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TERMS: FAQs & Troubleshooting

Table of Contents

What happens if term dates change after the schedule has been created?
How can I detect double-booking conflicts across terms?
Can I display/select multiple “Current Scheduling Terms” at once?
What happens if we mark a term as historical?
How can I get historical terms to appear in reports?
How do cascading dates work in Coursedog?
Default Term isn’t Displaying
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What happens if term dates change after the schedule has been created? 


If your institution's term dates change after your class schedule has been finalized in Coursedog, these changes will automatically update in the user interface with a couple exceptions.



  • Dates will not automatically update for sections that have values set in the section.startDate or section.endDate fields. 

  • Any override dates at the section or meeting time level will not automatically update (as they are custom and not derived from the Parent Term or Part of Term).

  • Integrations will set the section and meeting time dates based on information provided by the SIS even if the end-user does not provide overrides when creating the records. 


How can I detect double-booking conflicts across terms?


If your institution needs to detect conflicts across terms in order to avoid double bookings, you can follow the below guidance.


How to Do It

In order to detect double-booking conflicts across terms, you must ensure that the term dates overlap. If these dates do not overlap, then there will be no cross-term conflict validation, regardless of whether or not the dates set at the section or meeting pattern level overlap.


Can I display/select multiple “Current Scheduling Terms” at once? 

Overview | Best Practice | Section Dashboard | Account Settings


  • This question might pop up if your institution schedules more than one term at a time. 

  • You can’t multi-select terms (mainly because that’s what determines your Section Dashboard view, which is dictated by Term), but best practices and a couple workarounds are outlined below.

Best Practice

  • Set the “Current Scheduling Term” to be the one that more users are actively scheduling or that is more pressing. 

  • Users can then make adjustments to their view, as indicated below.

Section Dashboard

You can always toggle between different terms within the Section Dashboard by selecting a different term from the “Select Term” dropdown menu. 

Account Settings

  • Users can additionally set their individual Default Term in Account Settings.

  • Directions are outlined here.

What happens if we mark a term as historical? 

How can I get historical terms to appear in reports? 

  • Once a term is marked as “historic”, it will no longer show as a drop-down option throughout our app, including at Scheduling > Reports. 

  • If you would like to view reporting for a historical term, you will need to switch the term back to non-historical (Scheduling > Settings > Terms > [Select Term]), run your report, and then return it back to historical. 

How do cascading dates work in Coursedog? 

Go here for details.


Default Term isn’t Displaying

Problem Overview

You set a Default Term (e.g. Summer 2024), but when you log in a different term always displays (e.g. Spring 2024).


  • This can happen if you or an admin define a Default View for you that includes a different term.

  • In that scenario, the term you see when you first log in will always be the term included in that Default View. 

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