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ROLES: Different Role Based Permissions

Table of Contents

Course Editor
Preference Forms
Instructor Dashboard
Institution Settings
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Coursedog offers Role Based Access Control (RBAC) so Admins can manage who can and cannot perform specific actions in Aucademic Scheduling. The tables below detail the specific permissions that you can manage with roles, but you can learn more about setting up roles here.


Course Editor



Add Courses

  • Allows user to add courses

  • Best practice is to set this to "DENY" for integrated schools, given we don't POST Courses within Academic Scheduling

  • Recommended for Super Admin and Admin at schools that are 

Add Courses from Inventory 

  • Allows user to add courses to the Section Dashboard from the course inventory

  • This permission should be set to “Allow” for any user who has permission to add courses to the schedule for the term

Edit Courses

  • Allows user to edit courses

  • Recommended for Super Admin, Admin, and Department Schedulers (if the course is in their department)

Add Sections

  • Allows user to add sections

  • Recommended for Super Admin and Admin

Select Section Type For New Sections

  • Allows user to select the Section Type before creating the section

  • This is specific to PeopleSoft customers; we recommend non-PeopleSoft customers set this permission to DENY

  • For PeopleSoft customers, some Section Types have different default values such that the user must select the Section Type before a section gets created; see expected functionality here

Edit Sections

  • Allows user to edit sections

  • Recommended for Super Admin, Admin, and Department Schedulers (if the course is in their department)

Delete Sections

  • Allows user to delete sections

  • Recommended for Super Admin, Admin, and Department Schedulers (if they are allowed to edit the section)

Add Instructors

  • Allows user to add instructors at Scheduling > Instructors.

  • If set to “Deny”, user cannot add instructors at Scheduling > Instructors but can still click “+Add Instructor” in the Section Editing modal (in other words: this setting doesn’t impact the ability to assign instructors). 

  • Recommended for Super Admin and Admin.

Edit Instructors

  • Allows user to edit an instructor’s preferences at Scheduling > Instructors. 

  • If user has the “Edit Instructors” permission AND the “View Instructor Profile” permission, they can also edit the instructor’s profile at Scheduling > Instructors > Show Profile.

  • If set to “Deny”, user cannot edit instructor preferences at Scheduling > Instructors but can still click “Set Instructor Roles & Details” in the Section Editing modal (in other words: this setting doesn’t impact the ability to assign or modify instructor settings at the section level). 

Delete Instructors
  • This permission controls access to the “Delete Instructor” button on the Instructor Profile in Academic Scheduling > Instructors > Show Profile.

  • The “View Instructor Profile” and “Edit Instructors” permissions must also be set to “yes” for a user to have the ability to delete instructors. 

Allow Duplicate Instructors In Section

  • Allows a user to assign an Instructor multiple Meeting Patterns within a singular Section

  • This permission is applicable for integrated implementations that allow assigning an instructor multiple times within the same section to reflect different roles, meetings, or other details (e.g. PeopleSoft, Colleague Ethos, and Jenzabar CX). 

Assign Instructors From Other Departments

  • Allows a user to assign an Instructor from any outside department to a section

View Other Department Schedules

  • Allows a user to view Schedules pertaining to Departments outside of their own within the “Departments” tabs of the Section Dashboard.

  • By default, users with the pre-built Department Scheduler role will have the Section Dashboard “Sections” view filtered down to their associated departments. If this permission is set to “Deny”, there will be no way for these users to navigate to view other departments’ schedules from the “Departments” tab.

View Instructor Profile

  • Allows user to view an instructor’s profile. 

  • Users with this set to “Allow” would see “Show Profile” for every displayed instructor at Scheduling > Instructors.

View Schedule Analytics

  • Allows user to see analytic information about sections within Coursedog

Filter Dashboard Departments

  • Setting this to ALLOW will only allow the user to see departments assigned to their profile (assuming they have one or more associated Departments) on the homepage of Scheduling

Submit Department Schedules for Validation

  • This permission controls whether or not users can see the “Validate Schedule” button (and submit a schedule for validation) in the Section Dashboard.

Submit Schedule for Validation with Warnings

  • Set to DENY by default

  • If set to ALLOW, then a user with this role will be able to submit the schedule for validation even if they have warnings present

  • If set to DENY, then a user with this role will NOT be able to submit the schedule for validation if there are warnings present in their schedule; Note that they will still be able to submit the schedule if they have rule exceptions (rules associated with a workflow) present

Edit Sections During Schedule Validation

  • If set to ALLOW, the user will continue to have the ability to edit sections even while the department is going through a schedule validation workflow

  • If set to DENY, the ability to edit sections will be frozen for them (meaning they can view the sections but cannot make edits) while the schedule is going through workflow approvals; any edits will need to be made through request changes; editing permissions will be restored if the request is rejected

  • Most clients heavily leveraging Schedule Validation Workflows set “Edit Sections during Schedule Validation” to DENY for Department Schedulers (to ensure the workflow reviewers are signing off on a "steady state" of the schedule) but ALLOW for Super Admins; however, clients with Real-Time integrations or who want to enable users to make constant edits may opt to have Edit Sections during Schedule Validation set to ALLOW. 

    • If you are managing role configuration via Phases, ensure you review these permissions there

  • You can learn more about Phases here.

Edit Sections When Department Status Submitted

  • Allows user to edit sections once a department schedule has a status of "submitted"

  • If set to ALLOW, then section editability will NOT be restricted for users with this role once a Department Schedule has a status of “submitted”; these sections editing capabilities are defined by their “Edit Sections” role permissions and Field-level RBAC permissions (existing functionality). See here for more details.

  • Once a Schedule Validation Request has been fully approved (last workflow step was approved) or if no Schedule Validation Workflow is assigned to the Department and the schedule was effectively “auto-approved” upon submission, the Department Submission Status in the Home Page (“Submission” column) will be updated and display a status of “Submitted”. At this point, users may or may not be able to Edit Sections depending on the “Edit Sections When Department Status Submitted” Role permission configuration.

  • This permission is set to ALLOW by default

  • We recommend customers heavily leveraging Schedule Validation Workflows set “Edit Sections When Department Status Submitted” to DENY for Department Schedulers (to enforce use of “Request Changes” once a Department has a Submission Status of “Submitted”) but ALLOW for Super Admins. 

    • Clients with Real-Time integrations or who want to enable users to make constant edits may opt to have this permission set to ALLOW. 

    • If you are managing role configuration via Phases, ensure to review these permissions there. You can learn more about Phases here.

  • This permission is defaulted to DENY for all roles. When set to deny, users can submit one-off change requests for additional edits, if needed.

  • If this is set to ALLOW, users will be able to eliminate the Department's Schedule Validation Request and/or revert the Schedule Submission Status to “In Progress”. 

Ignore Term Specific Access

  • If there is a field in the section editing modal in which "editable by terms" has been restricted to a certain term (per settings in the Section Template), users with "Ignore term-specific access" set to "allow" will still be able to edit that field in the editing modal regardless of the term

View Section Integration Status

  • Allows user to view status upon opening a section in the Section Dashboard

  • This should always be allowed and will notify schedulers of any merging issues for sections

View Historical Terms

  • Allows user to view historical terms in the course editor

Assign Rooms To Sections

  • Controls which rooms a user sees for selection in the room-select modal when editing a section (i.e. affects search results)

  • If set to “Allow If”, users will be able to see a multi-select for Room Attributes that displays the list of existing Room Attributes (and where more than one can be selected from the list)

  • This permission can be added to the phases configuration

  • If set to ALLOW, filters set up in the Room Allowed Sections will not apply to the room select modal results, and the user will see the room in the modal regardless of any "allowed sections" restrictions

  • If set to DENY, filters set up in "allowed sections" will apply to the room select modal results

Edit Instructor Leave
  • This has no downstream functionality for most schools and should be set to Deny for all users.

Edit Instructor Leave Options
  • This has no downstream functionality for most schools and should be set to Deny for all users.

Edit Instructor Load Requirements
  • This has no downstream functionality for most schools and should be set to Deny for all users.

Edit Instructor Load Requirements Options
  • This has no downstream functionality for most schools and should be set to Deny for all users.

Bulk Add Sections
  • Controls whether or not a user sees the “Bulk Add Sections” button in the Section Dashboard.


Preference Forms



Add Forms

  • Allows user to create new preference forms (both blank forms as well as copies of existing forms)

  • If set to “Deny”, user can neither create a new blank form nor copy an existing one

Edit Forms

  • Allows user to edit existing preference forms

  • If a user is given permission to add forms but not to edit forms, they will not be able to edit their own forms

View All Forms Within Institution

  • Allows user to view, preview, and share all existing forms as well as corresponding answers

  • User will not be able to edit forms, however, unless granted permission via the above “Edit Forms” option

Edit Preference Forms for Other Users
  • Allows users to submit preference forms for instructors other than themselves.

  • Set to allow IF you wish to allow a particular role (generally Admin and above) to make an edit to a preference form or submit an update to a preference form. 

  • Should be set to DENY for all users except perhaps Admins and Super Admins.

Submit Instructor Preference Form
  • Gives users the ability to submit a Preference Form request, which will trigger an approval workflow.

  • If you use the “Allow If User Is Assigned to Department” conditional permission, users will only be able to see the Preference Form(s) associated with their department.

  • If set to “Deny”, user will not be able to see the option to submit a “Preference Form” when creating a new request. 

  • If a User is not associated with a Department and the “Allow If User Is Assigned to Department” conditional permission is used, the user will not be able to open a Preference Form request.


Instructor Dashboard



Show Dashboard

  • Allows users to view the Instructor Dashboard on the Home page

  • In order for a user to see the Instructor Dashboard, they need to have been assigned the “Instructor” role and have “Show Dashboard” set to “Allow”

  • Additionally, to login and use the instructor dashboard in Scheduling, the user needs to be an instructor in the instructor list coming from the integration

  • The instructor’s email in the instructor profile needs to match the user’s email





View Rooms

  • Allows user to view rooms

Add Rooms

  • Allows user to create new rooms

Release Rooms

  • Allows user to release rooms for Scheduling availability to add or use in a Section

  • Typically reserved for Super Admins or Admins

Edit Rooms

  • Allows user to edit the details of existing rooms





Add Approval Workflows

  • Allows user to create new workflows to approve certain requests

Edit Approval Workflows

  • Allows user to edit the existing workflows used to approve certain requests 

Edit Request Settings

  • Allows user to edit the settings of specific requests

Force Approve Requests

  • Gives user the ability to send a request straight to approval, bypassing the approval workflow

  • There is an additional “force approve” permission at the workflow level that has an impact

  • Learn more here

View All Requests

  • Gives user the ability to view every request made within the institution

Archive Requests

  • Allows user to archive a request

View Archive Requests

  • Allows user to view Archived Requests in the Requests module

Edit Requests

  • Allows user to edit a request

  • The author of a request can always edit their request regardless of whether this permission is set to "allow" or "deny" for them

Delete Requests

  • If set to “Allow”, user will be able to delete any request, including their own as well as requests submitted by others

  • If set to “Allow If”, you can select “User is owner” from the condition dropdown to give users the ability to delete requests IF they are the owner

  • If set to “Deny”, the user will not be able to delete any requests, including their own

Edit Requests Without Updating Workflow

  • Allows user to edit a Request while allowing the request to continue its on-going progress through the workflow

  • The author of the request can always edit the request regardless of permission settings; however, if this permission is set to "DENY" for the author of the request, the workflow will reset and all prior approvals will be disregarded

Add Section

  • Allows user to add a section

Add Section from Course Inventory

  • Allows user to add a section from a course in inventory (curriculum), that isn't in the current schedule

Edit Section

  • Allows user to edit a section

Delete Section

  • Allows user to delete a section

Rule Exception
  • Set to "Allow" to allow a user to submit a rule exception request for any section, regardless of other permission settings and/or their assigned department. 

  • Set to "Allow If User is Assigned to Department" to only allow a user to submit a Rule Exception request if they're assigned to the same department as the section. 

  • Set to "Deny" to prevent a user from being able to submit any rule exception requests. 





View Buildings

  • If set to ALLOW, user will be able to access the "Buildings" dashboard and view buildings

Edit Buildings

  • If set to ALLOW, user will be able to edit building data (e.g. Blocked Out Times)




View Reports

  • Allows a user to view the Reports module

View User List Report

  • Allows a user to view the Report of all Users in platform

View User Activity Report

  • Allows a user to view the Report outlining User Activity

  • Recommended for a Super Admin or Admin


Institution Settings



Edit Rules

  • Allows user to edit the Section and Meeting Pattern rules

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Department Settings

  • Allows user to make edits to the settings of specific departments, as well as add and delete departments

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Standard Meeting Patterns

  • Allows user to make edits to standard meeting patterns

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Terms

  • Allows user to edit terms

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Term Date Exceptions

  • Allows user to edit the date exceptions within a term

Edit Term Conversion Dates

  • Allows user to edit the conversion dates within a term

Edit Users

  • Allows user to create, delete, and edit Users

  • Allows user to reset passwords for other users, provided the user has requested a reset

  • Recommended for Super Admins only

Edit Roles

  • Allows user to make edits to existing roles or create new roles

  • Ability to create an “Allow If” conditional, specifying the allowed roles the user is allowed to edit. This allows a restriction where a user can edit Role X and Y, but not edit Role Z. If a user has restricted edit access to roles, they will see only a subset of those roles appear when they visit the Settings → Roles page

  • Recommended for Super Admins only

Edit Future Actions

  • Allows user to edit existing Timeline Items, previously known as “Future Actions”

Edit Phases

  • Allows user to edit existing Phases

Edit Templates

  • Allows user to make changes to the section, instructor, room, and course templates

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Notification Events

  • Allows user to change, delete or make new notification events

  • This is not used by most institutions (it has been replaced by Timeline Items)

  • Recommended for Admin only

Edit Groups

  • Represents future functionality and does not affect the current product

Edit Workflow Notification Settings

  • Allows user to make edits to the email notification template

Edit Schoolwide Views

  • Allows user to access the Schoolwide Saved Views dashboard and edit Schoolwide Saved Views

  • If set to DENY, user will be redirected to the homepage upon clicking Settings > Schoolwide Saved views

Update Workflows for Inflight Proposals
  • Setting this permission to “Allow” will give users the ability to click “Update Workflows for In-Flight Proposals” upon editing a workflow

  • If a user clicks “Update Workflows for Inflight Proposals” after making changes to a workflow, those changes will retroactively impact any in-progress requests 

  • If a user makes changes to a workflow – but this permission is set to “Deny” for their role – they won’t have the option to update workflows for inflight proposals





Run Section Optimizer

  • Allows user to run the Section Optimizer

  • Recommended for Admin only

Run Time Optimizer

  • Allows user to see the “Time Scheduling” settings related to running the Time Optimizer component of the Section Optimizer

View Exam Optimizer

  • Allows user see the Exam Optimizer in their UI

Run Exam Optimizer

  • Allows user to run the Exam Optimizer

Merge Optimizer Results

  • Allows user to merge the results of an optimizer run into the Section Dashboard

  • Recommended for Admin only

Merge Exam Optimizer Results

  • Allows user to merge the results of an Exam Optimizer run with the "Exams" card in the section editing modal

  • Recommended for Admin only





View Relationships

  • Allows users to view Relationships

Edit Relationships

  • Allows users to edit the details of existing Relationships

Add Relationships

  • Allows users to create new Relationships 





View Rollovers

  • Allows users to view rollovers

Execute Rollovers

  • Allows users to execute rollovers

View Historical Terms

  • Allows users to view historical terms

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