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PEOPLESOFT: FAQs & Troubleshooting

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How can I manage linked sections for a PeopleSoft School?

Overview | Creating Relationships in PeopleSoft | Reviewing Relationships in PeopleSoft
Deleting Linked Sections in PeopleSoft


Once all sections in the relationship have been created in Coursedog and synced with PeopleSoft, you are ready to create relationships.


Creating Relationships in PeopleSoft

Step One: 

  • The first step in creating a linked section relationship in Coursedog is to create the sections that will belong to the relationship.

  • You can learn more about adding sections here.


Step Two:

  • After creating a section, save the section so that it may be sent back to PeopleSoft. 

  • PeopleSoft will then generate a CLASS NBR for the section which will populate in Coursedog following the nightly sync.

  • This value should be visible in the section editing modal 24 hours after the section is saved.


Step Three: 

  • Navigate to a pre-existing section in Coursedog and open the section editing modal.

  • Scroll down to Relationships and select “+ Linked Sections”.



Step Four: 

  • Complete all relevant fields in the “Edit Relationship” modal.

  • When adding sections to the relationship, be sure to select the “+” button. Otherwise, the relationship will not be built.


Field Options


Field Name


Combined Max Enrollment

  • For linked sections only. 

  • If the Combined Max Enrollment sum is not set, the value will be defined as the sum of the max enrollments of all sections in the relationship.

Relationship Options

Same Time, Same Day, And Same Room

  • This is also known as a “shared space” or “taught together” relationship. These sections are supposed to be taught at the same time and day, and in the same room.

  • With this relationship, all Double Booked Instructor and Double Booked Room conflicts will be ignored.


No Relationship

  • If a user wants to combine two sections that have different meeting patterns, they must set the "Relationship Type" to "No Relationship," which is the same as setting the "Skip Meeting Pattern Edit Flag" to "Y" in PeopleSoft.

  • If this is not done, the relationship will not be able to be created in PeopleSoft.



Step Five:

  • Confirm that the sections in the relationship have identical instructor, meeting pattern, and room assignments, as applicable.

  • Coursedog does not automatically copy professors, rooms, and meeting times from one section to another in a relationship, and we suggest users do that manually (or wait for the nightly merge to sync the section data from PeopleSoft).


Reviewing Relationships in PeopleSoft

  • Wait 24 hours and then check to confirm your relationship synced with PeopleSoft.

  • Relationships sync on a nightly basis and require 24hrs to be reflected in the system when real-time integration has been enabled by your institution.
    Once synced, the below will be displayed:



Deleting Linked Sections in PeopleSoft

  • You can delete one of these relationships by clicking the red delete button within the relationship.

  • If you delete a linked section, the relationship will be deleted for the section and the sibling automatically. For example, if BIO1300 - 001 and BIO2200 - 001 are linked, and you delete the relationship from the BIO1300 - 001 section editing modal, it will automatically be deleted for BIO2200 - 001 as well.




How can PeopleSoft users configure standard meeting pattern codes?

Overview | How to Do It | Additional Notes


PeopleSoft users can set Standard Meeting Pattern codes by configuring the Times Code field in the Section Template and then using the Set Details option in the section editing modal.  


How to Do It

Step One: 

  • Select the "Advanced Settings" option for "Meeting Patterns & Rooms".

  • PATH: Scheduling > Settings > Templates > Section Template > Meeting Patterns & Rooms > Advanced Settings 


Step Two: Configure the Times Code field ("Meeting Pattern Code") as shown here.



Step Three:    

  • Select the "Set Details" option in the section editing modal.

  • PATH: Scheduling >Section Dashboard >Select Section 

Step Four:    

  • Enter the desired Meeting Pattern Code.

  • Codes vary by school, so schools will need to consult their own internal documentation. For many institutions, they are often named according to the days the section meets. A section that meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for example, might have a code of "MWF" (shown below).


Alternative Solution:    

  • Meeting pattern codes can also be set at the meeting pattern group level.

  • PATH: Scheduling > Settings > Meeting Patterns > + Add Standard Meeting Pattern Group


Additional Notes

  • Once set, the Meeting Pattern Code is sent to PeopleSoft during integration runs via the stndMtgPat field. 

  • Once sent in the POST payload, the "Pat" field in PeopleSoft should be set (shown below).

  • You can learn more about defining class meeting patterns in PeopleSoft by referencing their PeopleBook.



How can I assign the same instructor to a section twice in PeopleSoft?

Overview | Permissions | Instructor Details Card | Workload Hours


  • In order for an instructor to be assigned to a section twice using a single Employee Record, they must be assigned using a unique combination of Assign Type and Employee Record.

  • This means that you will need to use a different Assign Type to utilize the same Employee Record twice.




In order to assign another instructor to the same section, the permission "Allow Duplicate Instructors in Section" must be set to “allow” for the given role you are assigned. The permission can be set by an Admin and is found in Academic Scheduling > Settings > Roles > Course Editor > "Allow Duplicate Instructors In Section".


Instructor Details Card

In the Instructor Details card, there is a field called "Meeting" which allows you to specify which meeting the instructor is assigned to. If this field is left empty, Coursedog will automatically default to all meetings. 


Workload Hours

If you are looking for workload hours to be designated to a specific meeting, you can use the "Meeting" field to specify a specific meeting the instructor should be assigned to, and then the workload hours will only be designated one time, instead of multiple times for each meeting.

How can I avoid having a section in more than one relationship?

  • You can use the “Multiple Relationships” custom Section Rule for this. 

  • If the rule isn’t already built for you at Scheduling > Rules > Section Rules, the filter required to create it is: Relationship (Section Field) → Longer Than → 1.

  • Note that the error that will be flagged if this rule is violated will only show up when viewing the section that is already in a relationship. 

    • For example, if ECON101 is in a combined section with MATH101 and you open CHEM101 in the Section Dashboard and create a relationship with ECON101, you won’t see a flag indicating that ECON101 is already in a relationship. 

    • Instead, you will only see that flagged when viewing ECON101.

How can PeopleSoft customers delete sections in Coursedog? 

Overview | Risks of Deleting Sections in Coursedog | Considerations
Requirements | How to Do It | Tracking Deleted Sections


  • Deleting sections in Coursedog isn’t something we enable by default, but it is something that can be done for PeopleSoft schools provided there is no enrollment or engagement with the section (after that point, sections can only be cancelled so students can still see it). 

  • There are some nuances and risks involved in section deletion. 

Risks of Deleting Sections in Coursedog

  • Once a section is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

  • Deletion is irreversible.

  • Deleting sections means losing audit capabilities. 


  • Section deletes are NOT part of the real-time integration. Any sections deleted from Coursedog will only be deleted from the SIS during a nightly merge. 

  • Sections in relationships should have their relationship removed prior to deleting the section.


Users can only delete a section if their role has the Delete Sections RBAC set to “Allow”. 

How to Do It

If you decide to proceed with section deletion in Coursedog, you can find instructions here

Tracking Deleted Sections

Users can use the exportable Deleted Course Section List report to see all sections that have been deleted from within Coursedog. 


Meeting Persists Even Though Class Was Cancelled


  • If a class is cancelled and PeopleSoft automatically removes the instructors/meeting patterns, then that change will be picked up by the nightly merge and reflected in Coursedog the next day (assuming that no changes are made to the meeting pattern in Coursedog after the class is cancelled).

  • This is currently set up in the existing merge settings. However, if the meeting pattern persists in PeopleSoft, then it will also persist in Coursedog.

  • You can set up rules to have users remove the meetings themselves in Coursedog. 


How To Do It

The simplest rule configuration would be the following combination of filters. 


Step One: Create a filter that checks if the meeting pattern has any days associated with it.



Step Two: Create a filter to check for a specific status (I.e. “cancelled”).



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