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ROOMS: Setting Up Rooms in Events

Table of Contents

Adding a Room Manually
Room Settings
General Settings
Adding Room Images
Creating a Room Workflow
Blackout Dates
Adding Room Setup and Teardown Services
Adding Room Relationships
Deleting a Room
Related Articles


PATH: Events > Rooms

There are a few different ways to import rooms into Coursedog: manual entry, via CSV upload (requires Coursedog support), or via SIS integration (requires Coursedog support).

Adding a Room Manually

Step 1: Click “+ New Room” to open the “Add Room” modal.

Step 2: 

  • Fill in room details, including all required information.

  • While Room Name (oftentimes used for reporting purposes) and Room Display Name (used to determine what users will see as the room's name in the Coursedog application) are oftentimes the same in the SIS, Coursedog allows you to store both.

  • For the purposes of Workflow Steps involving a Room Name, Coursedog will map the condition to Display Name or Room ID.

Room Template Considerations

  • The fields you see in the “Add Room” modal are determined by your Room Template configuration.

  • To view and/or edit that configuration, navigate to Event Scheduling > Settings > Room Template.

  • This page is used to build the default room record within Event Scheduling; you are able to define all the fields that should be associated with a room.

  • To learn more about the Room Template, visit this page.

Room Settings

  • Navigate to Events > Rooms > (Select a Room) and then click “Room Settings” to modify a given room’s settings. 

  • From there, you can view and modify a room’s General Settings, Images, Workflow Settings, Blackout Dates, and Setup Services. 

General Settings

Hide in Scheduling/Events

  • If “Hide in Scheduling” is set to “Yes”, the room will not appear for a user to assign in Scheduling.

  • If “Hide in Events” is set to “Yes”, the room will not appear for a user to select in Events. 

    • However, the room will still appear on the public site when displaying events, including in the Rooms View. 

    • This is to ensure the Rooms View is comprehensive and shows academic events as well. 

Adding a Room Contact

Once you have added a room, you can manage its contacts.

How To Do It

Step 1: Click into the Room and then select “Room Settings”.

Step 2: On the Room Settings page, click “Add New Contact”.

Step 3

  • Enter the Name, Email, and Phone Number information for the contact.

  • Indicate whether or not the contact should be notified if an event using the Room is added or edited.

  • To learn more about Automatic Event Notifications, click here.

Adding Room Images

PATH: ROOMS > (Select Room) > Room Settings

Step 1: Select “Room Settings”. 

Step 2: Select “Images” on the left.

Step 3: Select “Upload Image”.

Step 4: Locate the photo on your hard drive and select “open”.

Step 5:

  • Repeat the process for any additional images you’d like to add. 

  • The room image(s) will now appear to users when selecting a room in either Event or Academic Scheduling.

  • Users can click on an image to expand it for viewing purposes.

Creating a Room Workflow


You can set up a workflow that would ensure the proper people are notified anytime a request is created for a certain room.

How To Do It

Step 1: Navigate to Event Scheduling > Rooms > (Select Room) > Room Settings > Workflow Settings

Step 2: 

  • Input a Step Name. 

  • The Step Name should define what this workflow will be called, for example: "Room 202 Workflow". 

Step 3: 

  • Identify participants. 

  • Participants would be the folks that should be notified when this room is requested.

Step 4: 

  • Input values for “Votes required for approval” and “Votes required for rejection”.

  • “Votes required for approval” indicates how many votes should be required in order for the request to be granted.

  • “Votes required for rejection” indicates how many votes should be required in order for the request to be denied. 

Step 5:

  • Define what should happen “If rejected at this step”.

  • Use the dropdown menu to determine if a rejected request should be returned to the author or to a previous step – or reject the request entirely.

Step 6: In order for this to actually be embedded within a Workflow, the user must set up a workflow with a dynamic step (that pulls in this workflow step), as defined in Workflows for Events.

Blackout Dates

Learn how to set up Blackout Dates.

Adding Room Setup and Teardown Services

PATH: Event Scheduling > Rooms > (Select Room) > Room Settings > Setup Services


  • Each room has a “Setup Services” tab for users to specify if a room requires setup/teardown times, and what is the default duration of those setup/teardown times.

  • If you want to auto-add setup/teardown services based on event type, the setup services must be set to “Not Required”. If they are set to “Required”, users will have to manually add the setup time.

  • If set to “Required”, the duration for setup time for an event will need to be an exact match of the default; if set to “Not Required”, it does not need to be a match, it can be more or less time than the listed setup time.

Required Permissions

  • In order to edit the Setup & Teardown Services, you must have both “View Rooms” and “Edit Rooms” permissions set to “Allow”.

  • If you are unable to edit Setup & Teardown Services, talk to your institution’s admin about gaining access.

Adding Room Relationships

Overview | Example Use Case | How to Set Up a Room Relationship
How This Works | Required Permissions


PATH: Event Scheduling > Rooms > (Select Room) > Room Settings > Room Relationships

  • Room Relationships allow users to create parent/child relationships between rooms (or main/sub room relationships).

  • This allows a main, larger room to be divided into multiple child rooms. 

  • If the main room is booked, the child rooms are no longer available for booking.

  • If a child room is booked, the full main room is no longer available for booking, but other child rooms are still available.

  • This helps schools maximize utilization of their space.

Example Use Case

  • An outdoor space (“North Lawn”) can be split into two halves to host simultaneous events.

  • The user will create “North Lawn” as a room, then create “North Lawn A” and “North Lawn B” to add them as sub-rooms of “North Lawn”.

  • This will allow users to either: 

    1. Book the full “North Lawn”, thereby booking the subspaces as well. OR

    2. Only reserve one of the subspaces, thereby booking “North Lawn” but keeping the other subspace available for use. OR

    3. Book both of the subspaces separately; booking one subspace or booking both will result in North Lawn being booked.

How to Set Up a Room Relationship

Step 1: 

  • Navigate to Event Scheduling > Rooms > (Select Room) > Room Settings > Room Relationships

  • Navigate to the “Main” Room. Users will assign sub-rooms to the main room from the main room’s Settings, not vice versa.

Step 2: 

  • In the “Sub-Rooms” search box, search for the room(s) you would like to assign as sub-rooms.

  • Select as many Rooms as you would like to assign as sub-rooms.

Step 3 (Optional): Add any notes that might help your end users understand this relationship. 

How This Works

Table Breakdown | Downstream Availability | Additional Notes

Table Breakdown

Assuming a Main Room that has three sub-rooms, this table breaks down the availability of each individual room depending on which room (main room or sub-room A, B, and/or C) is booked. 

Booked Room(s)

Main Room Status

Sub-Room A Status

Sub-Room B Status

Sub-Room C Status

Main Room





Sub-Room A





Sub-Room B





Sub-Room C





Sub-Room A & C





Downstream Availability

Overview | Sub-Room Calendar | Meeting & Locations Card


Once Room Relationships are created, space availability will be reflected on Room Calendars and in the Meetings & Locations card when users are attempting to make bookings from the public events site and the internal app. 

Sub-Room Calendar

As shown below, if the Main Room is booked, all sub-rooms will display a Main Room’s booking in their own calendar and will not be available.

Meeting & Locations Card

  • If the Main Room is booked, the sub-room will not display when using the Location search in the Meetings & Locations card if “Show Only Available Rooms” is toggled ON. 

  • If that toggle is OFF, the unavailable Rooms will display with warnings about why they are unavailable. 

  • At that point, a user with the “Can Submit Request With Conflicts” permission set to “Allow” would be able to submit a request for that space, but a user with that permission set to “Deny” would not be able to submit a request for that space.

  • From Events > Dashboard > “Add New Event,” a user with the “Can Add Events With Conflicts” permission set to “Allow” will be able to create an event that creates a conflict due to Room Relationships, but a user with the “Can Add Events With Conflicts” permission set to “Deny” will not be able to do so.

Additional Notes

  1. Sub-Rooms cannot have their own Sub-Rooms. If you assign “North Lawn A” as a sub-room of “North Lawn,” “North Lawn A” can no longer be assigned its own sub-rooms.

  1. Main Rooms and sub-room(s) will recognize one another’s conflicts, including events and individual room blackout dates, schoolwide blackout dates, and mass room blackout dates. This means that if a sub-room has a blackout date for January 2, the Main Room will not be available for January 2 because its sub-room should not be in use.

  2. Room Relationships functionality is limited to Events. In other words: It does not have an impact in Academic Scheduling. Here’s an example scenario to demonstrate what that means: 

    1. In Events, Main Room 1 may have sub-rooms Child 1 and Child 2. 

    2. If an Academic Section is Scheduled in Child 1, Main Room 1 will still be available in Scheduling. 

    3. Events will recognize the conflict and show a conflict warning.

    4. Events will also surface the conflict in Reports > CSV Reports > Events Conflict List.

    5. For partners who give Academic Scheduling precedence over Event Scheduling, this should not require any change in process, as an Events user will be able to move the Event to avoid a conflict.

    6. However, if Academic Scheduling is not given precedence over Events scheduling (specifically, if a partner makes the Section Rule “Double Booked with Events” a required rule), they should reach out to their CSM for clarification on how to work around this limitation.

Required Permissions

In order to edit Room Relationships, you must have both “View Rooms” and “Edit Rooms” permissions set to “Allow”.

Deleting a Room

Deleting a room is an irreversible action, so confirm you want to delete the room in question before proceeding.

  1. Navigate to Rooms > (Select Room) > Room Settings.

  2. Click the “Delete Room” button at the bottom of the page.

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