidden by default.

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