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Can I hide specific departments in Scheduling and Events?
How do we handle courses that are owned by multiple departments?
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Can I hide specific departments in Scheduling and Events?
Overview | Use Case | How to Use It
Hiding from Scheduling Homepage | Additional Note
You can hide departments in both Academic and Event Scheduling by using “Hide In (...)” functionality.
You can also prevent inactive departments from appearing on your Academic Scheduling homepage by ensuring their status is listed as “inactive” in the department’s settings.
Use Case
Being able to hide departments is useful if your institution needs to narrow down the list of departments that should be available as options within the Section Template in Academic Scheduling and Event Forms in Event Scheduling.
Banner institutions, for example, might store Academic Departments (like “Educational Studies”) and other organizations (like “Registrar’s Office”) in the same “Departments” table, with both being displayed as Departments in Coursedog by default. By leveraging the “Hide In (...)” functionality, they can choose to hide academic Departments (Educational Studies) as a selectable option in the “Departments” field in Event Forms, while still surfacing others (like “Registrar’s Office”) that are more applicable depending your institution’s business practices.
How to Use It
Overview| Hide in Academic Scheduling| Hide in Events
“Hide in Scheduling” and “Hide in Events” are available in Department settings in both Academic and Event Scheduling.
The “Hide in (...)” option defaults to “NO”, so if you wish to hide a given department, you will want to ensure you’ve changed the toggle to “YES”.
You can change the “Hide in (...)” settings for a given department in Academic Scheduling at Scheduling > Settings > Departments > (Select Department) and in Events at Events > Settings > Departments > (Select Department).
Changes you make to a department’s “Hide in (...)” settings in Academic Scheduling will be reflected in Events, and vice versa.
Hide in Academic Scheduling
Set to “No”
If “Hide in Scheduling” is set to “No”, then the Department will be an option available for selection in the “Department” field of the Section Template (example below).
Set to “Yes”
If “Hide in Scheduling” is set to “Yes”, then this Department will not be an option available for selection within this field (example below).
Hide in Events
Set to “No”
If “Hide in Events” is set to “No”, then the Department will be an option available for selection within Department-select fields in Event Forms (example below).
Set to “Yes”
If “Hide in Events” is set to “Yes”, then this Department will not be available for selection within Department-select fields in Event Forms (example below).
Hiding from Scheduling Homepage
You can prevent inactive departments from appearing on your scheduling homepage by ensuring its status is set to “inactive”.
How to Do It
Navigate to Scheduling > Settings > Departments.
Select the department you wish to hide from the homepage.
Switch its status to “inactive”.
Additional Note
The “Department” pre-built field in Events is only available in the internal UI; it isn’t available in the public Events site.
How do we handle courses that are owned by multiple departments?
If a course belongs to more than one department, only users of both departments listed can add or edit sections if their permissions are set to “Allow If User in Dept".
Two potential workarounds are outlined below.
Workaround Options
An admin should assign Department Schedulers to all departments that their primary department shares course ownership with. Train those users that they shouldn't touch the schedules of the departments they aren't actually in.
Set “Add Sections”, “Edit Sections”, and “Filter Dashboard Departments” permissions to “Allow” for Department Schedulers and train them to select their department when scheduling.