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RESOURCES: Setting Up Equipment and Services

Table of Contents

Adding Resources
Editing Resource Settings
Resource Calendar
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  • Coursedog provides tools for the maintenance, scheduling, and management of resources, including setup or teardown times whenever applicable.

  • These resources are divided into two groups: equipment and service.

  • Equipment includes things like tables, chairs, ramp, av equipment, etc.

  • Service includes things like custodial, catering, grounds, IT staff, etc.

Adding Resources


  • You can add resources manually (instructions below) or via CSV. 

  • If you wish to add via CSV, reach out to your Project Manager for assistance.

Adding Resources Manually

STEP 1: Navigate to Events > Resources. 

STEP 2: Click on “+ Add Resource” in the upper left-hand corner.

STEP 3: Input details for your new resource (details under the below screenshot).


Helps identify the equipment being added.


Provide any details here that would help users make sure this is what they’re looking for.


Choose the “Equipment” or "Service" resource type from the drop-down list.


  • Indicate the total number of these items available to be simultaneously scheduled.

  • Coursedog will keep track of this quantity, so you don’t overextend your resources.

  • This field is separate from the “Unlimited” Yes/No input; you should be able to see/edit the “quantity” field even if Unlimited is set to “Yes”.


  • If there is a fixed amount, select “No”.

  • If there isn’t a fixed amount, select “Yes”.


  • Select “Yes” to allow users to see and add this resource to their request on the public-facing events website.

  • Select “No” ro prevent this resource from appearing on the public-facing events website. Users will still be able to select these non-public resources if they are requesting or creating an event directly in the Coursedog Events application.

  • If you don’t select anything here, that is the same thing as setting “Public” to “Yes”.



  • You can associate a fixed and/or hourly cost with every resource.

  • When selecting a resource, the resource cost will display both the fixed cost and hourly cost.

  • Hourly and fixed resource cost are only displayed in the resource select modal in the UI (i.e. not in the Public Site).

Resource Fixed Cost

If there is a fixed cost associated with the use of the resource, add it here. 

Resource Hourly Cost

When creating an invoice for an event, the hourly cost will be multiplied by the number of hours of each meeting (where the number of hours of the event is always rounded up; see here for an example).


  • Resources can be categorized to help further identify which resources are available, where they come from, who may be involved in transport/set-up, etc.

  • Categories can be as general or as specific as you’d like.

  • Examples include: Furniture, IT equipment, Linens/skirting, Indoor, Outdoor, etc.

Allowed Rooms

  • If you would like to limit the item to only being used in specific locations, select from a list of allowed rooms. For example, you wouldn’t want to allow catering in the chemistry lab.

  • When an Allowed Room resource conflict is detected (conflicts which arise when a resource is assigned to a meeting room that it is not allowed to be in), the conflict message will display to the user which rooms the resource is allowed to be in.

Editing Resource Settings

Overview | Adding Resource Contacts | Setup and Teardown Services
Workflow Settings
 | Add an Image


  • Navigate to Events > Resources > (Click into any existing resource) > Resource Settings to edit a resource’s settings. 

  • In addition to changing the settings you configured upon setup, “Resource Settings” also gives you the option to add resource contacts; add setup and teardown services; configure workflow settings; add an image; and delete the resource. 

Adding Resource Contacts

STEP 1: Scroll down to find the Resource Contacts card within Resource Settings > General Settings.

STEP 2: Click on “+ Add New Contact”.

STEP 3: 

  • Click into the fields to enter the contact information for this person.

  • Set “Send Email Notifications” to “Yes” if the contact should be notified if an event using the Resource is added or edited.

  • To learn more about Automatic Event Notifications, click here.

Setup and Teardown Services

  • You may optionally associate setup and/or teardown services with the resource item.

  • What you establish here will be included in the event duration.

  • To add setup and/or teardown services for the resource, open its Resource Settings and then click on “Setup Services”.

Additional Note

If a setup or teardown service is associated with the item, you must assign the exact setup and teardown times associated with the resources used or you will receive an error as shown below.  For example, if a resource has a setup time of 60 minutes, it is important to specify exactly 60 minutes to avoid an event conflict warning message.  

Workflow Settings


  • You can create a unique workflow step for each resource within its Resource Settings. 

  • This can be used to ensure someone gets notified anytime a request is created for a resource.

  • Once you’ve configured workflow settings for a resource, you will still need to add this step to a workflow in order for it to work. To learn more about setting up workflows in Events, go here.

How to Do It

  1. Click the “Workflow Settings” tab. 

  2. Input a Step Name; this defines what this workflow step will be called.

  3. Add Participants; these are the folks that should be notified when this resource is requested.

  4. Establish the number of votes required for approval and rejection. For example, if there are multiple resource approvers, determine how many need to approve it in order to be granted, and input that under “Votes required for approval”.

  5. “If rejected at this step” defines whether an event request returns to an author or someone else if a request is rejected at this resource step.

  6. Determine whether or not this step should have a deadline under “This step has a deadline”. NOte that days are calendar days (and not business days). 

  7. If you selected “Yes” for “This step has a deadline”, you will need to establish the deadline and determine what happens when the deadline arrives. 

Add an Image

Images can be added for each resource to help end users determine what the resource looks like.

Resource Calendar

  • Users can view scheduled events using all resources at Events > Resources.

  • Additionally, each resource has its own calendar with List, Month, Week, & Day views. Select any given resource from the Resources list, and then select “Calendar” from the menu at the top for the resource-specific calendar to appear.

  • The “List View” allows you to view a list of all events scheduled that include given resource(s).

  • The “Calendar View” allows you to view events scheduled that include a given resource on a calendar (month, week, and day views available).

  • Select “Show Academic Events” to pull in the class schedule to further determine availability (if Academic Scheduling is also being used by your institution).

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