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ROLES: Setting Up Roles in Curriculum Management

Table of Contents

Available Roles
Adding a Role
Editing Role Settings
Configuring Roles
Different Role-Based Permissions
Reset Workflow Permissions
Request Editing Permissions
Field-Based Permissions
Hard-Coded Logic
Related Articles


Coursedog allows institutions to set a variety of permissions by assigning roles to their users, differentiating between a faculty member that makes a curriculum request and an admin that manages forms and workflows.


Available Roles

PATH: Curriculum Management > Settings > Roles

  • There are several delivered user roles in Curriculum Management to select from, or you may choose to design and add a new role if one is needed.

  • Preloaded roles include Super Admin, Curriculum Admin, Curriculum Requester, Curriculum Approver, Curriculum Department Admin, and Instructor. 


Adding a Role


If you determine you need roles beyond what is preloaded, follow the below instructions to add a custom role. 

How to Do It

Step 1: Navigate to Curriculum Management > Settings > Roles

Step 2: Click “+Add Role”

Step 3: Input a name and description for the custom role.

Step 4: 

  • Click into the role you just created and set its permissions as needed.

  • See “Configuring Roles” below for additional guidance. 

Editing Role Settings

You can edit a role’s name or description, view a role’s Role ID, or delete roles by hovering over the role and selecting “Role Settings”.

Configuring Roles


Each role allows or limits editing access to Coursedog functionality across the platform in each of the modules. In Curriculum, that includes: 

  • Courses

  • Programs

  • Course Sets

  • Requirement Sets

  • Forms

  • Agendas

  • Requests

  • Settings

  • Drafts

  • Reports

  • Document Types

  • Campus Documents

Setting Permissions


  • You can configure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions for each role, for different features within each area of Curriculum.

  • For most functionality, permissions can be set to either “Allow” or “Deny”. However, a few permissions additionally have an "Allow If" (conditional) option.

    • If “Allow if” is selected, a list of conditions will need to be applied.

    • If “Allow if” is selected but no conditions are defined, that is the same as setting it to “Allow”.

Conditional Permissions

The following functions include a conditional (“Allow if”) option: 

  • Courses – Edit Courses, Delete Courses, Copy Courses
  • Programs – Edit Programs, Delete Programs, Copy Programs
  • Requests – Edit Requests, Delete Requests, Request Changes, Copy Requests
  • Settings – Edit Roles
  • Reports – View Course Not Taught Report
  • Document Types – View Document Type, Delete Document Type, Copy Document Type

Allowed Departments 

The Allowed Departments “Allow If” condition allows you to make role-based access department specific. Users can select which departments have editing and request changes capabilities on courses, programs, and requests.

User is Assigned to Department

If the condition is “Allow If User is Assigned to Department”, the user will have this permission so long as the user is assigned to the department, regardless of whether it is listed as a primary or secondary department in their profile. 

Different Role-Based Permissions

Overview | Course Editor | Programs Editor | Course Sets | Requirement Sets
Forms | Agendas | Requests | Settings | Drafts | Reports
Document Types
 | Campus Documents


The tables below detail the specific permissions that you can manage with roles.

Course Editor



View Courses

  • Allows user to view the courses page as well as individual course details

View Course Integration Status

  • Allows user to see updates regarding whether or not the course has been synced with your SIS

Edit Courses

  • Allows user to edit courses directly in the UI without going through an approval workflow

  • If set to “Allow”, the user will see the “Edit Course” option under “Actions” when viewing a course

  • Recommended for super admin, admin, and department schedulers 

Delete Courses

  • Allows user to delete courses.

  • If set to “Allow”, the user will see the “Delete Course” option under “Actions” when viewing a course

  • If someone with this permission attempts to delete a course, that will trigger a workflow; however, it is possible to have it be set up to autoapprove as part of the workflow

  • It is NOT recommended to add this permission

Share Courses

  • This is a deprecated permission; to share a course, you can copy and paste the link

Copy Courses

  • Allows users to copy courses when proposing a new one

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the user will see “Copy from Course” at the top of the screen when creating a proposal for a new course


Programs Editor



View Programs

  • Allows user to view the programs page as well as individual program details

View Program Integration Status

  • Allows user to see updates regarding whether or not the program has been synced with your SIS

Edit Programs

  • Allows a user to edit existing programs directly in the UI without going through an approval workflow

  • If set to “Allow”, the user will see the “Edit Program” option under “Actions” when viewing a course

  • Recommended for super admin, admin, and department schedulers 

  • Recommended for super admin and admin

Delete Programs

  • Allows user to delete existing programs

  • If set to “Allow”, the user will see the “Delete Program” option under “Actions” when viewing a program

Share Programs

  • This is a deprecated permission; to share a program, you can copy and paste the link

Copy Programs

  • Allows users to copy programs when proposing a new one

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the user will see “Copy from Program” at the top of the screen when creating a proposal for a new course


Course Sets



View Course Sets

  • Allows users to view the Course Sets page as well as individual course set details

Edit Course Sets

  • Allows users to add new course sets and edit existing ones


Requirement Sets



View Requirement Sets

  • Allows users to view the “requirement sets” option/page in the Coursedog UI

Edit Requirement Sets

  • Allows users to add new Requirement Sets or edit existing ones




View Forms

  • Allows users to view the forms page in Curriculum as well as the setup/preview for individual forms

Edit Forms

  • Allows users to edit forms by adding/removing fields, configuring Question Settings for fields, etc.

  • In order to edit forms, users will also need the “view forms” permission





View Agendas

  • Allows users to view the agendas page in the UI as well as individual agendas

  • Users with this permission can add agendas; however, they will not be able to edit them unless they also have the “Edit agendas” permission

Edit Agendas

  • Allows users to edit the agenda’s details

  • In order to edit agendas, users will also need the “view agendas” permission





Initiate Requests

  • Allows user to propose a new course or program or to propose edits to an existing one

  • If a user does not have this permission, they cannot propose a new course from the home page or propose a new [document type] in the course/program/document type inventories

Archive Requests

  • Allows a user to archive a request

  • Users with this permission set to “allow” will see an “archive proposal” option at the top of their screen when viewing a proposal

View All Requests

  • Gives a user the ability to view every request made at your institution, including requests/proposals that don’t pertain to them

  • Users with this permission set to “allow” will see an “All Requests” tab on the Requests Dashboard

Edit Requests

  • This grants a user the ability to edit ALL requests they have access to

  • If this permission is set to “Allow” but the “Edit Requests without Updating Workflow” is set to “Deny”, and the proposal is edited, the workflow will be automatically reset and all prior approvals disregarded

  • To restrict which proposals a user can edit, utilize the "can edit request/cannot edit request" (pencil icon) when assigning a participant to a workflow step

Edit Own Requests

  • Allows user to edit requests that they submitted

  • If this permission is set to allow and a user is viewing a request they created, they will see an “Edit Proposal” option in the upper right hand corner of the screen

  • Even if this and “Edit Requests” are both set to “deny”, the author will still be able to edit their own request IF a proposal is routed back to the author step (the logic being that if it is routed back to them, they need to be able to edit for the proposal to progress)

  • By default this permission is enabled for all roles

View Archived Requests

  • Allows a user to view archived requests

  • If this is set to “Allow” for a user, they will see an “Archived Requests” tab on the Proposal Dashboard

Delete Requests

  • Allows a user to delete a request

  • Users with this permission will see a “Delete Proposal” option when viewing a proposal

Edit Requests Without Updating Workflow

  • Allows a user to edit a proposal without updating its workflow; in other words, the proposal can continue its on-going progress through the workflow

  • If this permission is set to “ALLOW” and a proposal is edited, the user will have the option to determine whether or not the workflow is reset

  • If this permission is set to "DENY" and a proposal is edited, the workflow will reset and all prior approvals will be disregarded

Request Changes

  • Allows a user to propose changes to an existing course or program

  • When set to “allow”, users will see a “Propose Changes” option under Actions when viewing a course or program

Copy Requests

  • Allows user to copy an existing proposal when creating a new one

  • When set to “allow”, users will see a “Copy from Proposal” option at the top of the proposal

Allow Additional Requests For In Flight Requests

  • Allows a user to request changes when a proposal is already in flight for a course or program (see “Request Editing Permissions” below for more information)

  • If this is set to ALLOW, and multiple proposals are in flight, the second one will override the changes from the first one

  • Best practice is to set this to DENY for all roles

  • Setting this to DENY prevents overlapping proposals for the same course or program, which can lead to loss of approved changes due to conflicting proposed changes





View Settings

  • Allows a user to view settings

  • If a user can’t view the Settings page, they won’t be able to view/edit any of the menu options found under Settings

  • For example, if “View Settings” is set to “Deny” but “Edit Users” is set to “Allow”, the user won’t actually be able to “Edit Users” because they won’t have access to the option

View Departments

  • Allows a user to view departments

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission

View Course Template

  • Allows a user to view the course template

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission

View Program Template

  • Allows a user to view the program template

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission

View Workflows

  • Allows a user to view workflows

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission 

View Roles

  • Allows a user to view roles 

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission 

View Users

  • Allows a user to view users 

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission 

View Form Routing

  • Allows a user to view form routing 

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission 

View Terms

  • Allows a user to view terms 

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission 

View Committees

  • Allows a user to view committees 

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission 

View Health Checks

  • Allows a user to view health checks

  • If this is set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission  

Edit Departments

  • This allows a user to make edits to the settings of specific department or add a new department

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Departments” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit departments

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Course Template

  • This allows a user to make edits to the course template

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Course Template” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit the course template

Edit Program Template

  • This allows a user to make edits to the program template

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Program Template” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit the program template

Edit Workflows

  • This allows a user to make edits to workflows

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Workflows” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit workflows

  • Recommended for Super Admin and Admin

Update Workflows for Inflight Proposals

  • Setting this permission to “Allow” will give users the ability to click “Update Workflows for In-Flight Proposals” upon editing a workflow

  • If a user clicks “Update Workflows for Inflight Proposals” after making changes to a workflow, those changes will retroactively impact any in-progress requests 

  • If a user makes changes to a workflow – but this permission is set to “Deny” for their role – they won’t have the option to update workflows for inflight proposals

Edit Roles

  • This allows a user to make edits to existing roles or create new roles

  • Ability to create an Allow If conditional, specifying the allowed roles the user is allowed to edit. This allows a restriction where a user can edit Role X and Y, but not edit Role Z. If a user has restricted edit access to roles, they will see only a subset of those roles appear when they visit the Settings → Roles page

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Roles” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit roles

  • Recommended for Super Admins only

Edit Users

  • This allows a user to create, delete and edit Users

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Users” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit users

  • Allows user to reset passwords for other users, provided the user has requested a reset

  • Recommended for Super Admins only

Edit Form Routing

  • This allows a user to make edits to form routing

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Form Routing” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit  form routing

Edit Terms

  • This allows a user to edit terms
    If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Terms” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit terms

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Committees

  • This allows a user to edit all fields in a committee. Note that the "roles allowed to edit committee" provides additional control to what roles can edit a committee. A user must have a role with the "edit committees" permission and a role that is specified in "roles allowed to edit committee" to edit the committee

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need “View Committee” and “View Settings” permissions in order to edit committees

Edit Committee Members

  • This allows a user to edit only the members + member workflow permissions in a committee. Same rules apply for "roles allowed to edit committee" 

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission in order to edit committees

Edit Workflow Notifications Settings

  • This allows a user to edit workflow notification settings

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission in order to edit committees

Edit Schoolwide Saved Views

  • Allows user to access the Schoolwide Saved Views dashboard and edit Schoolwide Saved Views

  • If set to “Allow”, the role will also need the “View Settings” permission in order to edit committees

  • If set to DENY, user will be redirected to the homepage upon clicking Settings > Schoolwide Saved views





View Drafts

  • Allows user to view a page called “My Proposal Drafts”, where all proposals they’ve started but haven’t submitted are saved 

  • If set to “allow”, users will see a “Drafts” open on the left-hand navigation




View Reports

  • Allows user to view "reports" in the left nav panel

  • If set to “Allow”, users will be a handful of prebuilt reports, including Program Changes, Invalid Workflow Users, and Courses/Programs Out of Sync with SIS

View Course Not Taught Report

  • If set to “Allow”, users will see a listing of courses that have not been scheduled in a specific time period by a department

  • If set to “Deny”, users will see the option to view this report; however, they will get an error message if they click it

View Scheduled General Education Courses Reports

  • This setting has no impact for most schools

Document Types



View Document Types

  • This allows a user to view Document Types

  • In order to view Document Types, a user will also need the “View Settings” permission

Edit Document Types

  • This allows a user to add or edit document types

  • In order to add or edit Document Types, a user will also need the “View Settings” and “View Document Types” permissions

Delete Document Types

  • This allows a user to delete document types

  • If set to “Allow”, a user will see “Delete Document Type” as an option when they click to edit a document type’s settings

  • In order to delete Document Types, a user will also need the “View Settings”, “View Document Types”, and “Edit Document Types” permissions

Edit Template

  • This allows a user to view and edit the template for each document type

Copy Document Types

  • Allows user to copy existing document types when creating a proposal for a new campus document

  • If set to “Allow”, users will see a “Copy from Document” option in their UI when proposing a new campus document

Campus Documents



View Campus Documents

  • This allows a user to view campus documents

  • If set to “Allow”, the “Campus” option will appear in the left-hand navigation

Edit Campus Documents

  • This allows a user to edit campus documents

  • In order to edit campus documents, “View Campus Documents” will also need to be set to “Allow”

Reset Workflow Permissions

Permissions are used to control what options a user has when they edit a request. Learn more about reset workflow permissions here.

Request Editing Permissions

  • Changes" and "Allow Additional Requests For In Flight Requests" permissions are set to “Allow” and/or “Deny”.

  • Note that setting “Allow Additional Requests for In Flight Requests” to Deny will have no impact if the proposal is for a different revision. In other words: If the first proposal is for a revision that has an Effective Start of Jan 1, 2025 and then the second proposal is for the same course but has a Effective Start of Jan 2, 2025, that second proposal will be treated as a new revision (and the user will be allowed to submit it). 

Setting for “Request Changes”

Setting for “Allow Additional Requests for In Flight Requests”




The user is able to propose changes to the given course/program, even if there are existing proposals in-flight.



The user is able to propose changes to the given course/program, but ONLY if there are no existing proposals in-flight.



The user is NOT able to propose changes to the given course/program (the second permission is a moot point in this scenario).



The user is NOT able to propose changes to the given course/program.

Field-Based Permissions

Overview | Visibility | Editability


  • Additional permissions can be set for different roles at the field level. 

  • In other words: within Curriculum forms, each field can be configured to control which roles can see it.


To limit which roles can see a field on a form: 

  1. Navigate to the template or form.

  2. Select a form field.

  3. Check the “Visible” box to ensure the field is visible for some or all users. 

  4. Click the dropdown titled "Visible for all roles".

  5. Select the user roles that should be able to see the field. 


To limit which roles can edit a field on a form:

  1. Navigate to the template or form.

  2. Select a form field.

  3. Check the “editable” box to ensure the field can be edited by some or all uses.

  4. Click the dropdown titled "Editable for all roles".

  5. Select the user roles that should be able to edit the field. 

Hard-Coded Logic

There is some hard-coded logic in Curriculum Management that is tied to prebuilt roles. 

Roles Visible Only to Coursedog Users

  • The student and Coursedog roles are non-editable (invisible) to anyone who doesn’t have the Coursedog role.

  • Unless the user has the Coursedog role, they will be unable to see these roles and configure their permissions in Settings > Roles.

  • If you wish to change any related configurations and don’t have the Coursedog role, please reach out to your Coursedog Customer Success representative.

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